The Tea Party are RACIST!!

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Elitist != Smart. In fact, many people with elitist attitudes are appallingly dumb. Let's also remember that elitist and elite are not the same. One can be an elite without having an elitist attitude. One can have an elitist attitude without being an elite.

Obama's an elitist? I dunno about that. This sure doesn't sound like you, dude.
Of course he can't. He pulls this stuff out of his butt and then uses ad hominem attacks when he gets called on it.

Nothing a little time in prison couldn't cure. :)
See, I was born in 1980. All of that crap happened well before my time. My generation doesn't give a steaming turd about race. We do appreciate those that came before us and fought the big civil rights battles. I grew up in a good suburb with a fair amount of racial diversity, but nobody engaged in racism. I have no memories of kids (or adults) taunting blacks or hispanics or anyone else with racial slurs. The only way I could learn what's racially offensive was from history class. It's unfortunate that people in your generation had to learn it from witnessing it first-hand. It was horrifying enough to hear about it or watch old films about it in the classroom.

I was born in the mid-80s as well. Nice as it'd be, it's not true that everyone in our generation is "colorblind" or otherwise doesn't care about race at all. I've witnessed a shocking number of people around my age (within about a 5 year span older/younger than me) who are entirely obviously racist. Because it's no longer socially acceptable to be blatantly obvious in public, they use euphemisms and nods and winks, instead.

You seem to have been lucky to have been raised in an area that was fairly tolerant. The neighborhood where I grew up was extremely diverse, but also extremely segregated. Obviously, this was self-selection and not true for all the areas (the segregation was more along the lines of poor/not-poor divide, which just so happened to be mostly-white/mostly-black), but many people saw this and simply learned (most often, from their parents) "Oh, those black people and that "white trash" who just want to be black are lazy and dangerous." They all know the two or three affluent black kids in the neighborhood who have also internalized that message, which validates their "I'm not racist" feelings.

So unfortunately, no, racism is still alive and kicking even in our younger generations.
Of course he can't. He pulls this stuff out of his butt and then uses ad hominem attacks when he gets called on it.

You did get a chance to re-read my post where I edited to give the sources?

I think you just want your political party to continue the double standard it has always adhered to.

I will ask you directly, do you think that any racist holding any office should step down regardless of party affiliation?

This is a prime example of what I have been talking about all along .... Democrats will not ask their own party members to step down when they have been caught making racial slurs. They will pretend that racial slurs coming from their own party do not exist, instead, they will attack Republicans for even bringing it up.

There is even a time stamp from when I made the last edit.
You did get a chance to re-read my post where I edited to give the sources?

I think you just want your political party to continue the double standard it has always adhered to.

I will ask you directly, do you think that any racist holding any office should step down regardless of party affiliation?

This is a prime example of what I have been talking about all along .... Democrats will not ask their own party members to step down when they have been caught making racial slurs. They will pretend that racial slurs coming from their own party do not exist, instead, they will attack Republicans for even bringing it up.

Yeah, we know all about your sources, Steinhauer. They leave much to be desired in the area of credibility.

Edited immediately prior to the above posts, I see. Figured you might need to try and cover yourself after several people busted you out on your nonsense. Too little, too late.
Yeah, we know all about your sources, Steinhauer. They leave much to be desired in the area of credibility.

Edited immediately prior to the above posts, I see. Figured you might need to try and cover yourself after several people busted you out on your nonsense. Too little, too late.

Actually, no, edited at 3:49 a.m.

Immediately after asked to cite.

One is a google book source (photo of a newspaper article) and others are from MSNBC.

I figured a left leaning media source would hold more credibility. But, as I can readily see, anything claiming that a democrat made a racist slur is immediately deemed to be not credible. :roll:
Unlike *some* political parties, Biden does not have a history of supporting racist and biogted policies against non-'white' Americans.
I get a feeling you're excluding Biden's political party in that statement. Please tell me you're not.

Anyway, making a racist remark doesn't automatically make you racist. It means you can be a moron sometimes.
What about forwarding a racist email?

Senator Diane Watson, a delegate for H. Clinton, on Barack Obama:

"He's married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn't want to be black."

She's criticizing Barack Obama's polished ethnic pride and talking down to black Americans. That's between those two. Not us. Just like Alan Keyes and Obama, Bill Cosby and the African American young, etc. etc.
She was not talking about Barack Obama. She was talking about Ward Connerly. Note that Barack Obama's wife is not white. If you can just brush off "talking down to black Americans" because it's between those two (even though her statement was public), why not brush off this email incident because it's between the woman and her email recipients or between the woman and Barack Obama?
Obama's an elitist? I dunno about that. This sure doesn't sound like you, dude.
Read the post to which I was responding. When people complain about elitism, it's not the same as saying "Gosh darn it, the guy's just too darn smart!"
Yeah, we know all about your sources, Steinhauer. They leave much to be desired in the area of credibility.

Edited immediately prior to the above posts, I see. Figured you might need to try and cover yourself after several people busted you out on your nonsense. Too little, too late.
You are now lecturing people about sources? Coming from Ms. "Google it" herself? The person who used this as a source to prove Marilyn Davenport's involvement with the tea party? This is golden! :P
Read the post to which I was responding. When people complain about elitism, it's not the same as saying "Gosh darn it, the guy's just too darn smart!"

Ahh, I see. All is well with the world, then. :)
Going off topic, but some people can be too smart to be psychoanalyzed. :P
I get a feeling you're excluding Biden's political party in that statement. Please tell me you're not.

What about forwarding a racist email?

She was not talking about Barack Obama. She was talking about Ward Connerly. Note that Barack Obama's wife is not white. If you can just brush off "talking down to black Americans" because it's between those two (even though her statement was public), why not brush off this email incident because it's between the woman and her email recipients or between the woman and Barack Obama?


the point I have been trying to make this whole time.
Yeah, we know all about your sources, Steinhauer. They leave much to be desired in the area of credibility.

Edited immediately prior to the above posts, I see. Figured you might need to try and cover yourself after several people busted you out on your nonsense. Too little, too late.

According to the times I see he edited 18 minutes after he was asked and 8 hrs and 23 minutes before the "immediate" post.

Who is making stuff up????
I can see that you are easily confused (and forgetful).

Why would someone scream "racist" when a) they do not know Davenport's intentions and b) there is a history of comparing figureheads as apes/chimps?

Pretty simple.

Here, I will make it even simpler so that even you can grasp what the fuck i am talking about:

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent" - Senator Joe Biden Biden explains Indian-American remarks - Politics -

(was he asked to resign?)

"Mahatma Gahndi ran a gas station down in Saint Louis" - Senator Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton regrets Gandhi joke - US news - Life - Race & ethnicity -

(was she asked to resign?)

"You'd find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they'd just come
up and get a good square meal in Geneva" - Fritz Hollings

"Blacks and Hispanics are too busy eating watermelons and tacos to learn how to read and write" - Mike Wallace Jet - Google Books

"Republicans bring out Colin Powell and J.C. Watts because they have no program, no policy. They have no
love and no joy. They'd rather take pictures with black children than feed them" - Donna Brazille Gore defends campaign manager

"He's married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride.
He doesn't want to be black." - Senator Dianne Watson More Racial Gaffes by Democrats, This Time Harry Reid | The National Scene

(was she asked to step down?)

It is pretty simple. A Tea party member emails something many people considered racist and we are told to look the other way. These above comments are made by individuals, and you lump them together and attack the party. Are you insinuating that only Democrats/Liberals are capable of wrongdoing, and that Republicans/Conservatives are to be forgiven? That the entire Democratic party is all for one, one for all, but Republicans are individuals?

Here is a thought: your bias is showing.
Mod note:

Locking this up. :locked:
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