Who else doesn't like digital hearing aids?


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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I've been wearing an analog hearing aid since I was 5 years old, and tried a digital one a few years ago.

Well, to tell you the truth, as much as I tried to like it and get used to it, I hate it! The sounds that I hear are horrible and robotic. I couldn't believe it when my audiologist said that digital hearing aids are the future and analog hearing aids will be replaced. Man...

Read more at Who else doesn't like digital hearing aids? | Hearing Aid Forum
I have one analog, and one digital. I honestly can't tell the difference between the two. Perhaps I am too deaf. The amplification seems equal in both. I do hate that my digital one beeps at me when the battery is getting low. Unfortunately mine is an old-enough model that the low-battery beeping can't be removed (my audis already tried!) but the newer models can. :(
when I had digital, I found it very hard to listen to musics. Same with cochlear implant which is basically like digital. I rather have analog for that, it does well with music. That's just my opinion.
I've been wearing an analog hearing aid since I was 5 years old, and tried a digital one a few years ago.

Well, to tell you the truth, as much as I tried to like it and get used to it, I hate it! The sounds that I hear are horrible and robotic. I couldn't believe it when my audiologist said that digital hearing aids are the future and analog hearing aids will be replaced. Man...

Read more at Who else doesn't like digital hearing aids? | Hearing Aid Forum

Why yes, I was able to respond at your other forum!! Although I confess I love my digital hearing aids. :wave:
So Far So Good

Just got my first digital hearing aids a year ago and love them. I wore analogs for some years and they served me but it seems digital HA's make sound clearer for me. Especially on the phone(I work in a customer service department), and their ability to be reprogrammed is a big plus(My loss is progressive).
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I've worn analogs up until I was about 14/15 years old. Then I got my first digital, and I haven't gone back to analog since then. I occasionally use analog for backup if my digital has to be sent in. I prefer the digital over analog, things just sound more clearer for me.
I don't like digital aids at all cos they are totally useless for me.

I grew up with Analogue aids, Phonak SuperFront for almost all my life. I have tried different digital aids when I was 16, some are worse than others. Oction Sumo was the worse of all and Phonak was better but still rubbish.

I am 100 to 120db in both ears so I only wore my analogue aids for background noise, let me know any loud sounds nearby like cars, people shouting etc. When I tried all digital aids, all background noise taken out and I can't hear anything, even they programmed it to stop doing that, I still can't hear anything. My analogue aids was much more powerful than digial ones are. Then finally my analogue aids died 3 years ago and haven't wore aids since then. I don't miss wearing them even the analogue aids, I only wore them outside the house few hours.
LOL I grew up with analogs until they died but I kept them for backup hearing aids if my Oticon Gaia has to be sent in for repairs :D

but I'm getting another backup hearing aids since my Siemens are already dead now AND they are digital!!!!!!!!!

my Gaias are digital and programable but no volume control like what my Siemens have (*my old analogs has volume control and easy to use for a first timer*
Grew up with analogs until I was 22, Got widex digital HA in 2000, I was the one of first profound deaf people to get digital HA in UK, the company wanted to trial it with me. I found environmental sounds much clearer and crisper, I was able to identify the sounds for the first time in my life so I enjoyed using it for 8 long years (the HA's had been through intensive beating/dunking with salt water from sailing days (i was on the water constantly for nearly 5 years) It was tough piece of equipment. One day i went to different hosp to ask for replacement, they refused because they don't do them at all. So they gave me different ones, Never got the quality of sounds i had with widex and I was declining in understanding people/the car doesn't sounds what I thought it should sound and VERY nearly got ran over. Hence the CI.... The CI beats both analog and digital HA hands down. Just HOPE that CI contiunes as long as I live and I am only young.
I like analogs, but they DO feedback. My first set of hearing aids, I almost couldn't get one on my right ear b/c it feedbacked so much. But I don't really see a HUGE difference.
I do know that the digitals are more durable then they used to be. I remember the first generation digitals broke at the drop of a pin.
I like analogs, but they DO feedback. My first set of hearing aids, I almost couldn't get one on my right ear b/c it feedbacked so much. But I don't really see a HUGE difference.
I do know that the digitals are more durable then they used to be. I remember the first generation digitals broke at the drop of a pin.

That's the information I was seeking, lol. I am thinking of getting new hearing aids but was undecided on digital or analog. My present analog hearing aid does a lot of feedback and it bothers people around me although I cannot hear it. It is five years old and has been a good workhorse, and I didn't know how fragile the earlier digital hearing aids were. My mind is made up: analog it is!
That's the information I was seeking, lol. I am thinking of getting new hearing aids but was undecided on digital or analog. My present analog hearing aid does a lot of feedback and it bothers people around me although I cannot hear it. It is five years old and has been a good workhorse, and I didn't know how fragile the earlier digital hearing aids were. My mind is made up: analog it is!

