If you won a Mega Millions Lottery....


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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would you want to be on the news, tell as many people or keep it as private as you can?

Ha Ha...I'll bet many of you thought this thread would be about..what would you do with the money.

No, this thread is about publicity...

would you want to be on the front page news or not tell people?'

I would request that I would not be subjected to accepting the check publicity and then I would sit down with my hubby and discuss who we would tell.

I wouldnt tell my closest friends, some family members and definitely not my co-workers.

I may just tell my mom and my hubby only. I wouldnt even tell my daughter for fear she would tell my ex hubby.

The reason for this is that I witnessed what fame did to my uncle and how fans chased after him while he was having a simple lunch with me. I was terrified..plus I dont want people hitting me up for money. The money is mine, not yours. Sorry.
What about you?
Keep it private...not in public. No one needs to know that except close family members. Friends...it's hard to trust.
I'd keep it private and buy my wife her dream handicapped van and let her loose at Walmart in her souped up electric wheelchair. *bodies flying up in the air" :P

I would keep it private, and move away to where no one ever knew me.

Except for my husband, the only ones with knowledge of my money would be animal charities.
Well, I'd take myself and the boys into "hiding" (along with our animals)...get a P.O. Box...change my appearance....set up a new account at the bank, and probably just "disappear"!....Money does strange things to people. I'd just hope it wouldn't change me too much....as I like my privacy. Perhaps I'd mail a big check to some of my family members at Christmas time!....Maybe just buy several thousands of acres for the homeless animals, and live on the compound, along with all the helpers, vets, etc.
I would keep it private. If it were public too many people would come forward saying I owe them money, or asking if they could borrow money.
100% private...I would not tell our families... only myself and my husband...not even our kids...we'll load up $ in their trust funds for future. Other than that stay very private...people do not need to know our damn business!!!
I tell no one but I will do something for my close friends and family anonymously
Private all the way!!!

Okay maybe one close friend and my
mom. That's pretty much it.
not me? I'd tell you......... not the full amount though :aw:

Especially not you. Sorry jiro, but you might try to hit me up to invest in your special edition sunglasses.
I would tell no one. I would move somewhere comfortable and tell everyone I was living on disability.
I would keep it private except for family and donate a lot of it.
seeing how donation money is being misused... I don't believe in donating a hefty amount of $$$ anymore to any organization unless I'm part of the board. I prefer to oversee my own donation - my rule. my way. my money. :cool2:
Eh, I wouldn't flaunt it, but I wouldn't keep it a secret from everyone. Wouldn't want my name in the paper or anything, but I would tell my friends and family because I'd probably spend a lot on them anyway. I wouldn't be afraid to tell random people or people I didn't like to piss off if they'd try and hit me up for money. Maybe the rest of you are just insecure about that? :dunno: