worst system ever?

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
okay so what is the worst system with a bunch of lame and boring games ever made?

In my opinon, I thought it could be...Atari. I never owned it because it was made WAY before I was born but I know a "friend" who owns that system and played afew games on it and I went :ugh: wondering why so many games were so bad and why so many ppl admired Atari for their work after 3 years of making Atari games to their own systems and immediately goes out of the hardware business due to the lousyness of games including E.T. and Pac-man...etc

The control design on the Atari was as horrible as I would ever imagine. one button with one joystick??? wha...what what what? they think just making ONE move in the entire vidoegame would be FUN!?!?!??! AAARGH!

Thankfully, Atari knew better when they went out of the hardware business and just start making games for other consoles...but still, many games from Atari aren't so good anyway. Even "Enter the Matrix" which may look cool, but was buggy and blocky at times and didn't do a very good job at editing and making sure EVERYTHING goes right but they never really do...they just release games early in case for "money" which will never happen because more games they make that are lame, the less money they will have.

Seriously, I think Atari is WAY better off into ending their business from ANYTHING they do because they are always lame!
well back in 80's atari is popular... i love those brick games, and pacman and indy..
Sega CD is horrible!
Saturn is horrible!
Sega 32-Bit is horrible!
Virtual Boy is horrible!
PSOne is horrible!
I still have my Atari game console, and I still love playing with it sometimes.
I think it brings the nostagia or "kid" out of me.
Atari was the first game console ever created. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have Nintento, Sega, Sony, or Microsoft! I was a proud owner of an Atari console. I first got my hands on it when I was just a little kid. Yes, it does seem a bit annoying having only one button. However, you have to think about it from an older point of view. If you were to release a Gamecube or Xbox during the days of Atari, it would scare everyone away. Also, the technology was new so they had to base their games on the usual 2-bit scenarios... meaning binary responses. In binary language, there's only "0" and "1". That's what the one red button is for.

If you want to know what the worse system was... I'd probably say Virtual Boy. It sucked! It was supposed to be the best replacement of the Game Boy. However, it didn't so well on the market and a percentage of its users would end up having headaches, dizzy spells, and seizures. You couldn't really share it with anyone after getting your sweat all over it. We had one on display at the local video store that I worked at. There was this sweaty fat woman who would come in every day just to play the Virtual Boy on display. No one wanted to touch it after approaching it and smelling her sweat all over it. We had to constantly clean that damn thing after she used. Even after using a whole bottle of industrial strength cleaner, it still smelled like that damn bitch!

Anyhow, Virtual Boy sucked. My friend got one and regrets buying it. Now, it just sits there collecting dust. Heh!
Steel said:
okay so what is the worst system with a bunch of lame and boring games ever made?

In my opinon, I thought it could be...Atari. I never owned it because it was made WAY before I was born but I know a "friend" who owns that system and played afew games on it and I went :ugh: wondering why so many games were so bad and why so many ppl admired Atari for their work after 3 years of making Atari games to their own systems and immediately goes out of the hardware business due to the lousyness of games including E.T. and Pac-man...etc

The control design on the Atari was as horrible as I would ever imagine. one button with one joystick??? wha...what what what? they think just making ONE move in the entire vidoegame would be FUN!?!?!??! AAARGH!

Thankfully, Atari knew better when they went out of the hardware business and just start making games for other consoles...but still, many games from Atari aren't so good anyway. Even "Enter the Matrix" which may look cool, but was buggy and blocky at times and didn't do a very good job at editing and making sure EVERYTHING goes right but they never really do...they just release games early in case for "money" which will never happen because more games they make that are lame, the less money they will have.

Seriously, I think Atari is WAY better off into ending their business from ANYTHING they do because they are always lame!

I think you miss the point because you were there in early 80s. You don't have idea what's like. Since you have been spoil by play something advanced. Later, you tried Atari and you felt akward and not satisfactory.

