SC House OKs bill ending permits to carry concealed weapons


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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A bill that would allow South Carolina residents to carry concealed weapons without a permit has passed the House.

Supporters of getting rid of concealed weapons permits amended a bill Thursday allowing permits from Georgia to be accepted in South Carolina. The changed bill was approved on a 90-18 vote.

Rep. Mike Pitts introduced the amendment. The Laurens Republican says it is a good compromise because people would still have to keep their guns hidden from view in public, but would not have to go through hours of training for a constitutional right.

Opponents of the bill say training is important to gun safety.

The South Carolina Sheriff's Association hasn't had a chance to review the bill but says it opposes people carrying weapons in public without training.

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While i can admit that this goes back to the second I have issue with the no training many people today do not have the basic concept of weapons safety. Back in the day even a 5year old knew more safety than many common adults ... But a good move nonthe less
In Florida and Texas they have make my day laws. Its legal to carry a gun and shoot first in Florida and in Texas
I don't like armed people being untrained. :ugh:
In Florida and Texas they have make my day laws. Its legal to carry a gun and shoot first in Florida and in Texas

It is wrong, no matter either with police or citizens. That is why I kept insisting no guns in North America or anywhere in other countries. You have to think "humanity". Our life matters. All of us matters.

That is why wars need to be stopped and have peace including getting along with people who are different from you. Anyway, no one is perfect. We all make mistakes and have to learn with regret. If the police don't want to have peace with diverse people, then that is sad that people like you have to think with terrible comment to carry the gun and shoot first. You are no better than they are. :(
Is George Zimmerman in Florida Department of Corrections?

We aren't discussing about George Zimmerman.

You can't kill anyone that you don't like it.

If you want kill liberal person that isn't threatening to you so you will spend rest of your life in prison.

That's no GTA V for you.
The point is Texas and in Florida you can defend yourself with a gun without a permit. Anywhere else its a prison sentence. Even you shot a mugger who tried too mug you. Just like remember 2 years ago the crooks who tried to steal the couples van from an NJ parking garage. They shot the old man and left him for dead while it took 10 minutes for medics to arrive. And who signed that anti gun bill into law? Governor Chris Christie and he has no chance in hell getting in that white house.
The point is Texas and in Florida you can defend yourself with a gun without a permit. Anywhere else its a prison sentence. ....
Not necessarily true. In SC, you don't need a permit to own a gun and have it in your house for self defense. Right now we need permits for concealed carry of hand guns. You don't need a permit to have a shot gun in your house and shoot an intruder; you are protected by the castle doctrine.