The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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It rained today, then it snowed. It's still snowing !!!
It was in the 70's here today..suppose to drop in the 30's tonight and the highs tomorrow in the 40's. Damn weather!!! I'm bored..
:zzz: This AD is very quiet, and it is tooo QUIET.
I miss Byrdie! :(

Can not wait til he gets settled in his new place.
I was supposed to go to a funeral today but daycare called and said my DD was sick so I didn't get to attend visitation or go to the funeral to pay my final respects to my high school algebra teacher. I'm starting to reconsider this Wal-Mart thing because I have to be at work at 4:30 tomorrow and my DD has to stay home with me tomorrow due to the fever policy (must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school) And I have to wait until my mom gets off work at 4:00 to hand off care much like a relay, and then I have to drive 30 miles to work. (I told you I lived in the boonies!) This is aggrevating. They have no over-night positions available at this time otherwise I would ask to be moved to those hours.
I agree...we need the controversial members back! :lol:

They are not here at the moment, they are either, banned, left or disappeared for no reason and no intention to return
I was supposed to go to a funeral today but daycare called and said my DD was sick so I didn't get to attend visitation or go to the funeral to pay my final respects to my high school algebra teacher. I'm starting to reconsider this Wal-Mart thing because I have to be at work at 4:30 tomorrow and my DD has to stay home with me tomorrow due to the fever policy (must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school) And I have to wait until my mom gets off work at 4:00 to hand off care much like a relay, and then I have to drive 30 miles to work. (I told you I lived in the boonies!) This is aggrevating. They have no over-night positions available at this time otherwise I would ask to be moved to those hours.

Damn that sucks! Can u just call it a bad week and see how it goes after your DD gets better?
Maybe we should start an official "Controversy" thread. Any controversial topics and insults must remain in that thread. And it can be "hidden" as the "Debate Party". :giggle:

Heres a question, how do you find a black angus cow on a dark stormy night in the middle of the woods?
Maybe we should start an official "Controversy" thread. Any controversial topics and insults must remain in that thread. And it can be "hidden" as the "Debate Party". :giggle:

Heres a question, how do you find a black angus cow on a dark stormy night in the middle of the woods?

Can we throw insults at each other? :lol:
Maybe we should start an official "Controversy" thread. Any controversial topics and insults must remain in that thread. And it can be "hidden" as the "Debate Party". :giggle:

Heres a question, how do you find a black angus cow on a dark stormy night in the middle of the woods?

I like that idea. I don't know about anyone else but I like reading the controversail stuff.

As far as finding a black cow that beats me..I always had problems finding my black dog at
Good luck
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