Info on STEM CELLS from scientific source


Stem Cells are not yet proven to be better than an implant. Yes, the results show an improvement but there will need to be much more data to prove stem cells are better than a CI.

The upshot of the debate is that if someone with a severe to profound hearing loss desires to hear better now, and they qualify, an implant is a viable choice right NOW.

If someone is in the prime of their working years and hearing loss is making it hard for them to function at work, getting a CI makes more sense than waiting years for stem cells. This would allow the person to stay with a job rather than having to quit because of hearing loss.

Will children benifit from stem cells if they don't get the stem cells when they are young? Waiting might deprive children of speech and sounds. An implant can help them NOW!

Stem Cells are an exciting possibility but it is important to be realistic. If someone wants to wait for stem cells that is their business.
No, it only proves, that if these results are factual, it seemed to work at this moment for this individual. Doesn't prove anything long term, and doesn't prove anything generalizable to the whole deaf population.

Haha you think stem cells working for him was some quirk of nature where this "moment" is when the moons and stars align perfectly and ten witches chant "may he hear" and poof, he hears better! Stem cells has worked on dozens of others besides him. Even if it doesn't work on someone, you keep your residual hearing anyway without improvement.

Side effects are quite often not resolvable. And they can easily cause permanent damage worse than the disorder being treated.

Same story for CI. You want a chance to hear better other than HAs? You are gonna have to step up and take a risk! You can't prove that stem cells is riskier than a CI just as I can't prove stem cells are safer than CI. From what I know about stem cells, ill say it's my belief/opinion that stem cells are safer. One thing for sure is I avoid surgery since stem cells can be administered by injection or IV. My dad much prefers I get stem cells for that reason among others.


Stem Cells are not yet proven to be better than an implant. Yes, the results show an improvement but there will need to be much more data to prove stem cells are better than a CI.

I suggest you check my blog where I discuss all the advantages of stem cells over a CI. Feel free to disagree with any here or in my blog.

The upshot of the debate is that if someone with a severe to profound hearing loss desires to hear better now, and they qualify, an implant is a viable choice right NOW.

Stem cells are a viable choice NOW as well. I could go ahead and get stem cells NOW but im not in a hurry.

If someone is in the prime of their working years and hearing loss is making it hard for them to function at work, getting a CI makes more sense than waiting years for stem cells. This would allow the person to stay with a job rather than having to quit because of hearing loss.

You know, there's accomodations that employers must provide to the deaf. Many jobs can be done just fine by the deaf, we are perfectly capable!

Will children benifit from stem cells if they don't get the stem cells when they are young? Waiting might deprive children of speech and sounds. An implant can help them NOW!

Again, I don't see any urgency unless the child has virtually no residual hearing. Then the choice would be stick with HAs, consider CI or consider stem cells. Different parents will be forced to make different choices on behalf of their children. There's a hearing parent who posts her whos daughter is deaf. She will never get her daughter a CI and she doesn't even care if the daughter doesn't develop speech or learn to speak clearly as long as the daughter can sign, read lips and be literate(read/write properly) not everyone is obsessed with speech. Her daughter will fit just fine in the Deaf culture where everyone just signs.

Stem Cells are an exciting possibility but it is important to be realistic. If someone wants to wait for stem cells that is their business.

For me, waiting is a choice as opposed to getting it NOW. Ive explained why I will wait a short while. If I had to get a "fix" NOW, I would just go ahead and get stem cells instead of a CI. My dad agrees that stem cells is much more promising than a CI. Again, I have great posts about stem cells in my blog, link in sig.
Stem Cells are an exciting possibility but it is important to be realistic. If someone wants to wait for stem cells that is their business.
Yes.....its still very much a possibilty. They're intreging........but there's still no data either way yet. Your problem is that you think that stem cells will be viable. But the only stats on stem cell for hearing are from China, a country where they use all sorts of strange alternative remedies which generally don't work.
Haha you think stem cells working for him was some quirk of nature where this "moment" is when the moons and stars align perfectly and ten witches chant "may he hear" and poof, he hears better! Stem cells has worked on dozens of others besides him
No, but he could have had a particualr KIND of hearing loss that responded well to that particualr treatment.It doesn't mean that everyone will respond well to that treatment. It was ALSO only 25 dcb improvement.....which may have been due to any number of factors.
Actually, you a teen I had ear surgery. (atresia repair)
This surgery has a very " it depends" with end results. After my first surgery there was actually an improvement in hearing in the ear that DIDN'T have the surgery! Virtually nobody else had ever experianced that.
Ancedote is not the plural of data!
No, but he could have had a particualr KIND of hearing loss that responded well to that particualr treatment.It doesn't mean that everyone will respond well to that treatment. It was ALSO only 25 dcb improvement.....which may have been due to any number of factors.
Actually, you a teen I had ear surgery. (atresia repair)
This surgery has a very " it depends" with end results. After my first surgery there was actually an improvement in hearing in the ear that DIDN'T have the surgery! Virtually nobody else had ever experianced that.
Ancedote is not the plural of data!

Yes, he did have a certain kind of hearing loss that responded to this treatment, deafdyke - Sensorineural Hearing Loss!

And the patient responded in both ears with a significant across-the-board improvement in most every frequency. No need for an operation on the ear in the traditional sense - it was an injection of stem cells.

The data can't get any more real than that unless you're just waiting for more people to have significant improvements after such treatments. And these certainly aren't anecdotals. It's actual data from Beike themselves.
I have done some checking on the internet and there is no mention of the four year old boy and his treatment for hearing loss on the Beike website. This makes the data VERY suspect. Moderators, in the future any data posted on this website needs to be verified and links provided prior to posting. If links can be provided please accept my apologies for this post.
set2- You can email them and fill out the patient inquiry form on their web site if you doubt the accuracy and validity of what I received.

That's how I found out the information. One of their representatives emailed me those complete details. If you'd have read my post completely before performing a blind search, you would have understood that.

Mods- I'll be happy to provide the full email itself to you if you require verification.
set2- BTW, Dennis - is that you? The same person who flamed deafdude1 and I on his blog demanding independent verification?

If it isn't, I apologize - but your attitude and hostile nature are very suspect.

If indeed this IS Dennis - Why won't you take the step to contact Beike through their web site if you require this independent verification?

What's stopping you from going through the process of contacting Beike themselves?
Haha you think stem cells working for him was some quirk of nature where this "moment" is when the moons and stars align perfectly and ten witches chant "may he hear" and poof, he hears better! Stem cells has worked on dozens of others besides him. Even if it doesn't work on someone, you keep your residual hearing anyway without improvement.

Same story for CI. You want a chance to hear better other than HAs? You are gonna have to step up and take a risk! You can't prove that stem cells is riskier than a CI just as I can't prove stem cells are safer than CI. From what I know about stem cells, ill say it's my belief/opinion that stem cells are safer. One thing for sure is I avoid surgery since stem cells can be administered by injection or IV. My dad much prefers I get stem cells for that reason among others.

I suggest you check my blog where I discuss all the advantages of stem cells over a CI. Feel free to disagree with any here or in my blog.

Stem cells are a viable choice NOW as well. I could go ahead and get stem cells NOW but im not in a hurry.

You know, there's accomodations that employers must provide to the deaf. Many jobs can be done just fine by the deaf, we are perfectly capable!

Again, I don't see any urgency unless the child has virtually no residual hearing. Then the choice would be stick with HAs, consider CI or consider stem cells. Different parents will be forced to make different choices on behalf of their children. There's a hearing parent who posts her whos daughter is deaf. She will never get her daughter a CI and she doesn't even care if the daughter doesn't develop speech or learn to speak clearly as long as the daughter can sign, read lips and be literate(read/write properly) not everyone is obsessed with speech. Her daughter will fit just fine in the Deaf culture where everyone just signs.

For me, waiting is a choice as opposed to getting it NOW. Ive explained why I will wait a short while. If I had to get a "fix" NOW, I would just go ahead and get stem cells instead of a CI. My dad agrees that stem cells is much more promising than a CI. Again, I have great posts about stem cells in my blog, link in sig.

Stranger things have happened, dd, stranger things have happened.:cool2: We have numerous infants that tested postive for HIV when they were born that have managed to spontaeously rid themselves of the virus. Does that mean we can replicate that occurance? Nope.
ref74- $17,000 - $34,000 for treatment is unbelievably low? I would love to know what planet you're on and where that kind of a cost for such treatment is extremely low. Perhaps I have a chance at financial freedom at last!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It's pretty clear you have no idea of what could be behind the treatment.
That money appears to be hardly sufficient to grow up a suitable cell population! add the clinical costs, medical treatment, simple administrative cost for the hospital and finally a profit (won't you think they work for free...). It's incredibly low. In the US a similar thing would cost ten times that.
It's pretty clear you have no idea of what could be behind the treatment.
That money appears to be hardly sufficient to grow up a suitable cell population! add the clinical costs, medical treatment, simple administrative cost for the hospital and finally a profit (won't you think they work for free...). It's incredibly low. In the US a similar thing would cost ten times that.

Welcome to China!
If such a treatment worked I would be more concerned with safety than cost. I wonder what sort of quality controls they have. Remember China is the country that sold an ingrediant of pet food that resulted in the deaths of over 1000 American pets. Babies in china became sick from chinese made formula. Sometimes you get what you pay for.
If such a treatment worked I would be more concerned with safety than cost. I wonder what sort of quality controls they have. Remember China is the country that sold an ingrediant of pet food that resulted in the deaths of over 1000 American pets. Babies in china became sick from chinese made formula. Sometimes you get what you pay for.

One stem cell center has treated over 6000 people, 96% without complications, very few with serious complications and no one got tumors, cancer or died from stem cells, just from the disease itself after the disease ran it's course. Stem cells isn't a complete cure but an improvement for all kinds of diseases. It buys you time and maybe better technology by then can cure your disease before you die.

I am going to wait and see how the pioneers fare with stem cells before I go ahead. I will have an idea of the risk and results and can then make my decision. I know that CI itself has risks and involves surgery. Stem cells will let me avoid surgery so this is a big plus. There's many other plusses to stem cells that ive mentioned in my blog.
One stem cell center has treated over 6000 people, 96% without complications, very few with serious complications and no one got tumors, cancer or died from stem cells, just from the disease itself after the disease ran it's course.

yes, following their own stats... :hmm:
If such a treatment worked I would be more concerned with safety than cost. I wonder what sort of quality controls they have. Remember China is the country that sold an ingrediant of pet food that resulted in the deaths of over 1000 American pets. Babies in china became sick from chinese made formula. Sometimes you get what you pay for.

Oh yes, of course! That makes sense. I also think that China does experiments on prisoners just like Nazi methods that we don't see on the news because they blocked the news.

China demonstrated their Chinese prisoners' human parts at some museums in the U.S. That's horrible! We shouldn't buy anything that made in China - I know most people are hard to give it up.

I still think that China should continue their Stem Cell research as long as other countries see that, and they would do the same thing. All priests should shut up their mouth - none of their business that we want our life better and cut down four walls so that our life and our children's future would be more flexible.

Nice work of italian guys!! :D
I would like to point out this sentence from the abstract:
"These observation offer the first evidence that transplanted human HSC migrating to the inner ear of oto-injured mice may provide conditions for the resumption of deafened cochlea, emerging as a potential strategy for inner ear rehabilitation"

Words count.
It is a work of 2008, very recent then. Extremely promising, but please consider it is on mice. And some of you are talking about flying to China to get the same treatment it has been at the moment experimented on mice only... Yes, besides some hypotetical human volunteers in that Chinese facilities, of course...
Very very nice, but still not so much for the entusiasm I see here...
My impression is that we need 7-10 years, not less than that, but maybe much more...