Interesting experience last night

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I enjoy teaching grammar.......
We need to step lightly now for fear of some friendly fire. :D
That wasn't rude that was teaching me a life lesson I'll never forget, my apologies for trying to destroy this forum and it's culture with my irrational idea of debating on a forum

Pot, meet kettle

I'm asking you a serious question. Do you not understand why every single person would metaphorically roll their eyes in this situation? Do you not understand that? (I'm not trying to call you dumb, just REALLY asking)
Never have I ever seen a noobie come on board and get so riled up over a supposed "rudeness" in a discussion thread.
Fix your attitude, you're a child in a grown woman's body. Learn how to deal with people like a normal, sane human being would.

Again, it's not that you wouldn't interpret, it was your response/snickering/eye rolling that turns people off.


you were implying *I* go away and for that, we're not friends anymore

Rain, I think Kokonut meant that he want the rain to go away, not you as it was raining. The summer is not over yet. He still want to be your friend. You just have to read along the line. :)
Never have I ever seen a noobie come on board and get so riled up over a supposed "rudeness" in a discussion thread.

maybe they just need to get laid!:laugh2:
Do you notice that almost every single Deaf person here says that I was in the right to NOT interfere? Isn't it possible that you do not understand the cultural mores at work in this situation?

I think rain meant that you need to have good manners next time and not try to do the rude manner with a much better manner to be polite way. :hmm:
I'm asking you a serious question. Do you not understand why every single person would metaphorically roll their eyes in this situation? Do you not understand that? (I'm not trying to call you dumb, just REALLY asking)

Listen...the only reason people are agreeing with you is because they think I have some sort of preconceived hatred towards the deaf community and that my argument went along the lines of "deaf people aren't smart enough to communicate so you should have interpreted for them"

Change the situation in the following way...

You work as a waitress in a popular restaurant. You only speak English, the other patrons speak French, one of the guests is fluent in both. You are able to communicate with everyone using a modern-day translation technology in which they type what they want in French and it translates to English (and vice versa).

Now you, FJ the waitress, notice one of the patrons speaking English! So you ask "Madam, could you ask the gentlemen to your right if he wanted Pepsi or Coke?"

The woman now ROLLS her eyes and tells you "umm, if they wanted me to translate they would've asked, now why don't you continue on writing everything"

You are now dumbfounded. When you leave the table, the bilingual guest starts snickering and laughing. Another guest, we'll call him "coconut", looks at the bilingual guest and says "Great job teaching that insecure waitress about our French culture! How dare she try to get you to take over"

Now tell me, were you an insecure waitress trying to insult the French community and their intelligence? Or was the bilingual guest rude in her approach and refusal to translate?
I think rain meant that you need to have good manners next time and not try to do the rude manner with a much better manner to be polite way. :hmm:

I really don't think she was meaning to be any rude at all. Sounds like she was put on the spot and was taken aback since she wasn't expecting it and just spoke before she thought it through. We've all done that.
Listen...the only reason people are agreeing with you is because they think I have some sort of preconceived hatred towards the deaf community and that my argument went along the lines of "deaf people aren't smart enough to communicate so you should have interpreted for them"

Change the situation in the following way...

You work as a waitress in a popular restaurant. You only speak English, the other patrons speak French, one of the guests is fluent in both. You are able to communicate with everyone using a modern-day translation technology in which they type what they want in French and it translates to English (and vice versa).

Now you, FJ the waitress, notice one of the patrons speaking English! So you ask "Madam, could you ask the gentlemen to your right if he wanted Pepsi or Coke?"

The woman now ROLLS her eyes and tells you "umm, if they wanted me to translate they would've asked, now why don't you continue on writing everything"

You are now dumbfounded. When you leave the table, the bilingual guest starts snickering and laughing. Another guest, we'll call him "coconut", looks at the bilingual guest and says "Great job teaching that insecure waitress about our French culture! How dare she try to get you to take over"

I would have been wrong. It isn't that person's job to translate for me.
Listen...the only reason people are agreeing with you is because they think I have some sort of preconceived hatred towards the deaf community and that my argument went along the lines of "deaf people aren't smart enough to communicate so you should have interpreted for them"

Change the situation in the following way...

You work as a waitress in a popular restaurant. You only speak English, the other patrons speak French, one of the guests is fluent in both. You are able to communicate with everyone using a modern-day translation technology in which they type what they want in French and it translates to English (and vice versa).

Now you, FJ the waitress, notice one of the patrons speaking English! So you ask "Madam, could you ask the gentlemen to your right if he wanted Pepsi or Coke?"

The woman now ROLLS her eyes and tells you "umm, if they wanted me to translate they would've asked, now why don't you continue on writing everything"

You are now dumbfounded. When you leave the table, the bilingual guest starts snickering and laughing. Another guest, we'll call him "coconut", looks at the bilingual guest and says "Great job teaching that insecure waitress about our French culture! How dare she try to get you to take over"

Now tell me, were you an insecure waitress trying to insult the French community and their intelligence? Or was the bilingual guest rude in her approach and refusal to translate?

Preconceived hatred towards the deaf community? Who is saying that? LOL. Are you on medication or what? Being paranoid isn't such a good thing in here.
Rain, why don't you go spend more time learning ASL and understanding Deaf culture before you start opening your mouth on a subject(s) you have not a friggin clue about. You have been trying to turn this whole argument into a simple problem of being rude, which is just deflection. Furthermore, you're basing it on your assumptions of what's rude in your limited (hearing) environment. All of the people on this thread (well, most of us anyway) are backing up FJ because we all know exactly what she is talking about and have been in the situation many times before.

The real issue here, which you cannot grasp because of your limited knowledge and exposure to deafness, is one of self-sufficiency and independence.

Sure, FJ may have worded her initial post in a way that someone without hearing loss, or someone outside the Deaf community, would take the wrong way. But consider for a second who her audience is here... We understand the situation she was in the other night. In fact, all of us have probably been in that same situation more times than we can even remember, and there's a reason we all agree she was in the right.

Your little temper tantrum (funny how you keep accusing FJ of being immature when your posts have been nothing but whiny and accusatory) was cute at first, but I think you're starting to outlive your welcome.

Tick tock...
Why do you feel like you need to stoop to insulting me personally? You have called me rude, and now implied that I am stupid. Just because you disagree with me, there is no reason to be childish and make it personal.

He isn't just insulting you, but anyone who feel that you did was right not to interfer. I don't know why he is directing at you though. he says you should listen to people who aren't your friend and you say everyone on ALLDEAF gave you a hard time and he think it is a lie. It make me wonder how he truly feel about deaf people and why is he attacking you personally? Maybe because you are hearing?

And FJ, I highly doubt people here cringe at the thought of agreeing with you for once because you think they don't like you. They agree because they agree. It is a good feeling when someone finally understand.
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