Obama Speech


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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What did people think of Obama's speech tonight? It sound no one know how to stop the oil from leaking into the ocean! At least a millions gallon of oil is leaking a day! It look like our ocean is never going to recover!
Less Golf, More Action
I didn't waste my time watching it......obama has no credibility anymore in my book.
Just watched a replay of the speech obama gave......2 funnies in the first couple of minutes.

First "I brought in Stephen Chu, Nobel Prize winner"

umm.....they give those to anybody, we saw that not long ago.

"I brought in experts from labs and academia"

Guess he has never heard the saying "Those who can not do, teach"

I seriously can not believe anyone with an education buys his shtick :roll:
Just watched the 2nd half of the speech......Talk about fear mongering. Using this tragedy to push his energy policy......

And I find it appalling that he would use a prime time address during a tragedy to sell his policy. It would be like a Dr. going into the waiting room and telling family members they should have a prostate exam why their family member is having surgery.

The New York Times’s editorial board pointed out that his speech “was short on specifics and devoid of self-criticism.” The NYTimes has the audacity to think that he should have taken responsibility for “his administration’s faltering efforts to manage this vast environmental and human disaster.” No kidding?

Editorial - From the Oval Office - NYTimes.com
The New York Times’s editorial board pointed out that his speech “was short on specifics and devoid of self-criticism.” The NYTimes has the audacity to think that he should have taken responsibility for “his administration’s faltering efforts to manage this vast environmental and human disaster.” No kidding?

Editorial - From the Oval Office - NYTimes.com

NY Times = MSM?
If you're interested in the federal government's options, you'll find an explanation of possible remedies here:


The federal government’s oil spill response framework is found in the National Contingency Plan, including subsequent amendments to the Clean Water Act in 1972; the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund) in 1980; and the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) in 1990.

Of particular interest:
The federal government determines the level of cleanup required.

Except for certain behavior, including acts of gross negligence or willful misconduct,56 OPA set liability limits (or caps) for cleanup costs and other damages.
Yeah, but that doesn't help if one waits 60 days after an oil spill to do something about it. Heck, a few days out after the accident we could've easily gone out and attempt to contain the oil slick and use ships and other skimmers to uptake oil floating on or below the surface of the ocean water. I don't think waiting 60 days to accept outside help is a smart move. Dumb move, yeah. Smart? No.