You are what you eat

actually, in my home country their dinner usually is afternoon 2 to 4 pm, and lunch is in the evening 7 pm, light meals before going in bed that how I used to, breakfast same there and here in the morning
time? as my girls n I just are getting up its our breakfast time :D
Interesting fact...what you eat is what you smell like! In Vietnam, the Vietcong could smell the Americans and vice versa. I work with Indians (from India) and I can tell you that it is true... Your diet really has an important effect on you.
Nuty said:
Good move by telling him "You're right" when you know that he is doofus... Why wasting your time... :applause: lol

Tonight I discovered Chunky Monkey ice cream, and I'm trying to figure out where it has been all my life.
ayala920 said:
Tonight I discovered Chunky Monkey ice cream, and I'm trying to figure out where it has been all my life.

I miss Ben & Jerry's ice cream, but my six-month stint as a vegan, the corporate ownership and the dioxin controversy drove me away from eating it again. Yeah, I'm no fun. :D
You're trying desperately to ruin it for me, aren't you? Well, it won't work!
ayala920 said:
You're trying desperately to ruin it for me, aren't you? Well, it won't work!

No, dear, I'm just being matter-of-factly. Do you know what is in your salad, by the way?
me_punctured said:
No, dear, I'm just being matter-of-factly. Do you know what is in your salad, by the way?

Bug limbs! By the miniscule parts per million and parts per billion!
me_punctured said:
No, dear, I'm just being matter-of-factly. Do you know what is in your salad, by the way?

As a vegetarian who is often forced to eat salads due to lack of accomodations, I avoid salad as much as possible. Our friend discovered that when I frowned at a restaurant's menu selection and he offered, "But they have salad." :)
ayala920 said:
As a vegetarian who is often forced to eat salads due to lack of accomodations, I avoid salad as much as possible. Our friend discovered that when I frowned at a restaurant's menu selection and he offered, "But they have salad." :)

I do not like the sound of the excessive salad eating situation. Do none of your friends have the decency to invite you over to their houses and cook an orgasmically delicious meal for you? Or even concoct a simple sandwich? I made egg salad (from scratch, as usual) for today's potluck and still have leftovers. You would've liked it. I can also make the vegan version of egg salad, since you're pro-tofu, and pack brown bags....
Endymion said:
Bug limbs! By the miniscule parts per million and parts per billion!

That's ancient knowledge. Nice to meet you, stranger, and thank you for not interrupting my conversation with ayala920 again.
me_punctured said:
That's ancient knowledge. Nice to meet you, stranger, and thank you for not interrupting my conversation with ayala920 again.

It is, as well, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ma'am. You may know me as the venerable Endymion, humble as a drunk Dennis Rodman. It is, as always, my aim to please.
me_punctured said:
I do not like the sound of the excessive salad eating situation. Do none of your friends have the decency to invite you over to their houses and cook an orgasmically delicious meal for you? Or even concoct a simple sandwich? I made egg salad (from scratch, as usual) for today's potluck and still have leftovers. You would've liked it. I can also make the vegan version of egg salad, since you're pro-tofu, and pack brown bags....

Back home the majority of my friends are poor college students, though I do give them props for trying their best to accommodate me (one of my dear friends invites me over frequently, and her fiance cooks some mean stir fry). However, out here my friends are limited to... Well, you know the only person out here I'd consider a close friend, and I bet you can guess whether I'm getting, as you put it, "orgasmically delicious" meals. :)
ayala920 said:
Back home the majority of my friends are poor college students, though I do give them props for trying their best to accommodate me (one of my dear friends invites me over frequently, and her fiance cooks some mean stir fry). However, out here my friends are limited to... Well, you know the only person out here I'd consider a close friend, and I bet you can guess whether I'm getting, as you put it, "orgasmically delicious" meals. :)

Who, Daedalus? Never had the opportunity to sample his cooking, but I believe that he knows his way around the kitchen, more or less.

I keep forgetting about the, eh, age gap.
Endymion said:
It is, as well, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ma'am. You may know me as the venerable Endymion, humble as a drunk Dennis Rodman. It is, as always, my aim to please.

You aim to please yourself, do you not?