The Tea Party are RACIST!!

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Yep, the rooster is getting ripe by now.
You! Start making sense! :)

I have witnessed it too many times, but I am kind of old. I recall MLK, the marches in Alabama, Rosa Parks, Amos and Andy TV show, seeing people called the "N" word, slogans painted on school buildings, etc.

There is another thing called literacy testing; when I started 1st grade in Norfolk VA, I was required to take this test. I later found out that I was told to color on a paper. I passed automatically. Black kids needed to read. None passed. My school was lily-white. My neighborhood was half and half.
See, I was born in 1980. All of that crap happened well before my time. My generation doesn't give a steaming turd about race. We do appreciate those that came before us and fought the big civil rights battles. I grew up in a good suburb with a fair amount of racial diversity, but nobody engaged in racism. I have no memories of kids (or adults) taunting blacks or hispanics or anyone else with racial slurs. The only way I could learn what's racially offensive was from history class. It's unfortunate that people in your generation had to learn it from witnessing it first-hand. It was horrifying enough to hear about it or watch old films about it in the classroom.

The 4/20 reference, is this a Bob Marley moment? :hmm:
In a tangential sort of way, you could say that.
I think D-Dog is fortunate to have avoided these kinds of things. I would not consider it ignorance. I wish I had grown up in these more tolerant times.
Yeah, that's exactly how I see it.
See, I was born in 1980. All of that crap happened well before my time. My generation doesn't give a steaming turd about race. We do appreciate those that came before us and fought the big civil rights battles. I grew up in a good suburb with a fair amount of racial diversity, but nobody engaged in racism. I have no memories of kids (or adults) taunting blacks or hispanics or anyone else with racial slurs. The only way I could learn what's racially offensive was from history class. It's unfortunate that people in your generation had to learn it from witnessing it first-hand. It was horrifying enough to hear about it or watch old films about it in the classroom.

Yes, seeing the dogs attacking protesters, fire hoses blasting them, clubs swinging....:ugh::mad2:
You may think that only whites can be guilty of racism, but reasonably thinking people believe no such thing.

I have known of blacks being arrested and charged with committing hate crimes. It certainly is not unheard of.

Blacks don't get a pass on anything when it comes to the criminal justice system. You really need to do some research.

No, blacks are not guilty as often as whites. They would have to commit disproportionately more racist acts simply due to the numbers.

ME do research!! What about YOU?? How often have you seen those newscast asking for help finding a criminal on video and then the criminal is charge with the crime but not a hate crime? Well go back and look at the re-run of the video and see who the actor is and who the innocent party is.
You are right. Blacks are not quilty as often as whites, just more so when it comes to whites agains non-whites and blacks against non-blacks. The proof you need is in the video, a picture is worth a thousand words or any research you could possible do.
Right, but you called out "m-m" as not reporting these black-inspired racist events. Deafness has nothing to do with narrowmindedness. :wave:

Right you are but deafness means you have to be much more aware of your life, after all you can not hear. So my point is that if m.m. wont report it, then I have to get it from somewhere else and that people should not just follow m.m. That is totally bilind to the truth. I'm one of the least narowminded persons you could find, for me the truth comes first.
I do remember them. They changed the name to "peach" later on. Not sure which ones I used in the test. I could have used white crayons on white paper and passed. :eek3:

Yeah, cuz you're white!:giggle:
ME do research!! What about YOU?? How often have you seen those newscast asking for help finding a criminal on video and then the criminal is charge with the crime but not a hate crime? Well go back and look at the re-run of the video and see who the actor is and who the innocent party is.
You are right. Blacks are not quilty as often as whites, just more so when it comes to whites agains non-whites and blacks against non-blacks. The proof you need is in the video, a picture is worth a thousand words or any research you could possible do.

There is so much wrong with your logic that there isn't even a place to start correcting it. Just throw it all out and start again.:laugh2:

Yes, you need to do some research. Read some sociologicial studies. Read some forensic studies. Read some anthropological studies. Read some history. And then get out in the real world and apply it.

Videos prove nothing, but now I see why you make so many mistakes in logic. You rely on innaccurate sources for your information.
Right you are but deafness means you have to be much more aware of your life, after all you can not hear. So my point is that if m.m. wont report it, then I have to get it from somewhere else and that people should not just follow m.m. That is totally bilind to the truth. I'm one of the least narowminded persons you could find, for me the truth comes first.

I ask again; does FoxNews report these crimes? You seem more intent on showing your political bias than to support your claims. We all know you are Conservative. Why single out the so-called Liberal media as not doing the job, but offering nothing else to show that Fox has kept you informed? What gives?
I've been called "white cracker" & "whitey"..."honky"...even "crack head" by some blacks....even a "white old bitch"....I've taken it with a grain of salt and turned the other cheek....bit my tongue (in other words)....

