Is true that deaf people with at least 180 IQ who go Ivy League?


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Nov 14, 2006
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Is true that deaf people with at least 180 IQ who go Ivy League, they do not need come to Gallaudet, why?
Is true that deaf people with at least 180 IQ who go Ivy League, they do not need come to Gallaudet, why?

180 is pretty rare. I'm fairly certain they would gain admittance to any Ivy League school.
Ya know...there was a thread similiar to this awhile back....asking what you would rather have....a high IQ....good common sense....or street smarts....
Wirelessly posted

matajan said:

Introduction to pyschology explorer textbook said it.

If the book said it, then why ask us LOL
Is true that deaf people with at least 180 IQ who go Ivy League, they do not need come to Gallaudet, why?

why do you go to Gallaudet if you have 130 IQ? is nearly 130 is gifted person
I guess you and me are same, I had professional tested me so my IQ is around 127. I am not gifted cuz my English sucks. My husband is around 140 and he was put in special ed because he had LD. I know many people's high IQ as far as 160 and they never went to college.
As the ruling president of the AD Mensa society I can assure you Matajan that you are correct. This august body has deemed yoy, Matajan, to be an appropiate canadidate for our Mensa society.
However, there is one stipulation on the granting of your membership and your own red leather club chair. You must POST MORE THREADS.
Good luck in your endeavors