Surprise: Lean times may actually make you fat

My nutrition told me to follow the calories. And drink a lot of water. PLUS eat 5 times a day...small plate of each meal and 2 or 3 snacks a day (fruits, veggies, small handful of candies or something what you are in mood for) Just trim off the fats and others I don't remember though. Eat veggies everyday, and that keep ya healthy so I am doing that right now. :)

Soo I'll read the rest later. :)
My nutrition told me to follow the calories. And drink a lot of water. PLUS eat 5 times a day...small plate of each meal and 2 or 3 snacks a day (fruits, veggies, small handful of candies or something what you are in mood for) Just trim off the fats and others I don't remember though. Eat veggies everyday, and that keep ya healthy so I am doing that right now. :)

Soo I'll read the rest later. :)

Yes I know... but accord the article that economy crisis, unemployment, etc lead the people overweight thru buy cheap and junk foods.
It gotta to be depression or stress. Some pp can't deal with situation so they resort to be binge eaters.
Sad... that only rich people can be thin. :(

That was what I wondered about. I used to live in a wealthy neighborhood in Rockville, MD and people were so fit and exercising. Then I moved to Brooklyn Park which is a poorer part of MD and noticed more obese people here and not as many people exercising outside. I was like :confused: Guess healthy foods are more expensive which is so wrong!
I have to agree with Shel. I grew up pretty poor. Big family. We ate crap food (no offense to mom, if you're reading) cuz it was cheap. It was cheaper to feed all of us Hamburger Helper than fresh fish and veggies. I don't know about the lack of exercise part, that was still in the day when we were told not to come inside till the sun went down, lol. But I do think the fact that we didn't have the money for good (higher up on the nutrition scale) food absolutely was a factor in the size of the waistline. JMO.
well, I noticed a lot of poor people tend to be obese while thin people tend to be rich...not always though...just on average ya know?
I have to agree with Shel. I grew up pretty poor. Big family. We ate crap food (no offense to mom, if you're reading) cuz it was cheap. It was cheaper to feed all of us Hamburger Helper than fresh fish and veggies. I don't know about the lack of exercise part, that was still in the day when we were told not to come inside till the sun went down, lol. But I do think the fact that we didn't have the money for good (higher up on the nutrition scale) food absolutely was a factor in the size of the waistline. JMO.

Well, eat vegetable and potatoes cost not very much but they are healthy. I prefer to eat noodle with tomatoes sauce, potatoes with vegetable, chop meat over eat junk foods because they are cheap.

You don´t have to eat expensive fish but fish fingers... What´s wrong with that?

Yes I can understand that fruits are expensives but you still have health is vegetables and potatoes, kind of meats with good price.

That was what I wondered about. I used to live in a wealthy neighborhood in Rockville, MD and people were so fit and exercising. Then I moved to Brooklyn Park which is a poorer part of MD and noticed more obese people here and not as many people exercising outside. I was like :confused: Guess healthy foods are more expensive which is so wrong!
I agree.

Foods with extra preservatives added cost less than food with no extra preservatives.

It's like those sugar-free stuff. It's cheaper with sugar than without sugar. :roll:
well, I noticed a lot of poor people tend to be obese while thin people tend to be rich...not always though...just on average ya know?

Rich people have their own chefs who can prepare very nutritious meal plans. Poor obviously can't afford chefs and cldn't afford meal system such as nutrisystem. 600 a month for 4 weeks of meal plan?! Only rich can afford that kind of money.
cheap food = fast food, fried food, microwaved food. all contains chemical, high cholesterol level and fatty substance. lot of them drink cokes too. hence.... obesity on the rise among poor people
Rich people have their own chefs who can prepare very nutritious meal plans. Poor obviously can't afford chefs and cldn't afford meal system such as nutrisystem. 600 a month for 4 weeks of meal plan?! Only rich can afford that kind of money.

not always but you're talking about some millionaires. upper middle class families can't afford personal chefs but they can afford to buy "organic" food which is expensive at Whole Foods. Organic food is usually twice or triple the price of cheap food.
Rich people have their own chefs who can prepare very nutritious meal plans. Poor obviously can't afford chefs and cldn't afford meal system such as nutrisystem. 600 a month for 4 weeks of meal plan?! Only rich can afford that kind of money.

I think it´s an excuse to say this...

To me, it´s expensive to go McDonald or King Burger to get cheap burgers over soups, breads, vegetables, potatoes, meat, noodle with tomato sauce, porridge, etc.

Rich people have their own chefs who can prepare very nutritious meal plans. Poor obviously can't afford chefs and cldn't afford meal system such as nutrisystem. 600 a month for 4 weeks of meal plan?! Only rich can afford that kind of money.

Not surprised.
not always but you're talking about some millionaires. upper middle class families can't afford personal chefs but they can afford to buy "organic" food which is expensive at Whole Foods. Organic food is usually twice or triple the price of cheap food.

Right, I know that my former neighbors in Rockville didnt have their own personal chefs but could afford gym memberships and go to organic markets.
Right, I know that my former neighbors in Rockville didnt have their own personal chefs but could afford gym memberships and go to organic markets.

it would be funny but sad if they hardly go to gym :dunno:
What's wrong with go for a walk or ride a bicycle... It cost you nothing than go to gym, don't you agree?

My dream that own farm organic with vegetable, fruits, eggs and meats!! Someday :fingersx:
What's wrong with go for a walk or ride a bicycle... It cost you nothing than go to gym, don't you agree?

few reasons -
1. some people don't have a bike.. it costs about $1000+ around here... unless they get it from wal-mart which is cheap.
2. I guess people are just weather-sensitive - it's too cold
3. they're afraid to work out at night outside