Zelda the wind waker ( how far are you at?)

Originally posted by DefMATRIXense
its not over .. as i said after you defeated gannon.. its not over, there is one more final boss.. Second I didnt know there is a second quest lol..
:o :o

thanks for information.. how is a secn quest? is it harder monstors? those puzzles are harder or what?

The last stage is Gannon (after I defeat last 4 of Gannon in different shape), he carry two swords to fight with Link. It's so COOL! You will enjoy it!

So far, I don't see much differenet on 2nd quest expect Link wear blue t-shirt with symbol of fish instead green standard cloth. :lol: People are talk bit different.

Right now, I am go to Wind City and look for sail to put for the boat (King of Red Lion). But, I stop and save it until this evening.
Since, I beat Zelda the wind waker, I decided to play again because it says Second quest... So I talked to my grandma and she gave me the new same clothes what I am wearing.. (blue) And then the conmversation is little different somewhat.. Now, I am on my way to save my sister.. I needed to find out if there is anything different for second quest.. if not and then save my time and not nessessary to play....
Originally posted by DefMATRIXense
Since, I beat Zelda the wind waker, I decided to play again because it says Second quest... So I talked to my grandma and she gave me the new same clothes what I am wearing.. (blue) And then the conmversation is little different somewhat.. Now, I am on my way to save my sister.. I needed to find out if there is anything different for second quest.. if not and then save my time and not nessessary to play....

You will get chance to listen what King of Red Lion speak in Hyule lanuage with three fellows, which you cannot read in first quest. Now, in second quest, you will able to understand the completed story.

So far, nothing different level and floor. Expect, ONE fairy has been location at different place to receive the increase magic level. :dunno: