The Power of Sign Language

You watched the whole film, TWA?

Yes, I did. But I can hear the music with headphones on. And I read the lyrics, too. Without the music or lyrics, the signing makes no sense at all. This is one of those "ASL songs" on youtube that are made completely for the enjoyment of hearing people.
Yes, I did. But I can hear the music with headphones on. And I read the lyrics, too. Without the music or lyrics, the signing makes no sense at all. This is one of those "ASL songs" on youtube that are made completely for the enjoyment of hearing people.

amazing. that homemade brew must be a hell of a beer for you to endure the entire video :eek3:
Yes, I did. But I can hear the music with headphones on. And I read the lyrics, too. Without the music or lyrics, the signing makes no sense at all. This is one of those "ASL songs" on youtube that are made completely for the enjoyment of hearing people.

Even though she had some correct signing, it was mostly PSE I think. The misuse of "baby" is always bothersome. Yes, I find it more often than not it's us "hearies" that like the music interpreting. I had an artistic interpreting class in college, and I didn't love the part where we had to sign songs. I took it to learn theatre interpreting, which is much much much better :)
I enjoyed the video, but its because I CAN hear the lyrics and I like her attitude. But yes, w/o volume on... confusing. (To be honest, the song itself is a bit random anyways.)

Im a huge fan of this video, it sums it up nicely:
[ame=]YouTube - The most viewed ASL song on YouTube with Keith Wann and Wink[/ame]
I couldn't even go any further than 30 seconds and that was the first and last time I watched it.

Stopped watching it too. Couldnt understand anything she was signing. I was watching her lips more than her signs to try to catch the lyrics. :shrug:
Well before she got her CIs -- with the bass cranked up and shaking the dust off our 200 year old floor boards -- my daughter LOVED ASL songs like drmzz' great rock classics collection (which sadly I can't find any longer, aside from this clip): [ame=""](Mike & Barb)[/ame]
and her very first deaf mentor's amazing performances
and she's in this one, too.

ASL + music was our first introduction to the language, as opposed to individual and isolated signs.

Sure, I'd rather see gorgeous ASL music videos rendered, but wow -- are you really complaining about lack of quality in the interpretation in some ASL student's homework posted on YT :laugh2: ? There's a whole lot of really crappy video and written work posted online. I'm thrilled to come across efforts like this -- it's wonderful to see people getting excited about using the language to express themselves, but sure wouldn't take it as coming from an expert. Plus, we parents of deaf kids need to learn some of the street language -- I need to know when to wash out my daughter's palms with soap.
It can be hard to find songs in proper BSL for me. I only know 1 person DO sign songs in BSL on YouTube. There LOADS of sign songs on YouTube says BSL when it not, more of SSE.

I think it might be same for you with ASL?
Opinions? (Just foudn this girl and like her, but my ASL isnt strong enough to judge)

[ame=]YouTube - "Grenade" Bruno Mars (ASL)[/ame]
Now, that's ASL. A bit graphic but I guess the lyrics must be graphic.
Now, that's ASL. A bit graphic but I guess the lyrics must be graphic.

Yup, that's ASL! I wouldn't say it was graphic, though, or even close to the Grenade song but the poor gal needs comforting. :naughty:
Yup, that's ASL! I wouldn't say it was graphic, though, or even close to the Grenade song but the poor gal needs comforting. :naughty:

the gun to the head and then the other side exploding paints a graphic image for me.
Yup, that's ASL! I wouldn't say it was graphic, though, or even close to the Grenade song but the poor gal needs comforting. :naughty:

I agree with you that it is ASL. If she is hearing as she must be a CODA or not, she is expert with ASL. She is good with expressing her feelings with emotional graphic signs. I like this one. :cool2: