PETA is nothing but embarrassment.

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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I've always hear alot of shit about PETA and they are really annoying. Remember last year they barked an uproar against Obama for killing a fly? seriously...a fly. At least it wasn't a dog or whatever, but yeah that's just pretty stupid.

PETA also put up ads of an image showing an overweight person eating a whale so of course it offended many people at this image, and yet PETA refuse to take that ad down.

Now with another ad featuring first wife Michelle Obama in the fur-free and fabulous ad, she was mad that they put her in the ad without her permission and they refuse to put that ad down as well.

PETA’s use of First Lady in advertisement angers White House - Yahoo! News

I'm really getting sick of PETA I think that organization should be shut down cause they are seriously nothing but embarrassment.
I have agree with you, Dan.

Let PETA down....

I think that court could taken care of stupid ads and have order PETA to take down.
You won't find too many who'll disagree with you on peta.
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Yeah..Peta does stupid things! Ah well...
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Lighthouse77 - LOL :lol: Good one.
Well now we can turn the tables on them... next time you see a PETA rally buy some cans of RED paint and throw it on them... call it pay back for all the times they threw paint on some rich lady's fur-coat! LOL
Oh and do that while eating a triple bacon cheese burger right in front of them!
and now the coat company used Obama without his consent in Times Square... he sure looked really good tho. but unethical to use without consent.
PETA is like the animal Taliban, they have a crazy interpretation of animal 'rights', and if you don't follow them to a T then you're in big trouble.

I know of a lady who used to be a proud card-carrying member of PETA. She even became vegetarian for nearly two years after joining the organization. After a while she started noticing little things that didn't add up and certainly were extremist. Then she found some information on what PETA was really doing. Once she saw the proverbial light, she burned her PETA card and went out an bought the meatiest meal she could find. If you ask her about it today she will tell you she is embarrassed she ever associated with that organization.

I agree that PETA should be shut down completely, they have done a few good things, but their extremist ways outweigh what good they do. They really are an embarrassment, and sadly they do more harm than good for the animals in the long run.

If PETA had it completely their way, no one would own animals. Why? Because of their hard push to desex every four-legged creature with fur, they would eventually become extinct, therefore there would be no animals to own as pets or otherwise.
If any animal rights, or tree huggers are like talibans, it would the E.L.F. They will burn houses and not really care people are living there. So that's why I'm sticking PETA in the same category as Westboro baptist. They have concerns and will express it in the most extreme way, but they don't promote violent.
It sounds like Fur-Free and Fabulous songs, featured by Michelle Obama so go buy on iTunes.
PETA is like the animal Taliban, they have a crazy interpretation of animal 'rights', and if you don't follow them to a T then you're in big trouble.

I know of a lady who used to be a proud card-carrying member of PETA. She even became vegetarian for nearly two years after joining the organization. After a while she started noticing little things that didn't add up and certainly were extremist. Then she found some information on what PETA was really doing. Once she saw the proverbial light, she burned her PETA card and went out an bought the meatiest meal she could find. If you ask her about it today she will tell you she is embarrassed she ever associated with that organization.

I agree that PETA should be shut down completely, they have done a few good things, but their extremist ways outweigh what good they do. They really are an embarrassment, and sadly they do more harm than good for the animals in the long run.

If PETA had it completely their way, no one would own animals. Why? Because of their hard push to desex every four-legged creature with fur, they would eventually become extinct, therefore there would be no animals to own as pets or otherwise.

There's maybe Vegan Taliban, they are trying to force people to eat fruit and vegetables only.
It's because of PETA, ELF and so on, that the more moderate ones are jumping ship off the "animal rights" platform and are swimming over "animal welfare."
PETA is being overrated.

I love being around with animals, but that doesn't make me go crazy like what the PETA people have done. Their intention may have been in good thoughts but their actions says otherwise which really changes the light on themselves.
PETA has ALWAYS been in business to shock, anger, and provoke controversy and it does so well!
I don't think PETA is going to make people care less about animals because of their action, anymore than I think people will quit being a christian because of Westboro Baptist Church.
But they are not helping people get the message by their attitude.
Now why do I feel like steak with A1 steak sauce for dinner? :drool: