Xbox will be doomed soon...

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Doom 3 is already expected to hit the Xbox torromow! :D

So here's the review by!

I'm planning to get the collector's edition so I can play the orginal ulimate doom and doom II with cooperation gameplay and split screen deathmatches! :P

I'm so into Doom ever since I first played it on PC 10 years ago and was one of the greatest PC games I've ever experienced. *sigh* that sure brings memories of such great scares and nightmares that I have when I was hey I was just a kid then!

Hopefully, ID software is already working on Doom 4 !

whee! and even EGM magazine gave Doom 3 a good score as well.
I already had pre-ordered this a month ago and got Wolfenstein for Xbox free. I plan to get the collector's edition too as well. :)
I finally got hold of the limited collector's edition today and what can I say?

Let's just say that I wish I didn't blow my savings on a PC version when my brother wouldn't listen that videogames on consoles are usually better than PC games but nnnooo...he wanted to get the PC first and it was all fucked up.

Now that the Xbox version is finally out and I got it the day it was released and bought home a metal case of Doom 3 limited edition title, along with two classic Doom games and many other extras.

I'm thankful to play the classic Doom games once again since I always play them on my PC years ago but would perfer to play them on the console and I only have Doom II for my Gameboy Advance SP lol...

it was absloutely good old school times.
As for Doom 3, the port from PC to Xbox isn't exactly identical from both versions. ID software has skipped alot of parts to make the Xbox version run faster and smoother since the Xbox doesn't really handle the same power as the PC anyway. The graphics of this game are quite stunning and sweet. the actions and exposives stunts with combats and situations by enemies was absloutely exciting and even loads of cool weapons like the Shotgun and chainsaw and many more...

the levels in the game are actually abit smaller and somewhat less detailed than the PC version but dont get me wrong, the graphics are still great handling the Xbox's true power.
now about the controller, it does respond alot faster than on Keyboard so I always love using the controller better than the crappy keyboard when playing games.

everything on Xbox's Doom 3 is all fine and dandy, plus, it sure kicks major ass! You would be NUTS not to get this game if you are an Xbox owner!
Steel said:
I finally got hold of the limited collector's edition today and what can I say?

So did I. Nice metal case, wouldn't you say so?

Though I haven't taken a look at the game yet. I plan to tonight with the lights off and play it in the dark. After all, Doom games are meant to be played in the dark. :)
Banjo said:
So did I. Nice metal case, wouldn't you say so?

Though I haven't taken a look at the game yet. I plan to tonight with the lights off and play it in the dark. After all, Doom games are meant to be played in the dark. :)
I totally agree! makes things even more scary when you lock the door, shut down the windows, turn off all the lights, and turn on your television, tune up your volume to the highest as possible, and lean back on your favorite chair and enjoy your nightmares!

bwa ha ha ha!

*ahem* yeah nice metal case...though the limited edition for Halo 2 has the metal case also.

(I only got the regular Halo 2 game)
Steel said:
*ahem* yeah nice metal case...though the limited edition for Halo 2 has the metal case also.

(I only got the regular Halo 2 game)

Same here, I didn't opt for the metal case for Halo 2 since I didn't want to pay more for the "special features". But Doom 3 included the previous Doom games and some cool extras... so I thought... why not?
Banjo said:
Same here, I didn't opt for the metal case for Halo 2 since I didn't want to pay more for the "special features". But Doom 3 included the previous Doom games and some cool extras... so I thought... why not?
same here.
Did Id finally put the subtitles in the xbox version of D-3? Id software really fucked up big time with the PC version by not subtitling the game.....

and btw nice mini-review of Doom 3 steel.
sablescort said:
Did Id finally put the subtitles in the xbox version of D-3? Id software really fucked up big time with the PC version by not subtitling the game.....

and btw nice mini-review of Doom 3 steel.
sadly, no.

there was no opitons for the subtitles to be displayed nor that the subtitles would be shown during cutscenes or anything like that.

I mean, ID software sure spent alot of time editing and removing small parts to make the game for Xbox run smoother and faster and even the graphics aren't 100% identical to the PC, but still great...and if they spent all of 6 months preparing to launch it for Xbox, at least they should've spent some time putting on subtitles as well. :roll:

I guess ID software is still fucked, eh? lol
ID software sees the future of Xbox

I hope they are serious about that Doom 3 expanison pack going as a port to Xbox someday and I hope it won't just be some downloadable content since I don't have the stupid Xbox live...

and I didn't know about the cooperpration gameplay and muiltplayer modes have to be used through Xbox live as well... I was kind of pissed off about that. I mean, why can't they do what Bungie did? Bungie put in the mulitplayer mode that can be played on one Xbox with four player ports without having to use Xbox live unless you want to play Halo 2 with someone from a long distance location.

However, with the limited collection's edition that I have, I figured that the classic doom games included, you can go muiltplay with another person in a split screen cooperation play or deathmatch...and it doesn't have to go xbox live either.

Honestly, I want to play Doom 3 with my friends on my own TV and in my own house without having to use Xbox live *sigh* so that's something ID software needs to have second thoughts about releasing another game next time. I'm sure everyone wants to play with other guys on Doom 3, but most don't have Xbox live to play against others from different locations anyway. that's just the most ridicludious idea I've ever heard.

Anyway, ID software said that they are already working on "Quake".
I've LOVED "Quake II" when I played that on PC and it was as awesome as "Doom" series.
However, the PC port to the Nintendo 64 version was as crappy as anything that is much crappier than I've ever imaginaged. "Quake II" on the Nintendo 64 was less violent, less gore, and completely BORING! Nintendo completely changed everything of that game from the PC to the Nintendo 64...horrible graphics, horrible controls, and HORRIBLE animation!

damn...can you imagine what Doom 3 would be like if it ran on the Nintendo GameCube also? yeah...that would be a pretty bad idea come true. everything will be completely different since Nintendo is always so censored about violence and shit like that.

anyway that's all for now. It seems that it will be possible that ID will be working on another Doom sequel and the already-worked on Quake title, which may appear for the next gen consoles as Xbox Next and Playstation 3.
I finally beat Doom 3! :P

It was hard as shit but definetly one of the best Xbox games I've ever played! :D

Now I really hope that Doom 3 : Resurrection of Evil will come out for Xbox soon! ;)
Steel said:
sadly, no.

there was no opitons for the subtitles to be displayed nor that the subtitles would be shown during cutscenes or anything like that.

I mean, ID software sure spent alot of time editing and removing small parts to make the game for Xbox run smoother and faster and even the graphics aren't 100% identical to the PC, but still great...and if they spent all of 6 months preparing to launch it for Xbox, at least they should've spent some time putting on subtitles as well. :roll:

I guess ID software is still fucked, eh? lol
No subtitles? Wow, it made me glad that I borrowed the PC version game from my friend to play instead. I used the CC mod which will roll out the subtitles during the gameplay & cutscences.

sablescort, you can download CC mod and install to access the subtitle feature. (PC version)
Magatsu said:
No subtitles? Wow, it made me glad that I borrowed the PC version game from my friend to play instead. I used the CC mod which will roll out the subtitles during the gameplay & cutscences.

sablescort, you can download CC mod and install to access the subtitle feature. (PC version)
I wonder if there's a way you can break a code or something in the Xbox version? lol
Magatsu said:
No subtitles? Wow, it made me glad that I borrowed the PC version game from my friend to play instead. I used the CC mod which will roll out the subtitles during the gameplay & cutscences.

sablescort, you can download CC mod and install to access the subtitle feature. (PC version)
Really? where i can download CC mod?
Steel said:
I wonder if there's a way you can break a code or something in the Xbox version? lol
I don't know much about game programming but that is an possiblity...
Magatsu said:
I don't know much about game programming but that is an possiblity...

It could be possible because of the hard drive. After all, they do update games from time to time to fix bugs on Xbox.
Banjo said:
It could be possible because of the hard drive. After all, they do update games from time to time to fix bugs on Xbox.
Ah, well you know more about Xbox than I do. I don't even look up the Xbox specs and what it can do and can't. I am no fan of Xbox.

However you do make sense that they can add the subtitles due to hard drives. I guess deaf Xbox/Doom3 fans need to create a formal petition or something and collect the signatures to convince them to add the subtitles in next update? Or send them the emails to annoy the shit out of them to add?
Magatsu said:
Ah, well you know more about Xbox than I do. I don't even look up the Xbox specs and what it can do and can't. I am no fan of Xbox.

However you do make sense that they can add the subtitles due to hard drives. I guess deaf Xbox/Doom3 fans need to create a formal petition or something and collect the signatures to convince them to add the subtitles in next update? Or send them the emails to annoy the shit out of them to add?
Maybe they could download the subtitles through Xbox live or something...

*sigh* and I still don't have Xbox live. :roll: