Deaf child hears for the first time


The one thing that really stood out for me was when the parents said "we really don't know what he hears now".

This is HUGE for me. From what I have researched there is no way for an audi or anyone else to know what we actually hear with a CI. It's like having a baby wear glasses where the prescription was made incorrectly. They won't be able to tell you it's wrong.
That is what I would love to see happening. We all know that we do not have concrete answer. But it is NOT okay to pretend that we can 'Fix" the problem while not knowing the full answer.

Why not work together to provide a comprehensive booklet to for parents so that they have something to start with?
With lack of positive reinforcement is considered oppression. Most medical professional do not give any positive benefits and potentials. The way they treated as if child do not get early treatment by getting CI will not be able to live normal in later life, that is WHAT devastating most hearing parents where they are at loss and confusing. That kind of approach is not acceptable because it can encourage hearing parents with negative thoughts.
How many times have you heard Medical professional giving story how successful Deaf person without any hearing aid can live? Please show me proof that one of them share positive stories about Deaf? I don't think you will be able to find one.

That doesn't sound like "oppression" to me.
I'm on my iPhone with the little tiny virtual may notice that the d is beside the f on your keyboard, but sure lets make something simple and obvious have "hidden" meanings and motivations. :roll:

It happens all the time. Don't worry about it.
Care to explain WHY less than 10% of hearing parents with Deaf child learn signs? At least 90% are not willing to learn sign and communicate with their own Deaf child?

That doesn't sound like "oppression" to me.
Care to explain WHY less than 10% of hearing parents with Deaf child learn signs? At least 90% are not willing to learn sign and communicate with their own Deaf child?

That has nothing to do with my statement and also sounds inaccurate.
Oh yes! Big time. Guess you can't open your mind up. Sad!

Meh, we will have to agree to disagree.....again. If you choose to engage me in the future it would be best to stick to the scope of what I have said. :cool2:
That is what I would love to see happening. We all know that we do not have concrete answer. But it is NOT okay to pretend that we can 'Fix" the problem while not knowing the full answer.

Are we talking about two different things? I didn't see anywhere that the parents thought it would "fix" a problem. Just that this new technology may benefit their child, and it appears that it has- at least to some degree.

I agree there is no concrete answer... That is why I mentioned a comprehensive booklet on communication options to provide to parents when their child is diagnosed. That would make a difference, and it would allow for the "voice" of the Deaf community be heard.
"Hear the first time" what does it mean? It is like telling the world that there are cure for hearing loss. That is misleading.

Are we talking about two different things? I didn't see anywhere that the parents thought it would "fix" a problem. Just that this new technology may benefit their child, and it appears that it has- at least to some degree.

I agree there is no concrete answer... That is why I mentioned a comprehensive booklet on communication options to provide to parents when their child is diagnosed. That would make a difference, and it would allow for the "voice" of the Deaf community be heard.
You have said more than enough, but who to blame? Its medical professional after all. We the society always look up at medical professional for their professional opinion and that is where most of our society gets information from. I bet my ass if medical professional stop pretend they know the answer and be honest with themselves, they could have better educate our society and could have improve quality of life for Deaf person.

medical institution is a power peice in 'modern society' as it stands for perfection, health and the differences between life and death.

Put another way, ambulance services, Emergency department, heart surgery, cancer removing sugery, disease treatment, rehabilitation for injuries have are well regarded as they are helpful, so the respect it got from society is based on all these, so consequencely any medical intervention is given the same sort of regard, so this is why parents with deaf children panic, and feels relieved that a medical Intermediation exist. The key word (well only in this context) is 'exist' , like the solution to deafness are announced by medical institution to 'exist' this actual does have an extremely strong persuasion on the paniked parents.
and you're right DHB, they like to pretend its a fix, what they dont want to admit is, the end results are unpredictable. IF the parents actually heard this word 'UNPREDICTABLE' they'd think again, its like LSD...acid trippers do NOT know how the trip going to be, elating or extremely unpleasent...same thing, a bad decision in real life, is the same as a bad trip (when you trip, you can't stop it and have to wait quite long time before it weans off) of all this rehabing...and unpleasent, sometimes frightening...but unlike acid tripping, it doesnt weans off...the unpleasentness remains for life...
so if this is a case (and there are many in real life but seldom reported in the media, (another key the bloody media!)...the failure compells the rehabilition process to be held ethically questionable - because it is more harmful to more implantees than the few successful one... oh its really only successful to adults who had LOST hearing which they HAD in the First place...deaf/Deaf dont language is all a big riddle, it aren't funny.

last thing, medical institution dont have the role in educating society about choices or have to improve quality of life...(that is WHY they are powerful as they DO improve quality of life in OTHER AREAS like recovering from injuries or disease treatments) with this SAME mentality, this is exactly why medical 'help' is is the related professionals (CI team) that are not honest, BUT THEY ADOPT a different kind of view on Ethics. THEY ACTUALLY THINKS that attemps to curing or enchancing is ethically good.

thats where the whole thing lies, if it could be argued to be ethically wrong...well where? not actual surgery...but of the process of training CI wears to use sounds and falling behind in education - THAT is where is has to be argued as ethically wrong, BUT HOW do we MAKE THE CONNECTION???
Are we talking about two different things? I didn't see anywhere that the parents thought it would "fix" a problem. Just that this new technology may benefit their child, and it appears that it has- at least to some degree.

