Raised Garden


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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Well, its not the biggest, but it will do whats needed. I plan to add another raised bed for some other stuff soon. Right now I got my Ghost Peppers, Jalapenos, Big Boy Tomatoes ROMA's and Cherry Tomatoes. Mom wants some strawberries so the other garden may be some fruits.

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I eat all tomatoes with salt. Slice the big ones and eat like a sandwich....lol
I had neighbors the grew tomatoes in their back yard and the wife would invite me over to have a tomatoes sandwich her that was pick fresh off
the vine ! Yummy ! That is a cute garden !
I love the garden! I'm growing up with garden since I was little girl. My grandma had a garden and my grandpa had a garden in his backyard with fresh heirlooms tomatoes, Concord grapes, and more vegetables. My mom is always grow her tomatoes, red raspberries, and blackberries. I'm growing my own organic all kind of herbals, garlics, heirlooms corns, carrots, kale, spinach, collage, romaine lettuces, Swiss chords, squash, green beans and more. I'm looking forward to doing garden at my mom's backyard. My sister in law have own 30 acres and have cornfields on her property. She is doing her own garden to save the money and wise. I don't like to buy crap produce from Walmart. I prefer buy produces from farmer markets, Fresh Thyme, Fresh Market, Krogers and Meijers. It depend on sale. But I hate to see strawberries have mold. I'm not buy any crap.
I live 10 minutes from the Soulard Farmers Market here at my parents house. Great place to go.
Yes, Thats what my wife did at the house I had. Marigolds to keep other insects away yet attract pollinators...ect...
Did it work ? I am waiting to see if I still have a bees nest under my deck before trying to grow and veggies in a pot . I think they're wood bees ! Hope not!
Had my son for a bit tonight while everyone had some business to deal with. We built another box and planted some Strawberries, Sweet Banana Peppers and added Beefsteak Tomatoes.IMG_1100.JPG IMG_1101.JPG IMG_1102.JPG IMG_1104.JPG
Bought some ground cover and annuals for my parents front yard, to simplify everything, wont have to cut grass on one side....lol
I wish I had enough room for a garden! There's nothing better than fresh garden vegetables. I hope the raised garden grows well.
I want to plants a garden but I have a black thumb. I have successfully killed 2 cat us, and a tree :( I suck when it comes to plants
I want to plants a garden but I have a black thumb. I have successfully killed 2 cat us, and a tree :( I suck when it comes to plants

The trick is starting small... I can understand having a black thumb... many people come to the shop with the same worries and desire... have you gone to a local nursery and spoke with someone?
My wife has a black thumb, she is a Master Gardener and still manages to kill most of it...lol Besides the major issue is the soil out there is clay, bad to grow in.
My wife has a black thumb, she is a Master Gardener and still manages to kill most of it...lol Besides the major issue is the soil out there is clay, bad to grow in.

You can add gypsum to clay soil ... it will cause it to clump thus will increase drainage and give the roots a chance to grow. :) have a huge issue with clay here... gypsum works like a dream :)
You can add gypsum to clay soil ... it will cause it to clump thus will increase drainage and give the roots a chance to grow. :) have a huge issue with clay here... gypsum works like a dream :)
she ops to do the raised garden. I dont have to at my parents, but I do here because they have Burmuda grass and it takes over anything. I used weed fabric on the bottom of the boxes as well as line them to double the security of blocking it out.
she ops to do the raised garden. I dont have to at my parents, but I do here because they have Burmuda grass and it takes over anything. I used weed fabric on the bottom of the boxes as well as line them to double the security of blocking it out.
Raised gardens are cool really helpful, especially when you add in those precautions... I have been looking more at hydroponics the last few years... this year I am not doing much of a garden because I am wanting to rework my entire backyard and add in a hydroponic system...
I want to plants a garden but I have a black thumb. I have successfully killed 2 cat us, and a tree :( I suck when it comes to plants
Are you overwatering them ? I was doing with some flowers I planted and I cut back on watering and that helped.