Teens and the Clothes They Wear.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Why do some teens wear the same pants over and over and over??? My 17 year old has 3 pair of brown Cargo pants, which he rotates every other day and not throwing them into the Laundry room....He has so many other pants in his dresser drawer, that he won't wear!....And no matter how cold it gets, he will not wear Jeans.....And Black Shirts, that's all he wears

We've argued over this so many times, that I just went through his dresser drawers, and took out the Cargo pants, washed and hid them...so he's gonna have to wear something else....He used to be so "picky" about what he wore to school, but now?....No way! It doesn't matter at all to him.

It's driving me batty....feel he's too old for me to go into his room and select what he's going to wear the next day....I've even found some of his shirts hung up (after he wore them several times), with deodorant still on them.....

His answer to this?..."well, I didn't want you to have so much Laundry to do".....my other son, (15), changes his clothes everyday, no problem at all.....
I wear the same three pairs of pants for two weeks at a time, but that's because I only have three (I happen to wear the size that they're ALWAYS OUT OF in anything decent-looking when I go to the store). I wear a different shirt every day.

I think it's a teenage boy thing, because my brother does the same thing. He'll wear clothes over and over and then won't bring them down on laundry day.
This describes my 13 year old son. Same black t shirt, same blue jeans with the same hole in the knee, every single day. Ugh.

I just bought him some new clothes and told him when we leave the house, he has to put them on- the black t and holey blue jeans stay home.
Well, he's gonna wake up and be looking for those brown Cargo shorts....and whining..."I don't have anything to wear.".....I've got them hidden :giggle:....and whenever we do go shopping, if the store does not have Cargo Shorts, he won't buy anything else....
Since it's Spring (at last!)...the stores will once more have their Shorts out for sale....so I expect more Cargo shorts he will select to buy....(no problem as long as he selects different colors). He says he can't wear Jeans, because he "looks funny" in them.....He used to be the same way with Dickies....

And I thought girls were difficult.
I think the clothing choice of teens is something that causes most parents to cringe at one time or another. My parents weren't 'thrilled' with some of my fashion phases, I was not thrilled with some of my own kids choices and, no doubt, my kids won't like some of their own kids style of dress. Think of it as a 'rite of passage' haha.
Eventually they will change their style and, in the meantime, as long as their clothes are not wildly inappropriate, don't sweat the small stuff ;-).
I think the clothing choice of teens is something that causes most parents to cringe at one time or another. My parents weren't 'thrilled' with some of my fashion phases, I was not thrilled with some of my own kids choices and, no doubt, my kids won't like some of their own kids style of dress. Think of it as a 'rite of passage' haha.
Eventually they will change their style and, in the meantime, as long as their clothes are not wildly inappropriate, don't sweat the small stuff ;-).
In my day, the school dress codes limited fashion choices, and lack of money created other limits. :giggle:
I wear few same cloths for 1.5 decades :)

Only 1.5? :hmm: I'm sure I have clothes older than that...but probably don't wear them since I was a different size back then.

I do have T-shirts that go back to the 70's/80's. These are from a theater group I work with each year. In 1978 they made a t-shirt for the show. Then I think it was sometime in the early 80's that they decided to do it again and have done it every year since.

And then there are the black t-shirts for crew...and these usually have something on them that you wouldn't necessarily wear out in public. :naughty: We haven't done these in long time.
I wear few same cloths for 1.5 decades :)

My winter coat is over 16 years old. I know this because I bought it right before I got pregnant with my 16 year old. I planned to buy a new one this year, but then my husband lost his job.

I have a favorite sweater that is 20 years old.

My problem with my son's wardrobe isn't that it's old, it's just that they look trashy, the jeans have a huge hole in the knee and he wears them everywhere- including, if I don't stop him, church. And mostly, he's in trouble for some bad behavior recently, and part of his punishment is that he has to wear what we have designated his school uniform- khaki slacks and some polo shirts in solid colors.

