A question...is the Cochlear implant made for the hearing or for the deaf?

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I understood you perfectly, and you know it.
I don't think so. I think you understood nearly nothing because you have made a zero effort into understanding this matter. The first time I was exposed to this whole thing, I have made a tremendous amount of time and effort to learn more and to immerse myself in it. Have you?

Funny... coming from a person saying something about putting words in someone's mouth and assuming :lol:

But nice try trying to save face.

Are you an Aries by any chance Jiro?
not by a mile. are you?
You quoted it in post 271.

which is what?

looks like this is wasting my time watching merry-go-around. as always - you've got question? ask'em! :cool2:
Oh wow, too much quibbling. :dizzy:
i have a specialist text book right here, written in 2005, which is not that long ago, ... it said..."Research indicates that approximately one-third of implanted children achieve all that an implant offers (hyde, 2004). The develop listening skills and spoken languages that enable effective communication with hearing peers and the hearing world. AQ further one-third gain environmental awareness, phonological awareness (essential for literacy), enhanced listening and speech development, but may not achieve the fluent spoken communication skills of the first group. The remaining one-third receives minimal benefit for a variety of reasons. This last group may require alternative communication support to develop literacy. It is essential the research identifies factors that lead to success prior to implantation in order to that appropriate implantation occurs and parental expectations can be met to develop a functioning language mode as soon as possible".

pretty disgusting don't you think??

*nods* Exactly. And the first group is most likely even smaller when you look at the broader picture........meaning that yes they have pretty good (Clarke style) speech and hearing skills but at the same time they still deal with virtually all of the same issues that HOH/ oral deaf kids have dealt with for AGES.
Also, a lot of those kids may have had the advantage of progressive losses or had SOME speech perception with aids. One thing that people have forgotten is that it's no longer just the right off the bat candiates (ie don't even respond to enviromental sound with aids) being implanted......
I don't think we have a right to tell parents how to raise their kids. Especially when medical professionals, some insurance cos and the FDA approve of the procedure.

Perhaps they approve of it b/c of montary influence? Ever hear of Big Pharma?
which is what?

looks like this is wasting my time watching merry-go-around. as always - you've got question? ask'em! :cool2:

The difference is, I asked you a specific and clear question. :lol: That is ok though.
I met a man once, and still maintain contact with him, who became deaf over a period of time. A condition he inherited from his mother, he became fully deaf in his 50's I believe. And although he has a Deaf wife, he chose to get the CI. I asked him, as I am not shy about asking anybody pretty much anything, if he heard like a static, or a robotic tone to the sounds, and if he heard better or worse, or about the same. He told me he hears, with the CI active, perfectly. As if he had never become deaf at all. Now, with it off, he is profoundly deaf. But he is deaf, not Deaf, and he an I and his wife all know and understand that. I respect his decision on the matter, as it is his own life to deal with. But as for the effectiveness, I really can't conclude. I can only add my story to the very many I have read about and been told about where-in the CI didn't work, or what have you. Personally, I don't think anything piece of technology should change your identity. No more than Shelby Cobra or McMansion. It's just stuff, and who you are is who you are. If you're Deaf, be Deaf. But I don't see it as a reason to not get a CI or try to do something you think might make you happy. Culture is always changing. Don't be afraid to just be yourself.

Deagon, that's b/c he was late deafened. Late deafened people are the best users of the CIs.
The difference is, I asked you a specific and clear question. :lol: That is ok though.

which is what???? it shouldn't be too hard for you to ask me a specific question here instead of quibbling around.
which is what???? it shouldn't be too hard for you to ask me a specific question here instead of quibbling around.

No quibbling at all friend. The question has been asked and was very specific. You have been referred to the post (271) where you quoted the question. If you wish not to answer that is fine, feel free to move on. I will not hold it against you. :)
sorry. nope. you're not getting out of it.

The Apostle of the Deaf of America - YouTube

Alexander Graham Bell ASL Movie Trailer - YouTube

disability history museum--Education: Essay: Disability History Museum
Alexander Graham Bell: A legend in the history of deafness « Cochlear Implant Online

these methods were medically and professionally accepted that were believed to be in the best interest of deaf children to be able to hear and talk. because of that... parents agreed and proceeded ahead with the said methods. in modern time, these methods are obviously considered archaic, barbaric, cruel, unproductive, and ineffective.

and yet.... you still say you don't THINK we have a right to tell parents how to raise their DEAF kids? simply because medical professionals said it's fine?

