Will child mild mixed HL get worse?

To help put you are ease, keep in mind that for adults 20db is considered "normal hearing" range.

Where are you located in Canada ?

Instead of trying to find ways to hide your child's hearing loss, I'd urge you to instead focus on doing whatever you need to do to find peace with it. It's important that you don't make them feel like they need to hide, cover up or "fake it" because you've made them feel that being hard of hearing is "bad" or "defective" or something to be ashamed of (because it's NOT - I'm proud of who I am, I'm proud of all that I've done - and I absolutely believe that being Hoh/Deaf has made me a stronger, more compassionate, more understanding person :) )

Don't try to get the smallest Hearing Aids - get the best ones for what he needs, and get ones that he'll be able to grow into (that will be BTEs) - I LOVE my BTE, because it allows people to see that if I'm "ignoring them", it likely means that I just haven't heard them - in my life, I consider having a fun, visible HA a positive thing and certainly nothing to be ashamed of, or something I'd want to hide.

You *have* (present tense) a perfectly wonderful child - they happen to have a slight hearing loss, but they are still *perfect* (you just need to be able to learn to see it again).

It's very likely that this is just due to ear infections. I doubt that it will be permanent... I wouldn't worry all that much.
Even if he does have to have intervention, he might not have to wear aids....A lot of kids with mild losses don't wear aids.....

I hope....
Thank you so much.

I just cannot stop thinking of this. The worst days in my life. I worry about him a lot... education, social, work, marriage... a lot for him.

My life has completed changed. I never worried about anything for him before, now I worry everything for him. Whenever I see something related to him, I have tears in my eyes.

I never never never expected this to happen to him. I wish I could use my life for exchange for his healthy.

I have no mood to do anything, I know this is not right, but I don't know how can I go though this.....

I'm normally polite but I can't help it...maybe it is my hormones after giving birth about a month ago... :shock: Why are you tearing up over tubes in your child's ears? My newborn has already been getting ear infections. Does it concern me? Yes but I don't tear up at that. Children and adults get ear infections a lot - especially children at that age. Be glad your child is receiving care for such a mild problem. Jeez, I can't believe seeing tubes in your child's ears tears you up. Ear infections are so minor compared to what your child could actually wind up sick with.

Heaven help you if your child has the flu or a life threatening illness... :eek3:

I have mild and moderate loss in two separate ears, with rapid loss in one ear. I hear worse than your child and I'm minor on the hearing loss scale with loss. I can hear unaided pretty well in my ear with mild loss - which is about 35 decibels. I only wear that ear aided at work/school because people sounding mumbled. Your son should be okay.

Even if I hadn't known about my own loss, I wouldn't freak out if my daughter needs tubes in her ears. That's so common.

What some deaf/HOH people would give to have such a "loss" close to that. I'm not even close to "deaf" and you make it seem like a pity party for your son.

He'll be fine. Minor accommodations (sitting closed/whatever) in future could be needed but if you're so concerned, seek out services when that issue arises. Hearing loss is different for everyone here on the forum. Find another ENT if you feel the one you have sucks - even in Canada they can let you choose.

Give it time. Don't jump on hiding hearing aids. Those seen work best. If you don't give this time you could end up buying hearing aids and over amplifying sounds your son too. That could make thing worse (and hurt your son from an over worried mother).

Ask these questions to your ENT and audiologists.
You're worrying about something that has not happen yet , if you're this worried about your child hearing I can't help but wonder what kind of childhood your son is having . I hope your son is allow to go outside and ride a bike play ball etc, and not be kept locked inside the house all day.
You're worrying about something that has not happen yet , if you're this worried about your child hearing I can't help but wonder what kind of childhood your son is having . I hope your son is allow to go outside and ride a bike play ball etc, and not be kept locked inside the house all day.

Thanks, I will never do that to him... however, no swimming until the tubes are out/ear drums are healed.