What analog??
I'm in the process of (*trying* to) convert over to digital aids after wearing analogs for most of my life (I'm 35 now). I honestly feel like I'm about to spend a TON of money just to hear worse than the analog aides I have now. I've tried numerous digital aides and they all make me feel like I'm disconnected- walking around in a surreal environment. I don't hear the simplest sounds like my own steps on the ground, my dog panting, or just the silence in the air. Everything sounds tin-y (as if I'm listening through a tin can) and robotic. I don't hear all the ranges of beautiful tones that I hear with my analog. I'll admit, the analogs are not perfect but they sure are a HELL of a lot better than digital. The thought of switching over to digital gives me HUGE amounts of anxiety as I feel like someday I will be disconnected from society due to the lack of hearing I will have then.
I wish we could band together and make a plea to Phonak to make up one more batch of Superfronts- I would even buy 2 sets.
This situation makes me sick to my stomach and I wake up every day thinking about the day I have to give up the analogs.
Just so you know- Oticon makes 2 analogs currently (as of today- 10/18/10) but they really sound like crap. I need my superfronts. :(
I'm in the process of (*trying* to) convert over to digital aids after wearing analogs for most of my life (I'm 35 now). I honestly feel like I'm about to spend a TON of money just to hear worse than the analog aides I have now. I've tried numerous digital aides and they all make me feel like I'm disconnected- walking around in a surreal environment. I don't hear the simplest sounds like my own steps on the ground, my dog panting, or just the silence in the air. Everything sounds tin-y (as if I'm listening through a tin can) and robotic. I don't hear all the ranges of beautiful tones that I hear with my analog. I'll admit, the analogs are not perfect but they sure are a HELL of a lot better than digital. The thought of switching over to digital gives me HUGE amounts of anxiety as I feel like someday I will be disconnected from society due to the lack of hearing I will have then.
I wish we could band together and make a plea to Phonak to make up one more batch of Superfronts- I would even buy 2 sets.
This situation makes me sick to my stomach and I wake up every day thinking about the day I have to give up the analogs.
Just so you know- Oticon makes 2 analogs currently (as of today- 10/18/10) but they really sound like crap. I need my superfronts. :(

maybe get them on ebay or craglist.
I have one analog, and one digital. I honestly can't tell the difference between the two. Perhaps I am too deaf. The amplification seems equal in both. I do hate that my digital one beeps at me when the battery is getting low. Unfortunately mine is an old-enough model that the low-battery beeping can't be removed (my audis already tried!) but the newer models can. :(

I had some digital HA that had a little light on them to let you know when the
battery was getting low. I liked that , the HA I have now made an awful sound when the battery is getting low. I was driving once and the battery started making that awful sound , I had to take my HA out.
I had some digital HA that had a little light on them to let you know when the
battery was getting low. I liked that , the HA I have now made an awful sound when the battery is getting low. I was driving once and the battery started making that awful sound , I had to take my HA out.

you know the lil light that lets you know about the hearing aid status?
I was gonna look into that for my next back up sets which I'm getting next year!!!!
I would be stuck with the Safaris or the Epoqs (doesn't include that feature) :)
hat's the information I was seeking, lol. I am thinking of getting new hearing aids but was undecided on digital or analog. My present analog hearing aid does a lot of feedback and it bothers people around me although I cannot hear it. It is five years old and has been a good workhorse, and I didn't know how fragile the earlier digital hearing aids were. My mind is made up: analog it is!
Well then again, as with anything, things are hit or miss. Try a digital and then try an analog and see what's good for you.
I do know that the digitals of today are much more durable.
you know the lil light that lets you know about the hearing aid status?
I was gonna look into that for my next back up sets which I'm getting next year!!!!
I would be stuck with the Safaris or the Epoqs (doesn't include that feature) :)

the HA I have now do not have that little light, I wish they did, as I hate the sound my HA made when the battery is goind dead. I should be getting new HA next year and I am going to try and get HA with the light again. I also want some cool color, not the boring beige and gray ones like I have now. I had thought of getting the body type of HA , it might not bother my TMJ as much.
the HA I have now do not have that little light, I wish they did, as I hate the sound my HA made when the battery is goind dead. I should be getting new HA next year and I am going to try and get HA with the light again. I also want some cool color, not the boring beige and gray ones like I have now. I had thought of getting the body type of HA , it might not bother my TMJ as much.

me 2, I want purple instead of beige since cool colors are "in" this season! :D
me 2, I want purple instead of beige since cool colors are "in" this season! :D

my hearing audiologist was surprised when I told him I wanted a HA in another other color instead of beige. I guess he think I am too old to be wearing a red HA!