you think vengeance is ok?

No cuz that would be lowering myself to their level. Yes, I have had feelings of wanting to get revenge on some people who have hurted me but why waste my time and energy on people who dont care for me?

You also got a point there so I also agree to that too.
"An eye for an eye" is something I've never really believed in.

Sure, it sounds good when we think about it... but on a long run, does it really solve anything?
No I don't think vengeance is o.k.I do believe in karma.
Justice is far better than revenge. But I'm like Pepsi and Vampy, if there's no justice at first, what goes around usually comes around, and justice is usually served without having to stoop to revenge.
nope. i dont believe that would work out. only way is to learn away to forgive my enemy and move on... it works for me for many yrs...

Wow, this is good one.
Some people don't want to forgive the enemy.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
I think it is hard to forgive the enemy. But, yeah I think it is best to forget and move on... Your life is too short to waste dwelling on something that has happened in the past.
It is wise not to dwell on the past but wise to learn from what happened and try not to repeat the same mistakes or get ourselves into the same situations. Sure, we will probably find ourselves right back into situations where we hurt others or others hurt us but how we handle the situation, hopefully, has improved from learning from our mistakes.
no, not worthing your time. not a single breath.

I too, strongly believe in whatever goes, comes around. thriving by silence is the best revenge, this way you won't feed germlins.
To me, it depends on the situation.

However I know revenge wont solve anything but to me if I want revenge, then Im not there to solve it. I'm there to stop it.
Justice is far better than revenge. But I'm like Pepsi and Vampy, if there's no justice at first, what goes around usually comes around, and justice is usually served without having to stoop to revenge.


But sometimes people are pushed over the edge that they'll do something they'd normally not.
To me, it depends on the situation.

However I know revenge wont solve anything but to me if I want revenge, then Im not there to solve it. I'm there to stop it.

If you seek revenge, it doesn't stop anything. It continues it. I seek revenge against you for something you have done, then you seek revenge against me because I took revenge against you, which justifies me taking revenge for your having taken revenge against my revenge, and on and on. Complete insanity!

The desire for revenge is normal, acting on it is a different thing altogether.
nope. i dont believe that would work out. only way is to learn away to forgive my enemy and move on... it works for me for many yrs...

Exactly - it would make yourself a bitter if you cannot move on and still angry...
Good answer, and I agree.

There is a lot of things we could do to our enemies like getting even or making them suffer just like how we have suffered. It doesn't always work because we are only hurting ourselves even more.

Exactly, that´s why I don´t support death penalty. Accept forgive and move on is best solution than keep boil anger inside you and destory your good self-estreem. I know it´s not just death penalty but anything...