Sadly it's still going on.......the idea behind oralism is STILL the SAME. It's not about giving dhh kids an additional skill, but it's about assimlating dhh kids into the mainstream, and ignoring their REAL needs.
No quibbling at all friend. The question has been asked and was very specific. You have been referred to the post (271) where you quoted the question. If you wish not to answer that is fine, feel free to move on. I will not hold it against you. :)

And I have already referred you to the answers. If that is not up to your satisfactory, that is fine. feel free to move on and the only advice I can give you is in Post #284.
I don't buy into conspiracy theories....

Um, there's big pharma.........and by making a dhh kid dependant on hearing devices, you insure that they cannot function without it......thereby generating MORE money for the medical industy.
And I have already referred you to the answers. If that is not up to your satisfactory, that is fine. feel free to move on and the only advice I can give you is in Post #284.

Ah, you edited again. :)

I don't see anything that answers the question. :cool2:
Uhhh no, actually I was making an addition on my post while you were posting this one. I think there's a missed boat element for an implanted adult, I don't think they'd ever reach the full potential of what a CI could do. Not to say they'll all "fail" but lets say someone the sane age as me, 38, that was deaf from birth, while I'm late deafened, we got implanted the same day, oh and toddler. I don't think that deaf adult would do as well as I or the toddler would. My brains already wired for sound, and that toddler still has time to be wired for sound.

AND it is very apparent that when you read people posts you do an awful lot of shoving words in their mouths they didn't say. I don't know if its because you misunderstand, assume too much, or are just a little snarky. Because until I made that addition I was talking about KIDS and getting them ready to be adults. I hadn't been talking about implanted adults. At. All.

You are right when you talk about someone who didn't get ANY benifit from hearing aids. But what about all the Deaf adults who DID get benifit from aids? And you're assuming that the toddler is going to be "almost hearing" or very mildly HOH...........it doesn't always work out that way.
I understood you perfectly, and you know it. But nice try trying to save face. Are you an Aries by any chance Jiro?

All right now wild woman behave yourself I'm an aries :P :laugh2:
yes. out of pity for you since you were being a fussy one.

then see my advice above that would undoubtedly help you in understanding my answers better.

No. What you edited was a mistake. You originally said "There is no question in post 271." And as I have said throughout, if you choose not to answer, that is perfectly ok with me. :)
No. What you edited was a mistake. You originally said "There is no question in post 271." And as I have said throughout, if you choose not to answer, that is perfectly ok with me. :)

hence.... an edit... because you did not link it thus making me look for it and I ended up looking at wrong post. not very nice of you.

like I said - I have already referred you to the answers. If that is not up to your satisfactory, that is fine. feel free to move on and the only advice I can give you is in Post #284 (linked for your convenience because I'm a nice guy).

So let's not quibble around that I chose not to answer which is not true... it's you who chose to not accept my answer. Again - if you have any specific question, please do ask.
I met a man once, and still maintain contact with him, who became deaf over a period of time. A condition he inherited from his mother, he became fully deaf in his 50's I believe. And although he has a Deaf wife, he chose to get the CI. I asked him, as I am not shy about asking anybody pretty much anything, if he heard like a static, or a robotic tone to the sounds, and if he heard better or worse, or about the same. He told me he hears, with the CI active, perfectly. As if he had never become deaf at all. Now, with it off, he is profoundly deaf. But he is deaf, not Deaf, and he an I and his wife all know and understand that. I respect his decision on the matter, as it is his own life to deal with. But as for the effectiveness, I really can't conclude. I can only add my story to the very many I have read about and been told about where-in the CI didn't work, or what have you. Personally, I don't think anything piece of technology should change your identity. No more than Shelby Cobra or McMansion. It's just stuff, and who you are is who you are. If you're Deaf, be Deaf. But I don't see it as a reason to not get a CI or try to do something you think might make you happy. Culture is always changing. Don't be afraid to just be yourself.

who are you? :lol:
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