I agree there is no concrete answer... That is why I mentioned a comprehensive booklet on commitunication options to provide to parents when their child is diagnosed. That would make a difference, and it would allow for the "voice" of the Deaf community be heard.

NO, that is exactly what they ARE lead to believe, and they are still afraid of all the hard work that goes with it....quite selfish really, what about the deaf child's own burden to WORK hard there, hardly fair.
also it is their (medical institutions') view of comprehensiveness.
they try act out as the be all , know all, power all, curing agency of some quasi-sort.
Then that's your parents decision and that should be respected. I'm glad it's worked for you, I really am. But it doesn't give you the right to attack other parents for making their decisions for their child.

In US, it is common for medical professionals to misleading about medical condition, such as saying CI will cure the deafness, that successfully convinced my parent to implant me based on inaccurate, flawed information by doctor.

There are many civil lawsuits with malpractice and misleading in the medical care.
Rubella..I didn't know that.

I don't mean to attack anybody, I just get annoyed at stuff like this since my parents were attacked for choosing oralism instead of sign language for me.

The Deaf Culture in Britain back then were... hateful towards hearing people. They had an elevated sense of importance about themselves, as if that if any random person didn't know sign language, they were disxriminating against the deaf.

The Rubella epidemic had caused overcrowding in the deaf school, such as 600 students at ASD in 1970 (desegregation in 1968 was one of them too), prior to Rehabilitation Act that passed in 1973 that allowed deaf students to enroll at hearing school instead of force them to enroll at deaf school.

Rubella epidemic is over because of mandatory immunization vaccine.
Actually it is; when you have children, you get to raise them how you wish and how you see fit. When other families have children, they have the right to raise them however they choose or deem to be in their child's best interest. The deaf community needs to stop the name calling, judgmental attitudes, verbal attacks, and but out of other families' affairs that clearly don't concern them. I think the story was wonderful and I'm very happy for the family.


Not all deaf communities are anti-CI, anti-oralism, also we have many HoH students go to deaf school.
With lack of positive reinforcement is considered oppression. Most medical professional do not give any positive benefits and potentials. The way they treated as if child do not get early treatment by getting CI will not be able to live normal in later life, that is WHAT devastating most hearing parents where they are at loss and confusing. That kind of approach is not acceptable because it can encourage hearing parents with negative thoughts.
How many times have you heard Medical professional giving story how successful Deaf person without any hearing aid can live? Please show me proof that one of them share positive stories about Deaf? I don't think you will be able to find one.

Did you realize that AGB tried to outlaw Deaf from marrying another Deaf? Even attempt to outlaw Deaf from driving? Mind you, he was part of medical professional, he set up oral only school in attempt to make Deaf like Hearing people. Glad there was not enough gullible politicians fall for AGB.

I found eye doctor and retina specialist to be least oppression and they gave me a lot of good perspective about Usher Syndrome. They told me that medical professionals are working hard to find a cure for Usher Syndrome that allow to restore the vision. They gave me a lot of options as well. That was far more information than ENT doctor usually oppressed when they found child may be deaf or HoH, however lucky, my current ENT doctor isn't one of them.
Yeah, I have some ex that are oral and went though oral school. Even my wife! I am not against them with Ci, oral, whatsoever. What I wanted to see is how these medical professional educate those hearing parents that never heard of "Hearing loss" It is the most shocking of all disabilities. I can understand perfectly how these parents went though and I don't blame them.

Medical professional DOES have the ability to educate the public, for instance obesity a serious epidemic here right now and they are educating them. Not just Obesity, but other aliments. I would like see more of that toward hearing loss of all types.

Who first educate the public about the danger of smoking cigarettes? That's another example.

How many of you have experience contacting your own medical professional for the first time though relay? My experience often, they said ahem, sorry your calling wrong place, or sorry i can't take this call and so on. Mind you, they are medical professional and have no clue what relay is, whats their excuse for not knowing? Gee! Of course, as they learn about you and your Deafness over time and start to accept relay calls.

Not all deaf communities are anti-CI, anti-oralism, also we have many HoH students go to deaf school.