
They don't make much money out of it. I've heard of drug dealers who mixed cannabis with other drugs to get people hooked on it.

In fact I always wonder if I was JUST taking cannabis. Because sometimes the affect on me were differant then at other times. Like time would not flow normally. It was extremely jarred. Like I'd keep coming round. I don't really know how to explain it really.

XXXX It is ever so frustrating when you can't explain what you mean.

oh yes.... that is possible.... I do completely know what you said. lacing it with something else. all for more reasons why marijuana should be legalized.
They don't make much money out of it. I've heard of drug dealers who mixed cannabis with other drugs to get people hooked on it.

In fact I always wonder if I was JUST taking cannabis. Because sometimes the affect on me were differant then at other times. Like time would not flow normally. It was extremely jarred. Like I'd keep coming round. I don't really know how to explain it really.

XXXX It is ever so frustrating when you can't explain what you mean.

Wow, can you try to give me a better explanation?
I've never tried it but your description made me really interested in how it feels to you.
oh yes.... that is possible.... I do completely know what you said. lacing it with something else. all for more reasons why marijuana should be legalized.

Yes, I think so. But people must also be warned of the side affects too.
Wow, can you try to give me a better explanation?
I've never tried it but your description made me really interested in how it feels to you.

I wish I could but I'm finding it hard to explain. It was as if I kept comming round. Coming into conciousnous I mean. Over and over again. Time wasn't flowing like it usually is. It seemed really fragmented. I'm sorry if this is a really poor explanation.

I don't know if the canabis was laced with anything. I always wonder about that.
I wish I could but I'm finding it hard to explain. It was as if I kept comming round. Coming into conciousnous I mean. Over and over again. Time wasn't flowing like it usually is. It seemed really fragmented. I'm sorry if this is a really poor explanation.

I don't know if the canabis was laced with anything. I always wonder about that.

oh. well yea that's how i felt when i was high on weed. seems like the time just got slower by 200%... but yea - the effect is different on each person and it takes some getting used to. sometimes I alternate back and forth with reality and hallucination. my senses got heightened.
Yes, I think so. But people must also be warned of the side affects too.

isn't it so obvious? what did you think it'd do? and of course it will have warnings of side effects if it's legalized.
isn't it so obvious? what did you think it'd do?

Well when I asked my dad about it he said it was no worse then alcohol. That might be true as Alcohol is also very damaging.

I guess I took it because the guy I was with was offering it to me. I didn't get much hooked on it really. It didn't cause the experience I mentioned before. That time I can't say it did have that much negative affect.

Then when I started taking it again. It is quite hard to get hold of for a person like me. So I had to sort of ration it out.

Then I met a couple of dealers. I went overboard with it then. That's when it lead to a really bad mess.

Maybe it's a quantity more then anything else.

I've stopped taking it now.
oh. well yea that's how i felt when i was high on weed. seems like the time just got slower by 200%...

Time didn't slow down. It fragmented. That's why I wonder if I was only taking Hash or someone had spiked it with something. I don't know.
spiked pot is likely to be laced with PCP-. they do it to market the stashs against competitors and then fall back on selling b or c grade gears, pcp is addictive so its a double-wham fro dealers to use it to boost their sales. Killer weeds is often a term to refer as pcp-laced weed. bad news really, best to stick with straight buds, naturally grown, but then in this day of tight control with fairly harsh penalty associated with possession of cannabis, it is very difficult but not impossible to find growers/dealers who insist on the safe, natural way of pot cultivating. even in some places (actually for most places) this is tall order and fairly rare to find honest dealers, usually you'd have to be right into the middle of pot scene in the right sort of intergenerational pot-smoking community to find it.
Well when I asked my dad about it he said it was no worse then alcohol. That might be true as Alcohol is also very damaging.

I guess I took it because the guy I was with was offering it to me. I didn't get much hooked on it really. It didn't cause the experience I mentioned before. That time I can't say it did have that much negative affect.

Then when I started taking it again. It is quite hard to get hold of for a person like me. So I had to sort of ration it out.

Then I met a couple of dealers. I went overboard with it then. That's when it lead to a really bad mess.

Maybe it's a quantity more then anything else.

I've stopped taking it now.

well 2 big mistakes there -
1. you did not research the drug before you take it
2. you said you "went overboard" with it. in other word - you abused it.

btw - anything you take like alcohol, weed, etc... it's all damaging. it all depends on how much you take it and how much time you put to recover.
I'm for decriminalzing it, who cares. Stopping rape and violence matters more to me than someone bonging it up in the privacy of their own home.


I wish I could but I'm finding it hard to explain. It was as if I kept comming round. Coming into conciousnous I mean. Over and over again. Time wasn't flowing like it usually is. It seemed really fragmented. I'm sorry if this is a really poor explanation.

I don't know if the canabis was laced with anything. I always wonder about that.

Well.....why don't we all get some MJ and then on Friday 9 PM EST--we all smoke it and come onto AD and share our experience on this thread? :giggle:
Time didn't slow down. It fragmented. That's why I wonder if I was only taking Hash or someone had spiked it with something. I don't know.

what do you mean time fragmented? <confused> were you drifting in and out of reality? if so, i know exactly what that experience is like because the same thing happens to me whenever i hear voices.