So be alive.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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A sleepless night I've had....My son and his friend went to play basketball late evening (around 4:30). When they arrived, only 2-3 guys were there....Then a car pulled up with 4 guys in it...they got out...and pointed to my son, saying "Empty those pockets"...My son said "NO"...One guy walked up to my son and reached under his shirt for a son was shocked and started running....zig-zagging...and the guy with the gun started chasing him....My son was so confused and scared...he ran right up to a chain-link fence...started climbing it to get away...

The guy with the gun shot off 2 shots...and as soon as he reached the fence, all my son could do was kick at him...and was able to kick the guy in the face and knock him down. The gun flew out of the guy's hand and then my son jumped on the guy and beat the crap out of him....and threw the gun over the fence....My son looked up, and the other 3 guys were running towards my son climbed the fence and ran and ran...all the time shouting "Call the police"....

Someone did call the police...and they arrived before the man on the ground could escape.....the other 3 guys jumped into their car and left....

The police saw my son as a gas station and took him back to the basketball court where my son told them what happened....While running from the men my son's wallet fell out of his pocket....the police and my son looked all over but could not find out....his DL/SS card and all his ID were in it, along with approximately $15....

They arrested the man for Aggravated Battery w/a gun...and had my son point the man out in a line up...the man would not tell the Police who the other guys were....The man now is in jail.

MY son came home around 1AM (the police brought him home)....he was exhausted and scared to death!......and since they could not find my son's wallet...we now worry that one of the men might have it....and know my son's address and name....

So my plan is to take my son to stay with my older son on the other side of town until he goes to Court to testify...For this crime, the man will face 10 years in prison (that's in Florida)....I encouraged my son to shave his moustache and let his hair grow out also...and to keep a low profile...will take him to get new DL/SS and other ID's he has lost....

And my not being a religious person...I did get on my knees tonight and Thanked God for saving my son's life....It was a very close call he had and it really shook him up......And all this just for $15...that was all he had in his wallet....
Oh no! I am so glad that your son is ok!

There are just too many crazy people out there who would take other people's lives for so little.

Just sad.

My daughter is also very lucky to be alive also. She was rushed to the ER Sunday night and they thought she had fluid around her ovary. When they opened her up, they found so much pus and it was discovered that her appendix ruptured 2 weeks before and she ended up with a major infection. Her kidneys and ovary were badly infected. She is still in the hospital fighting the infection but expected to make a full recovery. If she had waited a few more days, the outcome could have been different. I was so sick with worry and fear on Monday.

I just know how you feel. When it comes to our children, the fear can be crippling.

Hope your son is ok.

far out, big hugs to you, and him and stay keep yourself togetheer, stay away from weird places...
some people eh....really senseless and dangerous

hope you all stay safe from those nutters...i wonder if they got the wrong guy? no?
Oh wow!! I am so sorry to hear what happened and so glad he got so lucky!! Did you knock him around any yet for risking his life for $15?

I took my son to the ER for stitches a couple weeks ago. There was a man there who's face looked pretty dang broken, major swellling and bruising on the left side of his face from hairline to jaw, other side almost as bad. He came in with gauze wrapped around his head and face circling ovr his crown and under his chin. He got jumped by, not sure how many guys. Same thing, they told him to give them his money, he said no, they pulverized the guy. I think they got away though.

Your son is so lucky the other guys didn't jump in!!!
Oh no! I am so glad that your son is ok!

There are just too many crazy people out there who would take other people's lives for so little.

Just sad.

My daughter is also very lucky to be alive also. She was rushed to the ER Sunday night and they thought she had fluid around her ovary. When they opened her up, they found so much pus and it was discovered that her appendix ruptured 2 weeks before and she ended up with a major infection. Her kidneys and ovary were badly infected. She is still in the hospital fighting the infection but expected to make a full recovery. If she had waited a few more days, the outcome could have been different. I was so sick with worry and fear on Monday.

I just know how you feel. When it comes to our children, the fear can be crippling.

Hope your son is ok.

Thank you!...And know ur daughter was and is in a lot of pain...She's lucky too!....Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

far out, big hugs to you, and him and stay keep yourself togetheer, stay away from weird places...
some people eh....really senseless and dangerous

hope you all stay safe from those nutters...i wonder if they got the wrong guy? no?

