Longtime browser, scheduled for CI impalnt 11/12

Post op tomorrow. Not really having any major issues other than around bedtime when I am trying to sleep I have extreme pressure around my ear and neck. Feels like somethings going to explode.

I lost some sense of taste too.

All normal and they will pass. My sense of taste didn't leave, it just went bonkers. Some things still taste the same, others, not. It just depends on what they are. I also still feel like part of my tongue is feeling the effects of Novocaine, only without the slurred speech. I imagine that is due to the nerve he cut (on purpose) and that probably accounts for the taste issues as well.
OK, that doesn't seem right....You have your surgery five days after mine, get to stay out of work for a month, and even get activated a week before I do...NO FAIR:laugh2:
OK, that doesn't seem right....You have your surgery five days after mine, get to stay out of work for a month, and even get activated a week before I do...NO FAIR:laugh2:

Miss Kat had surgery on the 3rd, just a few days before you, and is getting activated this friday. That is like almost a month before you!! Crazy
Miss Kat had surgery on the 3rd, just a few days before you, and is getting activated this friday. That is like almost a month before you!! Crazy

I guess it all depends on the doctor and how he sees things. Mine wants the swelling to be all gone and the incision to be completely healed, I guess. Even though it is all heading that way now. IDK..I just go with the flow but I really wish this next month would fly by...
OK, that doesn't seem right....You have your surgery five days after mine, get to stay out of work for a month, and even get activated a week before I do...NO FAIR:laugh2:

Yeah I noticed. Doesn't seem fair. I know the suspense in waiting is a killer. That's how I feel now. I know you might not want to hear this but all I have to do to stay off work until January 5th is tell the doctor I am not ready to go back to work yet and I get a extension with my short term. :D

But honestly I think I will go back early. My friend Ron is doing my job while I am out and he's near a breakdown. I guess they took me for granted at work.

How did your post op go today? Were your stitches removed?

Went great. The stitches were removed and everything looks good. I told him about all the small issues I have been having and he says everything is normal. He was impressed that I had zero dizziness. Just a little bit the day after surgery but it's all gone now.
Went great. The stitches were removed and everything looks good. I told him about all the small issues I have been having and he says everything is normal. He was impressed that I had zero dizziness. Just a little bit the day after surgery but it's all gone now.

That's good. I'm glad your post op went well and everything is normal. I'm also glad your dizziness has passed. Looks like you're all set for your activation day! :)
Enjoy the time off. Ron will survive lol. Then they wont take you for granted anymore. What kind of work do you do ? The activation have a lot to do with the swelling at the coil site. Swelling will garble the sounds somewhat.. My right side of my tongue went a lil weird for a while. Just dont chew yer tongue. Some tastes went funky too. Just keep yer mind busy with books or something and be very patient. It is worth the wait.

Good Luck Buddy
Thanks again for the well wishes.

SouthFella, That make sense about the swelling.

I am bored so I would be happy to explain my job.
I work for Alcon Research. We make the intraocular IOL Acrysof surgicial implants to correct vision disorders. Mostly cataract disorders. My part of the job is the very beginning. I work in the injection molding room.

The implants need a perfect plastic mold to be poured on. My job is to make sure up to15 machines are running correctly and are dropping good parts. (plastic wafers) I am also in charge of making sure the technicians are doing their job correctly and to backcheck their work. They have to do measurements, step height and a ton of other things. It gets pretty insane back there somedays because everything has to be done by their procedures.

I usually have 10 people coming up to me once a hour asking questions or needing help with their machines. I also have the supervisor breathing down my neck making sure I am running everything the way I should. So communication is vital. That's part of why I can't really return to work unless I am hearing better. I made out ok with probably 80% lipreading before. It was hard.
I usually have 10 people coming up to me once a hour asking questions or needing help with their machines. I also have the supervisor breathing down my neck making sure I am running everything the way I should. So communication is vital. That's part of why I can't really return to work unless I am hearing better. I made out ok with probably 80% lipreading before. It was hard.

Tell me about it. Just since the surgery the hearing in my other ear has gone downhill again. If I can't speech read, I am lost, totally. I had hoped this ear could hang on till after activation, but it had other ideas. The distortion is so bad everything that I hear speechwise sounds really crappy. We are supposed to have Thanksgiving with my husband's sister and her family and I really don't want to go. We are eating out, and it is almost impossible to follow a conversation in a crowded restaurant.
Went great. The stitches were removed and everything looks good. I told him about all the small issues I have been having and he says everything is normal. He was impressed that I had zero dizziness. Just a little bit the day after surgery but it's all gone now.

That is really great. All sounds good to go, except for the hearing, but that will come in due time.
Yeah I noticed. Doesn't seem fair. I know the suspense in waiting is a killer. That's how I feel now. I know you might not want to hear this but all I have to do to stay off work until January 5th is tell the doctor I am not ready to go back to work yet and I get a extension with my short term. :D

I really don't mind being back at work, except for the not hearing part. I keep busy, and I have some really good friends there. Not much different than being at home, except my TV has CC and work does not...:giggle:
JK wow talk about hectic !!! Can you correct my vision ? lol

I just got the rechargable batteries kit for my MedEl woo hoo so much better. I was getting tired of wearing the battery pack in my pocket with a long wire around my neck to the coil. Soon I will get the new model Opus 2 with the nifty remote !!

Life is GOOD
Tell me about it. Just since the surgery the hearing in my other ear has gone downhill again. If I can't speech read, I am lost, totally. I had hoped this ear could hang on till after activation, but it had other ideas. The distortion is so bad everything that I hear speechwise sounds really crappy. We are supposed to have Thanksgiving with my husband's sister and her family and I really don't want to go. We are eating out, and it is almost impossible to follow a conversation in a crowded restaurant.

i was surprised that my ability to hear wasn't much different after my first surgery. i thought that being unable to hear in one ear would have a negative impact on me, but it didn't. then again, my right ear has always been my better ear, so perhaps that has something to do with it. having said that, the hearing in my right ear did take a turn for the worst 6 months post activation to the point where i could no longer wear a hearing aid.
Tick Tock...still nervous JKB315 or just getting excited? Day after tomorrow is your day, and I really hope it is a good one.
Thank you. :) Not too nervous anymore. Just ready to get that part over with. lol Your days are numbering down too. :)
