Alive tired!!!!!!


New Member
Sep 30, 2009
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I cried every night,i do not know how to do... i did not to tell my parents ear continued to deteriorate...Tired...
:grouphug: Dont be sad. It seems so bad right now. Believe it or not, it will be ok one day. Just get by one thing at a time. It really will. People care. Find someone that you trust to help? Why not tell your parents? (Just wondering) Bet they love you very much.
do not cry, my love. let me weep for you :)
I am a mom and I would want to know what is going on with my child. So your parent would want you to know and it is ok for your mom to cry cuz it show that she care and love you so much.
You should tell your parents, they can cry with you.

Hope you're okay.
I agree with anyone's posts. I am a mom. I rather knowing how my kids feel and try to understand them and talk about it.

Hope things is going to be ok for you.
I am trying to understand why you are crying every night. Is it because your hearing is deteriorate and you are not happy being deaf? Every parent cried over their children because they care and love you very much. I do hope they support you when you need them very much. I wish Jillio is here to talk with you about that. She is a psychologist. It is good that you cried because you are sad but you will get over it soon. I hope. :fingersx: We, Deafies, will always be here for you and support you whenever you need to talk with us. Be strong and may your spirit watch over you every day. :)
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Aww here is a :hug: Hang in there!
I am trying to understand why you are crying every night. Is it because your hearing is deteriorate and you are not happy being deaf? Every parent cried over their children because they care and love you very much. I do hope they support you when you need them very much. I wish Jillio is here to talk with you about that. She is a pschologist. It is good that you cried because you are sad but you will get over it soon. I hope. :fingersx: We, Deafies, will always be here for you and support you whenever you need to talk with us. Be strong and may your spirit watch over you every day. :)

Well, take that up to PM or Instant Messenger privately, not here. This AD is NOT a psychologist's office unless if Jillio has her own website, any one can go there for her help or tips or advice or suggestions. :)
:hug:hey, i dont know how u feel but its sounding terrible. i can relate to your pain, ive been thru it, not only me but i think many other ADer's has been thru it as well. we understand your pain.

Dont cry, let Jiro weep for u..
i reckon u should tell your parents or at least let them know abit of what's happening so they have an idea and wont be in complete shock. At least that's one thing u can do for them. Dont be tired alone and hang in there. If you are scared u'll be deaf one day then make the most of now, dont just cry everynight, fall asleep listening to music, go to the beach on a breezy night and listen to the waves, go clubing dance to the music. i made the mistake of taking everything for granted then one day...bam... im living in a silent world. trust me u dont want to make that mistake too. but the 'silent world' is not bad...... its awesome...:D
hang in there and all the best to you ok
Gosh sakes Maria, she is just a kid. A deaf kid. You dont have to be a stalker to see that was very COLD. Warm up your heart, it is Christmas.
lovelove, there is a support thread for late onset deafness and you may find it helpful.

When moms cry, it's because they're sad that they can't help their child more. Moms want to be there for their children. It's ok for your mom to cry. It helps her express how much she loves you. Please talk to your mom and let her be there for you.

I hope that you continue to reach out on AD and find support here. :hug:
lovelove, there is a support thread for late onset deafness and you may find it helpful.

When moms cry, it's because they're sad that they can't help their child more. Moms want to be there for their children. It's ok for your mom to cry. It helps her express how much she loves you. Please talk to your mom and let her be there for you.

I hope that you continue to reach out on AD and find support here. :hug:

well-said. I'm pretty sure my mom cried about me when the specialist told her that I was deaf (around 3 years old). This is perfectly normal and moms have concern for child's well-being and future because they don't know what to do.

Love - it helps to provide information for your mother about deafness, deaf club, deaf culture, and pretty much all information about deafness. Let your mom digest it into her head and she will understand. As long as your mom is very understanding and open-mind, your life will be different and very positive!

Keep coming to and learn more about it! You will read that just about many of us went thru same thing like you and we all turned out to be ok! :cool2:
Very bad English. Are you guys sure she didn't say she is tired of being alive?