One thing for sure, he will not go back to that basketball court...he was mugged last year on the same street....We were talking about how ironic that was...

Yes, they got the "right" guy...but there are 3 more out there and unless the guy gives up their names, don't feel there will be an arrest for them...."Snitches" are dealt with in a very bad way....
Oh wow!! I am so sorry to hear what happened and so glad he got so lucky!! Did you knock him around any yet for risking his life for $15?

I took my son to the ER for stitches a couple weeks ago. There was a man there who's face looked pretty dang broken, major swellling and bruising on the left side of his face from hairline to jaw, other side almost as bad. He came in with gauze wrapped around his head and face circling ovr his crown and under his chin. He got jumped by, not sure how many guys. Same thing, they told him to give them his money, he said no, they pulverized the guy. I think they got away though.

Your son is so lucky the other guys didn't jump in!!!

I've not yet "fussed" at him for not giving up his wallet....gonna wait until he gets a lot of rest...he's been sleeping for a few hours now....And he's very stubborn and won't be bullied at all....And all that training he took in Tae-won-do...he's a brown belt, and goes to the gym a lot physically, he's strong and healthy...but no match for a gun....

And as for that kick in the guys son's shoe print and the guys 2 swollen's daybreak!...hoping I can get some sleep now.
While I'm sure it might be sensible for your son to give up his wallet, but you live in a state where your son doesn't have to give up his wallet.

I don't think he should be punished or talked to at all about it. He was right not to give it up.
You should call the Social Security office right away and report that your son SS# been stolen and you want a new one for him. Your son is indeed very lucky to be alive.

I have heard of some people carrying only $10 or $15 on their self so if they do get robbed they say that is all the money they have.
All over a few dollars. What the real reason they kept chasing him was probably respect. They felt he disrespected them by not complying. Your son is a bright guy. Ask him if they were wearing gang colors.

To RR and Shel90, hugs and prayers from me.
...And my not being a religious person...I did get on my knees tonight and Thanked God for saving my son's life....It was a very close call he had and it really shook him up......And all this just for $15...that was all he had in his wallet....
:jaw: Oh, my! I'm so glad that your son is alright. I hope he stays safe, and that justice is done in his case. I'm sure you hugged, hugged, hugged him. :hug:
Oh no! I am so glad that your son is ok!

There are just too many crazy people out there who would take other people's lives for so little.

Just sad.

My daughter is also very lucky to be alive also. She was rushed to the ER Sunday night and they thought she had fluid around her ovary. When they opened her up, they found so much pus and it was discovered that her appendix ruptured 2 weeks before and she ended up with a major infection. Her kidneys and ovary were badly infected. She is still in the hospital fighting the infection but expected to make a full recovery. If she had waited a few more days, the outcome could have been different. I was so sick with worry and fear on Monday.

I just know how you feel. When it comes to our children, the fear can be crippling.

Hope your son is ok.
I'm glad that your daughter's didn't wait even one more day. I hope she has a full and speedy recovery.
I am really sorry about what happened to your son, RR. I hope they find the other three also.
You should call the Social Security office right away and report that your son SS# been stolen and you want a new one for him....
She should report it stolen, yes, to her financial institutions and the IRS but it is extremely rare that Social Security will issue a new number, and never for just a stolen card.

It's a good idea for them to use monitoring such as with Experion to watch for any suspicious financial activity.
Yes, your son was lucky!! I feel for those that carry a big amount of money. I ask for cash when I sell bikes. Therefore people may have to carry $50 or $100 when buying from me. Luckily my area is safe. If it was bad, then that would be a different story. I would not be able to sell anything to people that carried big amount of money.
Oh no. I pray that you all are safe. Glad your son is OK. i think your son IS so brave to fight back with the crazy guy. :shock:

you all are in my thoughts.
While I'm sure it might be sensible for your son to give up his wallet, but you live in a state where your son doesn't have to give up his wallet.

I don't think he should be punished or talked to at all about it. He was right not to give it up.

Well....I'd rather for him to give up his wallet than to be shot and perhaps killed....I have not punished him...just talked to him over a late breakfast....and of course, he doesn't agree with me about it.
You should call the Social Security office right away and report that your son SS# been stolen and you want a new one for him. Your son is indeed very lucky to be alive.

I have heard of some people carrying only $10 or $15 on their self so if they do get robbed they say that is all the money they have.

We're on it now...and so time consuming!