I avoid blacks that talk this way, and yes, I see it very often here in the South. My family and I do not use the "N" word, we say "black(s)"...however, when it happens to my sons, (name calling), it's a different story! I confront the parent(s) if possible and I've had the door slammed in my face quite often.

There is racism everyday...both whites & blacks. To say that "whites are more racist than blacks", I don't agree.....

I've met some very nice black people! And they are welcome to my home. Even my sons have black friends that spend the night, even the weekends with us.
Don't forget that Black people like us, Deafies, get angry and resentful at white people and hearing people for taking control over us as the white people think they are more superior than we are. They have the power which we don't when we try to tell them the truth. None of the white people never take our word for truth. We were blame for everything just because we don't have white skin and blond hair (brown hair) including blue eyes. They want us to be like a slave and be nothing to them. We are the things (like an objects, not human at all). This is what make us very angry at them. Some of the black people took revenge on. Other black people went to jail or prison, never committed a crimes at all. That is what is wrong with all over the world, when there is discrimination going on. This is very sad that it will be an ongoing battle to fight racism. :(
Don't forget that Black people like us, Deafies, get angry and resentful at white people and hearing people for taking control over us as the white people think they are more superior than we are. They have the power which we don't when we try to tell them the truth. None of the white people never take our word for truth. We were blame for everything just because we don't have white skin and blond hair (brown hair) including blue eyes. They want us to be like a slave and be nothing to them. We are the things (like an objects, not human at all). This is what make us very angry at them. Some of the black people took revenge on. Other black people went to jail or prison, never committed a crimes at all. That is what is wrong with all over the world, when there is discrimination going on. This is very sad that it will be an ongoing battle to fight racism. :(
I am very sad to read this. I am one of those white people with blue eyes, and I am nothing like this. I am superior to NOBODY. I always try to listen to people. I do not judge.

I could comment on how your viewpoint looks, but it will do no good. Sorry you have been driven to feel this way. I have not walked in your shoes. I refrain from judging.

Don't forget that Black people like us, Deafies, get angry and resentful at white people and hearing people for taking control over us as the white people think they are more superior than we are. They have the power which we don't when we try to tell them the truth. None of the white people never take our word for truth. We were blame for everything just because we don't have white skin and blond hair (brown hair) including blue eyes. They want us to be like a slave and be nothing to them. We are the things (like an objects, not human at all). This is what make us very angry at them. Some of the black people took revenge on. Other black people went to jail or prison, never committed a crimes at all. That is what is wrong with all over the world, when there is discrimination going on. This is very sad that it will be an ongoing battle to fight racism. :(
I guess this comment would be the second racist incident I've seen directly. But it's on the internet, so it doesn't count.
No, we aren't in the same place, figuratively or literally. But to imply that one area of the country experiences less racism than others is silly.:P

to say the don't is insane. I have traveled to almost every nook in this country. The differences are not only there, they can be extreme. SF vs Jackson MS for instance.
I haven't seen anyone here supporting it....Maybe I missed a post. :hmm:

People were implying that because Bush was compared with a monkey, it was ok that Obama was compared to a monkey.

In my opinion, there is no comparision.
People were implying that because Bush was compared with a monkey, it was ok that Obama was compared to a monkey.

In my opinion, there is no comparision.

People who angrily say otherwise are just reacting to the truth. :lol:
Any exception for ignorance? I mean, I'm fortunate enough to have been born in a time and place such that I've seen virtually no racism. Of course I knew the N word was off-limits along a few other prominent slurs, but I didn't know about the monkey thing until a few years ago. There may be someone right now who has no idea it's racist and might compare the president to a chimp, thinking he's merely continuing an immature American tradition and not realizing there are racial connotations when the President happens to be black. If that person, upon learning that he in fact made a racist remark, profusely apologizes and claims no racist intent, do you think it's worth giving him the benefit of the doubt and dropping the issue?

I dont know...if that person is really sincere, then yes.
I dont know...if that person is really sincere, then yes.
Cool. That's certainly reasonable. So is there any reason to doubt Marilyn Davenport's sincerity in her apology?
Cool. That's certainly reasonable. So is there any reason to doubt Marilyn Davenport's sincerity in her apology?

I just find it hard to believe that a person of her position would be clueless about the history of black people being compared to chimps.
Meh, some of us live our lives without our finger on the racism trigger. I know the history very well and racist wasn't my first reaction either.
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