Imagine what you would be at, 40 years from today?


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Nov 20, 2006
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That would be the year 2054... what would you expect to be like if you were alive and wondering around.

For me, I would be 67 years old, chilling on the patio, wearing sunnies, chatting with my best friend and lol'ing at the n00bs strolling along the footpath :lol:

How about you?
At 73, Still kickin'! :P

(JClarke, why are you thinking this far ahead?).
I'll be 73, skiing down the hill
At 73, Still kickin'! :P

(JClarke, why are you thinking this far ahead?).
I was just talking to my best friend at work, discussing what the life would be like, in 2054, 40 years on.....and the life would be better out there, we both talked about the old photos in the 20th century, checking out what lifestyle in work was like, and he said that we would be laughing at the photos of these LED TV's, Flat screen monitors and these early 21st century decent computers.... in 2054, I am sure we will be completely envolved with advanced technology.
Hopefully in heaven having a laugh with all my loved ones who have passed before me.
Front row seat to watch my children, their children.........
what's the point of thinking ahead when you can only live in the present? Let tomorrow take care of itself.
I was just talking to my best friend at work, discussing what the life would be like, in 2054, 40 years on.....and the life would be better out there, we both talked about the old photos in the 20th century, checking out what lifestyle in work was like, and he said that we would be laughing at the photos of these LED TV's, Flat screen monitors and these early 21st century decent computers.... in 2054, I am sure we will be completely envolved with advanced technology.

That's an amusing thought - for now! :D Do you recall some of the things your grandparents had to say about the ever-changing world? Don't be surprised when you start to utter their words! :lol: We all develop a fixed idea of our world baby! ;)
I will be 72 years old. I will probably be in a group home for elders.
You better take better care of your feet , I had seen some pretty sad looking feet as a health aide. They got that way from not being taken care of.

It's true! One common complaint among the retirees in FL! It all starts on the inside, by the time you notice it on the outside (skin), it's already quite advanced. :shock:
will be 84 yo and banging chicks quarter my age as id be the new proprietor Playboy mansion once owned by the renowned late Hugh Hefner ...
I'll be dead within 5 years give or take so no need to make plans that far ahead ... no time like the present anyways :P
40 years from now I would be only 117. Probably resting somewhere?
:shock: I'll be 67.... That's not cool to think about, I already have back pain what's it going to be like when I'm 67!? :laugh2:
Probably dead. 99 lol.

Though if I live that long will be fascinating to see how my nephew and nieces AND great nephew turns out. They'll all be in the range of 47 to 70 (O-o).

Yes...I remember my grandfather being fascinated, a little scared I think and not really accepting of the technology-- mainly when computers started to spread more in the personal space. He was a smart man but I don't think he ever fully grasped the idea of how the modem & internet worked- he tried though- wouldn't ask for help but we knew he was looking at materials that dad left him lol.

I wonder how my grandmother, who LOVED to read, would have reacted to Kindles and e-readers...