The kid doesn't have any electronic gadgets or games for us to take away.
Let the kid do his thing. It is after all harmless. Going through phases like that will not expose him to drugs and crap. Seems you are nagging up the wrong tree
My son, 16 and not quite 17 (middle of May) is doing the same thing. He prefers to wear his clothes for days on end.
Let the kid do his thing. It is after all harmless. Going through phases like that will not expose him to drugs and crap. Seems you are nagging up the wrong tree

We'll parent our kids our way, and respect your right to parent your kids your way.

this is our seventh, and none of them have been in any trouble so far, and they all like us, so I guess we're doing okay.:wave:
Well, I'm a sticker for wearing clean clothes.....And feel that going to school, Church or any place out in public you should at least wear something that's decent and clean. My son and I are still "at odds" about wearing the same thing, over and over....he has plenty of shirts & pants to wear, so it's not the case he doesn't have anything else to put on....

We've gone thru the "baggy pants" phrase also, and still do occassionally! When we went shopping the other day, he wanted to get a size 36, and he actually wears a 32!...No way!...I feel he thinks it's "cool", but believe me, it's a hot topic with me!...And it's not that he's not getting any attention at home, he gets praised whenever he looks nice.....

Now, we're going thru another dilemma! He's overdue for a hair cut, and says, "I don't want one."....So he "slings" his hair back whenever it gets in his eyes....he says "I like my hair!...everybody says it looks good."

Of course, it's not easy being a Parent....I bought him some hair spray and told him if he wanted to grow his hair out, then it was not to be in his eyes, or I would personally cut it myself....Next week is Spring Break here....and he's gonna get to the Barber Shop, regardless.
Now, we're going thru another dilemma! He's overdue for a hair cut, and says, "I don't want one."....So he "slings" his hair back whenever it gets in his eyes....he says "I like my hair!...everybody says it looks good."

Buy him some ponytails and barrettes. :giggle:
Buy him some ponytails and barrettes. :giggle:

Yeah, even give him some of mine...lots of Pink colors. Seriously, I just believe he's being defiat, a teenage issue of showing "independence". And guessing we all as parents have to go thru all of this at one time or another....When I went to pick him up the other day for a doctor's appointment, his hair looked as if he had not combed it in a week, (wind blown)... And I did talk to the doctor about it, and he actually laughed!....Which didn't make me feel any better.....and my son just sit there, "slinging" his hair back....:giggle:

But the doctor did address the clothes issue...telling my son that wearing the same clothes over and over was unsanitary, and people would think he was "dirty.".....His answer?...."well, I like these pants!".....
Buy him some ponytails and barrettes. :giggle:

My husband had long hair when he was a teen-ager in the 70s, and of course so did lots of his peers. But his father didn't like it and didn't understand it.

His father thought blow dryers were for girls, and so one year at Christmas, got this great idea to shame his teenaged son into cutting his hair- or so the father thought.
He bought my husband a blow dryer and gave to it to him for a Christmas gift and watched and waited, expecting his son to be ashamed and embarrassed. Instead, my husband was excited and thanked his father enthusiastically, telling him that's exactly what he wanted.

Husband realized his dad was trying to embarrass him when he started swearing instead of saying, "you're welcome."
Both my brothers had the long hair, as did I for a while. Mine was cut off at age 10 after a horrible trip to see my grandparents. At that point, mine was to my knees.

We were all told by the parents that they would not force us to cut our hair if we followed some simple rules.

1. Keep it clean.
2. Keep it out of your face.
3. Never, ever come to the table or to church without it neatly combed or brushed.
4. Have the ends trimmed at a regular basis to avoid the split ends.

My brothers had decided that since they couldn't get my parents to force them to cut it, it was not as enjoyable, so they chose to have theirs cut. Now, as parents themselves, the oldest has mostly short hair, but does have one long tail in the back that goes to the middle of his back. The other brother, keeps his short at all times and had required the same of his son.

Both my nieces and both my nephews have short hair. My son prefers his cut with the clippers to being a buzz cut all the time. Daughter is keeping hers clean and allowing it to grow. I trim off her ends monthly when I cut son's and hubby's.
funny- my son is a stickler for having FRESH clothes. HUGE pile of clothes to do. The whole family helps out with laundry.
MY problem is that due to todays fashion- they will NOT wear winter coats. ARGGGHHH! Also as soon the temps hits the 50's my boys starts wearing cargo shorts and I noticed the popular kids in my kids school do the same. SIGH!!! kids these days.

I suspect its just a phase for you robin, as sad it is but that's teenagers these days. Thats ok though- just make sure you take lots of pictures and then when your boy gets married- start recalling those pics and memories to his wife and kids - buhwahahaha.... :D