What are your favorite science fiction movies?

As a teenager I loved the Dune books and re-read them several times. I watched the film on DVD a few months ago (unfortunately I couldn't get hold of a captioned/subtitled version). I think the director David Lynch is a creative genius and did as good as possible job of converting the epic book into a 2hr film (or 3hrs if you watch the extended version). Apparently David Lynch's original cut was 5hrs long! But if you haven't read the books beforehand, you won't get as much out of the film as there's not enough time in the film to fill in the complex details of that world.

Wow, what a recommendation, usually reading the book ruins the film as it doesn't do it justice. I have read the books, I might now watch the film.
crazy but in a way thats where society is heading to, might actually happen in 200 years time , just look around everyone wants to look 20...young ones does, old ones does too...scary, ..clothes, sense, style, attitude, health-wise, and so on
i love the classic movies as well as new modern like eureka, warehouse13 and alphas lol!

seriously, i love star trek from the old one to enterprise. I am not a fan of the deep space. i like stargate and more!!
what aout george lucas's first commerical film? THX 1138 kinda similar to Logans Run, but older...
I thought that was a version of Dolby Surround Sound! :giggle:


George Lucas owns the idea and the copyrights to the patent of THX surround system.
the 1138 was the from his old phone number the THX was from his car's number plate he put the two together and made up the films title. weird i know and the rest was history.
he likes to individualise his innovation in film making and theatre sounds in the movie industry after all he fought some of hollywoods producers to make his own stand.
THX is from that film (just the name) Lucasfilm is also his, as did Star Wars...
Ah Logan's Run! I haven't seen that movie in ages...GREAT movie. Worth seeing, IMO.
I am a HUGE fan of sci-fi movies as well as a diehard Trekkie. :)

Star Trek: TWOK is my favorite Star Trek movie and Star Trek 2009 is at very close second place.

Logan's Run is a great movie. Now there is a remake of the film in progress. :ugh:

I love Star Wars movie and The Empire Strikes Back is the best SW movie IMHO.

I suggest you to watch some 1950s classic sci-fi movies and you will be surprised by how good they are. The Day Earth Still Stood and War of the Worlds, original ones, are two of my favorite sci-fi movies of all the time and their remakes suck like a rotten cucumber. Oh yes The Forbidden Planet that Leslie Nielsen, Walter Pidgeon and Warren Stevens, starred, is great.

I have collected about 50 sci-fi movies from the late 1940s to today.
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Total Recall is great and now the remake of same title is in progress. :ugh:
Ah, Planet of the Apes!

I read a joke recently - either here or on FB that said: Quick, everyone put on ape suits for when the space shuttle comes back...
Wow, what a recommendation, usually reading the book ruins the film as it doesn't do it justice. I have read the books, I might now watch the film.

What do you mean 'the book ruins the film'? When I read a book and saw a movie, I always found the book to be a better version than the film.