Is Obama meddling in the governor's race with Patterson?

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Psst...."back door channels."

OMG...its a conspiracy!:laugh2:

In effect, yes. You are calling Paterson a liar. He stated that the WH did not ask him to step down, you are saying they did through back door channels.

I'd say that conclusion is less about Paterson being a liar, and more about your overactive imagination.
Believe in being polite? Spoken like a true hypocrite. I'm more interested in discussing the topics or issues at hand rather than to personally target individuals. Instead of agreeing to disagree, I see armaments being pulled out and turn a topic into a playground for 5th graders. If you don't disagree, just say so and provide the arguments.

Oh? I'll be glad to go back and pull up any number of posts that prove exactly the opposite.:cool2:
Which is why I have him on ignore. I believe in being polite to others and it's hard for me to be polite to someone like this. Normally I don't make fun of people but with this guy, I can't resist taking cheap pot shots at him. I think Posts from Hell's nickname for him is very funny.

I tried that. Didn't really work if people end up quoting him anyway, so I might as well be sarcastic when a fallacious statement is being made.
Falacious statment? Like the stimulus is working? Or that the NY unemployment rate currently at 10.3% helps the economy?
Oh? I'll be glad to go back and pull up any number of posts that prove exactly the opposite.:cool2:

Be my guest and be sure to make it into a separate thread dedicated to turning this into a personal endeavor of yours (and a few others) as a way to personally attack those who disagree. Of course, that would present a few problems, namely the hypocrisy factor.
I tried that. Didn't really work if people end up quoting him anyway, so I might as well be sarcastic when a fallacious statement is being made.
Reminds me of a recent trip I took, to my niece's wedding in South Dakota. Mom was rambling to herself the entire 5 hours each way. I drove, and since I am stone deaf in my right ear, I had Mom in the right side in back. My brother was going crazy listening to her gibberish (she has Alzheimer's and dementia, but that is a whole new topic) but I just cruised along with the radio playing something that might have been rock or country to drown her out. I ignored her, but it still was somewhat maddening to watch my bro squirm.
Once again.....the economy tanked October 2008 .it took years to get into that position.....why is it dems fault or Obama which is the gist of your statement? Obama presidency started Jan.20@ 2009.....the stimulus was intended to prevent all banks tanking completely...and peoplemaking a run to pull out there money...which would tank the stock market completely...we were literally facing a great depression. Bailouts and stimulus prevented that......we are surviving better than some thought.......reccessions happen....why are you whining about it? A lot of the booming economy was fluff anyay.....booms and bust cycles of business.

And again you claim to be interested in talking issues etc.....I only see hocus pocus spinning lies.
No body.

Falacious statment? Like the stimulus is working? Or that the NY unemployment rate currently at 10.3% helps the economy?
I don't think it's personal attacks......we just really don't want awhole tribe of little kokonuts in here.
Limbaugh really is an idiot who brainwashed you and you are trying to spread it here.
Be my guest and be sure to make it into a separate thread dedicated to turning this into a personal endeavor of yours (and a few others) as a way to personally attack those who disagree. Of course, that would present a few problems, namely the hypocrisy factor.

It isn't a matter of disagreement with opinions. It is a matter of you telling outright lies, and accusing others of behaviors of which you are guilty, yet deny all the same. You should know all about hypocrisy, as you have shown yourself to be the biggest hypocrit of all. However, you only see it as a problem when you attempt to apply it to others. Of course, it is perfectly acceptable for you to be a huge hypocrit.:roll: Just as when you tell others to read documents that you yourself have not read, when you intentionally phrase so as to present a concept that is not there, and then tell others to stop putting a spin on things, when you tell outright lies, and then caution others to be truthful. The list goes on and on. It isn't necessary for anyone else to expose your hypocrisy, your narrow mindedness, and your bias. You do an excellent job of exposing yourself. You are the only one who hasn't caught on yet.:cool2:
I tried that. Didn't really work if people end up quoting him anyway, so I might as well be sarcastic when a fallacious statement is being made.

I can still see his quotes but I find it easier to deal with koko if I have him on ignore than if I don't have him on ignore.
Once again.....the economy tanked October 2008 .it took years to get into that position.....why is it dems fault or Obama which is the gist of your statement? Obama presidency started Jan.20@ 2009.....the stimulus was intended to prevent all banks tanking completely...and peoplemaking a run to pull out there money...which would tank the stock market completely...we were literally facing a great depression. Bailouts and stimulus prevented that......we are surviving better than some thought.......reccessions happen....why are you whining about it? A lot of the booming economy was fluff anyay.....booms and bust cycles of business.

And again you claim to be interested in talking issues etc.....I only see hocus pocus spinning lies.
No body.

Um, when spending continues to go out of control, deficits continue to mount, borrowing continues to increase from other countries, taxes go up, and all that will ultimately bite us in the rear sooner rather than later. The spending is simply unsustainable.

Ok. Look at FDIC. Do you know what that is?
FDIC Fund Faces Years in Red as Failures Jolt System -

The FDIC Just Doesn't Get the Economic Situation -- Seeking Alpha

Seems like just about everything the Federal govt touches in the effort to help, with good intention aside, ends up hurting even more people in the process. If you think the stimulus has helped us, you got another thing coming. It's the equivalent of maxing out nearly all of your credit cards (save a few for later) as a solution to help solve your debt problem by taking care of the last debt. Only that the debt continues to get bigger and the interest rates continue to go higher. Or are you going to tell me that is the most common sense, sane and logical approach there is?

Here's a simple challenge.

Name a single successful Federal govt program that turned a profit. It's a trick question but I am a making a point here.

Here's a thought. Why was there a big rush to get the stimulus package out when the bulk of the money won't be seen until 2010 and into 2011? So far, about $95 billion (out of $787 billion) already was spent over the last several months now. That's roughly $15 billion a month for 50 states or about $50 bucks for each person in America. Whoopee. No wonder the stimulus package isn't working. We're already expected to see unemployment rate to climb to 9.8% by this Friday.

Here's another thought. Why was there a big push to try and get this "health reform" bill out quickly? Why the rush? If it get passed it won't become active until 2013. There is a reason why Democrats wanted to get this passed quickly as possible in the beginning. You'll need to figure out why and it's an easy answer.

Instead of berating and making personal attacks, pointing fingers, and do all this mewling stuff and kewpie cooing, how about engaging in a bit of intelligent discussion instead? I like a bit of challenge. But if your barking is your forte' then there's nothing I can do except smile.
You want to hide your head in the sand. Wartime and a big economic problem equals big spending...yeah we have to pay it together and do it. Wartime cost money.
Some of spending is for futuristic projects....greener automobiles on independent fuels. cheaper fuels.......greener electric......some infrastructure needs cost will come down.....that is the whole idea behind this.....control insurance monopoly.
We are heading into the future and yes ...we have to pay for it.
People have become spoiled......suck it up.

Um, when spending continues to go out of control, deficits continue to mount, borrowing continues to increase from other countries, taxes go up, and all that will ultimately bite us in the rear sooner rather than later. The spending is simply unsustainable.

Ok. Look at FDIC. Do you know what that is?
FDIC Fund Faces Years in Red as Failures Jolt System -

The FDIC Just Doesn't Get the Economic Situation -- Seeking Alpha

Seems like just about everything the Federal govt touches in the effort to help, with good intention aside, ends up hurting even more people in the process. If you think the stimulus has helped us, you got another thing coming. It's the equivalent of maxing out nearly all of your credit cards (save a few for later) as a solution to help solve your debt problem by taking care of the last debt. Only that the debt continues to get bigger and the interest rates continue to go higher. Or are you going to tell me that is the most common sense, sane and logical approach there is?

Here's a simple challenge.

Name a single successful Federal govt program that turned a profit. It's a trick question but I am a making a point here.

Here's a thought. Why was there a big rush to get the stimulus package out when the bulk of the money won't be seen until 2010 and into 2011? So far, about $95 billion (out of $787 billion) already was spent over the last several months now. That's roughly $15 billion a month for 50 states or about $50 bucks for each person in America. Whoopee. No wonder the stimulus package isn't working. We're already expected to see unemployment rate to climb to 9.8% by this Friday.

Here's another thought. Why was there a big push to try and get this "health reform" bill out quickly? Why the rush? If it get passed it won't become active until 2013. There is a reason why Democrats wanted to get this passed quickly as possible in the beginning. You'll need to figure out why and it's an easy answer.

Instead of berating and making personal attacks, pointing fingers, and do all this mewling stuff and kewpie cooing, how about engaging in a bit of intelligent discussion instead? I like a bit of challenge. But if your barking is your forte' then there's nothing I can do except smile.
Here's a simple challenge.

Name a single successful Federal govt program that turned a profit. It's a trick question but I am a making a point here.

Government isn't business.

Instead of berating and making personal attacks, pointing fingers, and do all this mewling stuff and kewpie cooing, how about engaging in a bit of intelligent discussion instead? I like a bit of challenge. But if your barking is your forte' then there's nothing I can do except smile.

Aren't you the one doing the pointing? As for intellegent discussions, you're not noted for being able to discuss stuff in an intelligent manner; I keep seeing tinfoil stuff from you. I'm under the impression you're trying to troll us at AD.

I can think of several conservates here at AD who can discuss stuff intellegently even thoguh I don't often agree with them on many things but you're not one of them.
Government isn't business.

well - what do you suppose how government is able to have cash for programs? It isn't certainly from tax alone. Government DOES actually invest.
well - what do you suppose how government is able to have cash for programs? It isn't certainly from tax alone. Government DOES actually invest.

taxes and bonds.
Government isn't business.
Exactly. There is no profit for paving a road. If they tried to create one, via tolls, I can imagine the outcry from our resident Watchdog. A lot of what gets done with taxes is not glamorous. Nor is it profitable. Hiring a police force is not a profit maker. Fire departments do not make profits. The list goes on.
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