I think you should complain on other video games which exist on your time, that you actually play for first time on each hardware at first bottom to advanced. You didn't start Atari that's why you have no experience how it's like.
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Steel said:
okay so what is the worst system with a bunch of lame and boring games ever made?

In my opinon, I thought it could be...Atari. I never owned it because it was made WAY before I was born but I know a "friend" who owns that system and played afew games on it and I went :ugh: wondering why so many games were so bad and why so many ppl admired Atari for their work after 3 years of making Atari games to their own systems and immediately goes out of the hardware business due to the lousyness of games including E.T. and Pac-man...etc

The control design on the Atari was as horrible as I would ever imagine. one button with one joystick??? wha...what what what? they think just making ONE move in the entire vidoegame would be FUN!?!?!??! AAARGH!

Thankfully, Atari knew better when they went out of the hardware business and just start making games for other consoles...but still, many games from Atari aren't so good anyway. Even "Enter the Matrix" which may look cool, but was buggy and blocky at times and didn't do a very good job at editing and making sure EVERYTHING goes right but they never really do...they just release games early in case for "money" which will never happen because more games they make that are lame, the less money they will have.

Seriously, I think Atari is WAY better off into ending their business from ANYTHING they do because they are always lame!

Wait a minit......

As a kid from the 1970's myself (I'm 32 now) I have played my share of consoles made in the 1970's to early 1980's WAAY before u was born.

The Atari 2600 when I played it way back in 1982 was the "coolest thing next to sliced bread" Blocky graphics, I didn't care because it was just the beginning of the fabulous video game industry. That joystick with just one fire button-very simple and elegant :) Steel, I could even beat you in a game of "Defender" on the Atari 2600 but I know u can just practically kill me on the xbox remake of "Defender".

But having seen video game technology evolve, I was able to adapt quickly and have been amazed many times over every time a more sophsticated console came out.

If I had to name the lamest moment for Atari, it has to be the game "ET" based off the 1982 Steven Spielberg film of the same name. Atari paid waay too much money for the rights to the ET video game. Just one person designed and programmed the game in just 5 WEEKS! End result was the game totally sucked donkey balls. Atari had to dump over 500,000 to 1 million of these ET cartidges in an Arizona landfill!

Steel I have one challenge for you.....Go pick up a Magnavox Odyssey game system and play this one and come back and tell me if 1970's technology was pretty advanced enough for 1972. Go over to http://www.pong-story.com/intro.htm and take a history lesson in video gaming courtesy of me via this link ;)

After all be thankful for pioneers like Ralph Baer (Odyssey) and Nolan Bushnell (Atari). If not for these men, we would never had the PS2, xbox and GCN!

BTW the Atari of today (games like "Enter the Matrix", etc) is just in name. Infogrames the French software company changed its name to Atari last year after buying the rights to the name. Atari, after Nolan Bushnell sold the company to Warner Communications (now AOL Time Warner), passed thru several owners before Infogrames bought the rights to the Atari name and logo. Not only Atari was bought by Infogrames-Accolade (the makers of Test Drive) and GT Interactive (the developers of the DRIVER series) merged with Infogrames over 4 years. What we're playing with Atari software is actually a product from a French company!
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sablescort said:
Wait a minit......

As a kid from the 1970's myself (I'm 32 now) I have played my share of consoles made in the 1970's to early 1980's WAAY before u was born.

The Atari 2600 when I played it way back in 1982 was the "coolest thing next to sliced bread" Blocky graphics, I didn't care because it was just the beginning of the fabulous video game industry. That joystick with just one fire button-very simple and elegant :) Steel, I could even beat you in a game of "Defender" on the Atari 2600 but I know u can just practically kill me on the xbox remake of "Defender".

But having seen video game technology evolve, I was able to adapt quickly and have been amazed many times over every time a more sophsticated console came out.

If I had to name the lamest moment for Atari, it has to be the game "ET" based off the 1982 Steven Spielberg film of the same name. Atari paid waay too much money for the rights to the ET video game. Just one person designed and programmed the game in just 5 WEEKS! End result was the game totally sucked donkey balls. Atari had to dump over 500,000 to 1 million of these ET cartidges in an Arizona landfill!

Steel I have one challenge for you.....Go pick up a Magnavox Odyssey game system and play this one and come back and tell me if 1970's technology was pretty advanced enough for 1972. Go over to http://www.pong-story.com/intro.htm and take a history lesson in video gaming courtesy of me via this link ;)

After all be thankful for pioneers like Ralph Baer (Odyssey) and Nolan Bushnell (Atari). If not for these men, we would never had the PS2, xbox and GCN!

BTW the Atari of today (games like "Enter the Matrix", etc) is just in name. Infogrames the French software company changed its name to Atari last year after buying the rights to the name. Atari, after Nolan Bushnell sold the company to Warner Communications (now AOL Time Warner), passed thru several owners before Infogrames bought the rights to the Atari name and logo. Not only Atari was bought by Infogrames-Accolade (the makers of Test Drive) and GT Interactive (the developers of the DRIVER series) merged with Infogrames over 4 years. What we're playing with Atari software is actually a product from a French company!
Hey, I owned (unfortunately) that ET game too! Yeah, it sucked big time! Haha! I must have had over 30 games for my Atari. I was addicted to it.
Now on to my opinion after my Atari-Odyssey rant to Steel:

If I had to name one ultimate console that totally sucked big time, it has to be the Fairchild Channel F. I played my uncle's old Channel F system for just a couple minits and I was back on the Atari 2600 faster than a New York Minute!

The joystick for the Channel F looked like the designer went on a bad acid trip that involved bad Art Deco from the 1930's! The games were pretty limited selection and they didnt play as well as the Atari.

Link to Sablescort's All-time Worst Console: http://www.classicgaming.com/gamingmuseum/channelf.html
sablescort said:
If I had to name the lamest moment for Atari, it has to be the game "ET" based off the 1982 Steven Spielberg film of the same name. Atari paid waay too much money for the rights to the ET video game. Just one person designed and programmed the game in just 5 WEEKS! End result was the game totally sucked donkey balls. Atari had to dump over 500,000 to 1 million of these ET cartidges in an Arizona landfill!

5 weeks?? lol no wonder that game sucked the hairy ape's ass so bad it whimpers for help
sablescort said:
Steel I have one challenge for you.....Go pick up a Magnavox Odyssey game system and play this one and come back and tell me if 1970's technology was pretty advanced enough for 1972. Go over to http://www.pong-story.com/intro.htm and take a history lesson in video gaming courtesy of me via this link ;)

After all be thankful for pioneers like Ralph Baer (Odyssey) and Nolan Bushnell (Atari). If not for these men, we would never had the PS2, xbox and GCN!
Okay I'll have a look at this
Remember that programming for the Atari 2600 was waay very simple that just one person or two could do everything (programming,sound, graphics, controller calibration, game layout) compared to over 100 to 200 people plus over 2 years to do everything for Halo 2.

Nolan Bushnell is sure laughing his ass off, I bet, considering our next-gen consoles' games get so delayed oftens!
sablescort said:
Remember that programming for the Atari 2600 was waay very simple that just one person or two could do everything (programming,sound, graphics, controller calibration, game layout) compared to over 100 to 200 people plus over 2 years to do everything for Halo 2.

Nolan Bushnell is sure laughing his ass off, I bet, considering our next-gen consoles' games get so delayed oftens!

Then I am surprise that both people make lot of money in early 80s. :D
illustrator said:
Then I am surprise that both people make lot of money in early 80s. :D

If they didn't spend it like water during the go-go 1980's ...Nolan Bushnell's spending during Atari's heyday in the late 1970's would make Martha Stewart look like a nun!

BTW the Atari factory during 1972-1977 was a heaven for hippies-can you believe the factory floor was full of smoke from the worker's pot use?! It's completely true even Bushnell tolerated it!
I thought ET was a great game for my Atari!!! My Atari is still working. I'm getting an NES, to go with my Super NES, and My PS2.
Defender was a good game too! What was the topic again??
oh yeah... worst system. I dislike Sega... I think it was Sega genesis. Because when I played Street Fighter 2 I had to hit select to switch between kicking and punching.. (am I thinking of the right system????)
PIT FALL was a good game for Atari! I love my atari 2600!
DreamSlayer said:
I thought ET was a great game for my Atari!!! My Atari is still working. I'm getting an NES, to go with my Super NES, and My PS2.
Defender was a good game too! What was the topic again??
oh yeah... worst system. I dislike Sega... I think it was Sega genesis. Because when I played Street Fighter 2 I had to hit select to switch between kicking and punching.. (am I thinking of the right system????)
PIT FALL was a good game for Atari! I love my atari 2600!
Actually, the game was specifically designed for a 6-button controller. I already had a 6-button controller when I purchased Mortal Kombat so I was able to play that game on my Sega Genesis with no problems. My friend also has a 6-button controller for his Street Fighter game too. You shouldn't exactly blame the console when they already had something else provided for it. It's like a shooting game. Some consoles have shooting games that can be played with a controller. However, it's extremely difficult... unless you buy the light-gun that is recommended with the game.
I'd kick your ass on any Atari game, Steel. :thumb:

You better thank good ol' Atari for breaking ground for the rest of the latest game consoles!
Deaf258 said:
I'd kick your ass on any Atari game, Steel. :thumb:

You better thank good ol' Atari for breaking ground for the rest of the latest game consoles!
:werd: Can't have everything without something to start it. They definitely would have never started with a 256-bit gaming console. It all started with PONG! After that, it evolved to multi-gaming console... Atari! Finally, there's Nintendo and Sega... 8-bit. Next comes Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo... 16 bit. Afterwards, there's Sony Playstation and Sega Saturn... 32-bit. Next is Nintendo 64... 64-bit. Now, it's Sony Playstation 2, Gamecube, Microsoft Xbox, and Sega Dreamcast... 128-bit. I can't wait for the next console! :thumb:
VamPyroX said:
:werd: Can't have everything without something to start it. They definitely would have never started with a 256-bit gaming console. It all started with PONG! After that, it evolved to multi-gaming console... Atari! Finally, there's Nintendo and Sega... 8-bit. Next comes Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo... 16 bit. Afterwards, there's Sony Playstation and Sega Saturn... 32-bit. Next is Nintendo 64... 64-bit. Now, it's Sony Playstation 2, Gamecube, Microsoft Xbox, and Sega Dreamcast... 128-bit. I can't wait for the next console! :thumb:

I remember Nintendo's game - Donkey Kong make it in Atari. It was awesome.
Actually the evolution of video game consoles for the home would go on like this:

1972: Magnavox Odyssey the first-ever video game console for the home
1974: Atari Pong for the home
1977: Atari 2600
1979: Mattel Intellivision
1982: Coleco Colecovision (They even released the ADAM computer add-on that totally sucked ass worse than a 2-cent whore)
1983: Nintendo Famicom (Japanese market NES)-the first 8-bit console
1984: Atari 5200 a more advanced version of the 2600
1985: Nintendo NES (improved American version of the Nintendo Famicom)
1985: Sega Master System-8 bit console
1988: Nintendo Super Famicom 16 bit console
1989: Nintendo S-NES 16 bit console
1989: NEC Turbo-Grafx 16 bit console
1989: Sega Genesis 16 bit console
1993: 3DO 32-bit console
1993: Sega 32x 32-bit add-on for the Sega Genesis
1995: Sega Saturn 32 bit console
1995: Sony Playstation 32 bit console
1995: Atari Jaguar 64 bit console
1995: Nintendo N64 64 bit console
2000: Sony Playstation 2 128 bit console
2001: Microsoft xbox 128 bit console
2001: Nintendo GameCube 128 bit console

This is like the console version of Darwin's theory of evolution.