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Good rant! Hope you feel better now! :giggle:

(hopefully Fragmenter will post on here more often -- he is my son, LOL)

LOL! I do.

Wow! Fragmenter is your son? :cool:

I also hope he'll post more often. I enjoy reading his posts. :)
This has been going on for years and years, old news. Your daughter will be always be part of us and u can not change who she is. She is and always will be deaf whether she has CI or not. I hope u don't keep her away from deaf kids because they are her worlds, not hearing world. I do not care if she has CI but hope u don't keep her away from us alike many parents do with their deaf kids. Good luck with your daughter and her CI.

Should I take the white glove off and start bitchslapping idiots with it?

This is why I don't care to come and visit AD anymore. Moderators needs to get on top of this and get this under control. This should not be a one-way street where losers are allowed to fling turd at easy targets and get away unscathed.

I won't be visiting AD much until the big wigs takes those blatant offenses seriously. I could have been really vile towards those losers but I'm sane enough to keep it to myself... unlike them.

This is for the anti-hearing losers at AD: YOU CAN KISS MY SWEET :booty:

My deaf children are going to hear and speak to the best of their abilities regardless of your lame opinions.

I feel sorry for u. Ur deaf kids will always be part of us, too bad u can not accept them for who they are.
Lilly's Dad, don't worry, there are always spoil-sports abound, no matter where you go. Just hold your head up and know that you have done the best you can for your child, and done so by gaining the most information from all sources available prior to making such a huge decision. Also, keep in mind that some of us here are dealing with other emotional issues and to attack something else may help ease other pains in their lives, so it is nothing personal, really.
there you go.. you're jumping to the conclusion! ;) is it right for you to judge us when its not ok for us to speak of our opinion. Geez, EVE you are something!
:gpost: :applause:

This particular board is called "Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants" -- not "Hearing Aids and people-opposed-to-cochlear-implants."

If you're anti-CI and want to rant about CIs and why adults or children shouldn't receive them, ask the moderators to create your own "anti-CI" board and leave us alone. :pissed:

There. I feel better now. :)
well if you're gonna speak that way.. then go create a new forum and leave us alone. this is mainly ALLDEAF.. most of us are deaf and yes, the parents with a CI kid or a person with a CI are welcome here too but if you want to talk that way.. go create a forum for CI's....

by the way, Lilys dad, this is an open forum, we're entitled to speak of our own opinion.. yes it can be about the ci, gay, straight, cars, life.. etc.. each of the thread, people will just jump in and say things that doesn't make sense. so You gotta accept the fact its an open forum.
I feel sorry for u. Ur deaf kids will always be part of us, too bad u can not accept them for who they are.

Um Fragmenter is deaf and what's more he signs as well! He belongs to a very deaf family so I hardly think you can accuse him of not accepting his children for what they are. His son has made it very clear to him that he wants his CIs. Please be careful about judging people.
well if you're gonna speak that way.. then go create a new forum and leave us alone. this is mainly ALLDEAF.. most of us are deaf and yes, the parents with a CI kid or a person with a CI are welcome here too but if you want to talk that way.. go create a forum for CI's....

I think you need to go back and read the title of this forum. While you're at it, try to come up with your *own* thoughts instead of parroting mine. :ugh3:
This has been going on for years and years, old news. Your daughter will be always be part of us and u can not change who she is. She is and always will be deaf whether she has CI or not. I hope u don't keep her away from deaf kids because they are her worlds, not hearing world. I do not care if she has CI but hope u don't keep her away from us alike many parents do with their deaf kids. Good luck with your daughter and her CI.

I think this post was for me. I do not keep her from deaf people, actually I take her to a deaf school once a week. We interact with the people there, we attend the functions that are there, and we are learning sign so we can better communicate with people I run into. The high school students in that school sign to me about Victoria, and I can't properly communicate back, but i am trying. She will know she is deaf, but she will know she is deaf with an implant that helps her hear. The school I take her too is like a second family to us now, she will be a part of that school until she can go to a mainstream school. I will never let her forget the people we met there, they have helped us so much and have been so nice to us.
I think you need to go back and read the title of this forum. While you're at it, try to come up with your *own* thoughts instead of parroting mine. :ugh3:
the title of this forum is ALLDEAF.. you need to think about what you're saying as well.
Now School don't need me anymore because of new deaf children already have CI. It upset me because I missed work with deaf children. I don't against CI but I feel that CI is trying make deaf world end. I support that deaf world should be very strong and show hearing people that we can do anything if we don't have CI. CI don't help us for futrue. It is my opinion.

I'm sorry you have lost your job, it sounded like you really loved it. However CIs are only a part of the reason why deaf schools are shrinking. Firstly the rubella vaccination has dramatically reduced the numbers of profoundly deaf children being born over the years. Secondly, the fertility rate in general has been dropping all over the world. This means that the number of deaf children as well as other children is declining. In Australia, Auslan is in endangered language status sadly.

I chatted with a friend of mine who works in a deaf school as an Auslan instructor and he mentioned some teachers were losing their jobs. And those were the factors that he cited.

Having a CI doesn't nescessarily mean shame for being deaf or not knowing who you are. Many of us here if you have read our posts are very in favour of children with CIs learning sign as well and mixing with other deaf people. This is why I believe that deaf signers should open up to children with CIs and be welcoming and provide ways of them being able to learn sign but not judging them if they enjoy using their CIs to hear as well. I think that an adaptable culture is one that will survive.
the title of this forum is ALLDEAF.. you need to think about what you're saying as well.

My mistake for using the word "forum" instead of "message board." Let me correct myself. The name of this particular message board is "Hearing Aids & Cochlear Implants." With that being the case, why should another forum for CIs be created? :ugh3:
My mistake for using the word "forum" instead of "message board." Let me correct myself. The name of this particular message board is "Hearing Aids & Cochlear Implants." With that being the case, why should another forum for CIs be created? :ugh3:

because most of you are offended by what we say in here.. and this is an open forum. I see that says hearing aids & Cochlear Implant... but lilys dad is speaking of why there are so many that are against CIs and I don't see anybody speaking of hearing aids.

So, it might make ya'll feel better to have a forum speaking directly of CIs but remember I'm not against it.. I'm not for it though. If you have it or someone has it... fine.. if a child has it.. it does kinda give us a cringe on the thought of a tiny ones getting surgery and especially with a picture of a child with a bandage wrapped around her head.

I guess it does offend others too and ya'll feel offended too.
because most of you are offended by what we say in here.. and this is an open forum. I see that says hearing aids & Cochlear Implant... but lilys dad is speaking of why there are so many that are against CIs and I don't see anybody speaking of hearing aids.

So do you think it's okay for people to go to the gay and lesbian forum and say give their reasons why they oppose it and think it's wrong?

All we are asking for is tact and politeness. Some posters here are opposed to CIs on children but who manage to express themselves in much better ways than saying "I think that CIs on kids are so sick! It's child abuse and cruel!! I feel so sorry for your kids!!"
because most of you are offended by what we say in here.. and this is an open forum. I see that says hearing aids & Cochlear Implant... but lilys dad is speaking of why there are so many that are against CIs and I don't see anybody speaking of hearing aids.

So, it might make ya'll feel better to have a forum speaking directly of CIs but remember I'm not against it.. I'm not for it though. If you have it or someone has it... fine.. if a child has it.. it does kinda give us a cringe on the thought of a tiny ones getting surgery and especially with a picture of a child with a bandage wrapped around her head.

I guess it does offend others too and ya'll feel offended too.

We don't mind people who are opposed to CIs posting here, we just don't like our decision to receive a CI for ourselves or our child attacked by those who do not agree with implantation.

When an adult or child has been deemed a CI candidate, HAs are of little or no benefit. That's probably the reason why you don't see many of us discussing HAs.
Why do people who are strictly against cochlear implants come to the HA CI section to upset people? There are several sections of all deaf that I stay out of simply because I disagree with what is being said there. If some one hates CI, why do they feel welcomed to come to this section, make a whole bunch of negative biased, hateful and usually wrong comments about cochlear implants and leave? THAT IS CHICKEN SHIT!!!!!!!!!
I too noticed that many discussions relating to CI veer way off topic and turn into a bashing war. There are those that feel strongly against them. I suppose everyone has the right to their opinion but I agree with you. If someone is against it and cant express themselves in an objective and respectful manner, then stay out of the thread. That is unless the thread is a debate on the subject which most are not.
So do you think it's okay for people to go to the gay and lesbian forum and say give their reasons why they oppose it and think it's wrong?

All we are asking for is tact and politeness. Some posters here are opposed to CIs on children but who manage to express themselves in much better ways than saying "I think that CIs on kids are so sick! It's child abuse and cruel!! I feel so sorry for your kids!!"

don't get me wrong... i have alot of gay and lesbian friends.. but yes its okay for them to speak of their opinion and learn from it.

It might offend some of you that they do say that about the CIs. I don't think its child abuse at all. I do think that the parents are doing what they feel is best for their child. Its just that the thought of it might bother them. I can understand the feelings here but when it comes to having a child involve, it gets personal and it upsets the parent. then the parents are thinking.. wow.. they are awful, cruel, mean, etc. The parents just have to understand that WE are just like everyone else and we have really strong opinions. I mean EACH of US!
Lilly’s Dad said:
What would happen to me as a member of Alldeaf if I went into the gay/lesbian area of this message board and began telling people they were horrible humans, immoral and so on, because of the fact they were gay or lesbian? I would bet you I would be banned in a heart beat (rightfully so). With that said, why is it that people feel free to come into the CI section of this message board and bash us at will for the decisions we made? When we complain about these people we are told that they are to be ignored, or tolerated. If I did the same in the gay section, would people tell you to ignore me when I made my horrible statements? I doubt it!
So why is it that those that come here and torment us fopr the choices we make continue to get a free pass?
Point taken. You are right. I apologize if what I said offended you, that was certainly not my intention.

ghsh1996 said:
I feel that CI is trying make deaf world end.
Not every deaf individual will qualify for a CI, so to say that it could potentially end the deaf culture is a farce.
ghsh1996 said:
I support that deaf world should be very strong and show hearing people that we can do anything if we don't have CI.
Not everything. There are many jobs that require the ability to hear.
ghsh1996 said:
CI don't help us for futrue. It is my opinion.
I would venture to say that most people with a CI would disagree with this statement. And until you have experienced a CI personally, you have no basis for this opinion.

jazzy said:
hope u don't keep her away from deaf kids because they are her worlds, not hearing world.
Actually, the beauty of the CI is that these children can be a part of BOTH worlds.
jazzy said:
I feel sorry for u. Ur deaf kids will always be part of us, too bad u can not accept them for who they are.
Just because a parent wants more for their child is no reason to pity the children.

RebelGirl said:
there you go.. you're jumping to the conclusion! is it right for you to judge us when its not ok for us to speak of our opinion. Geez, EVE you are something!
You honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I was not judging anyone, in fact I had actually attempted to stick up for Kalista, but after reading Lilly’s Dad’s take on the matter, I have rethought that position. Thank you for further ensuring that for me.
RebelGirl said:
well if you're gonna speak that way.. then go create a new forum and leave us alone. this is mainly ALLDEAF.. most of us are deaf and yes, the parents with a CI kid or a person with a CI are welcome here too but if you want to talk that way.. go create a forum for CI's....
You’re right RebelGirl, this forum is open to ALL deaf, not just CI-hating deaf. And as far as I remember, the rules state:
[url said:
http://www.alldeaf.com/announcements/95-forum-rules.html][/url] 1.) Members are not allowed to make posts that are discriminating, racist, threatening, hateful, or include links to pornography or warez.
3.) NO TROLLING. A troll is someone who provokes members into flaming discussions by posting outrageous messages, and usually ends with name callings and flame wars.
9.) No bashing, flaming or harassing other members. Period.
Even though we support freedom of speech, show some respect, use common sense, and keep an open mind when participating in discussions.
I would suggest that you learn to adhere to these rules before you are rightfully shown the door. No judgment here, just a clear observation of your lack of regard for the forum rules.
Oh, and no one here is saying you can’t “speak of your opinion”, they are merely saying that you should do so with common courtesy and respect.

RebelGirl said:
the title of this forum is ALLDEAF.. you need to think about what you're saying as well.
Please learn to practice what you preach.

TweetyBird said:
yea i agree with u true!
TweetyBird said:
yea true!
Tweety, are you a parrot?
don't get me wrong... i have alot of gay and lesbian friends.. but yes its okay for them to speak of their opinion and learn from it.

It might offend some of you that they do say that about the CIs. I don't think its child abuse at all. I do think that the parents are doing what they feel is best for their child. Its just that the thought of it might bother them. I can understand the feelings here but when it comes to having a child involve, it gets personal and it upsets the parent. then the parents are thinking.. wow.. they are awful, cruel, mean, etc. The parents just have to understand that WE are just like everyone else and we have really strong opinions. I mean EACH of US!

See now you have your opinion, but it doesn't sound bad because you are saying it in a respectful way. I totally understand how people can disagree with implants on children, but it all comes down to how you say something. Flat out telling someone you get nauseous at the sight of their child, is just wrong. I respect the opinions on this site... most of the people have more right to be here than I do. I am not deaf, but as a parent I am trying to gain knowledge and that is why I am here. Not to see bashing of anyone.
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