Why - Why the Medical Society constantly pressure on the Parents?

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That is it, I am taking a break. No need to post 35 times in any thread - 36 time. so going out and getting a life. I'll be studying my ASL at daughter's dance class.



We all need to get a life! LOL!
Posts on this topic.... (total 728..)

jillio 214
shel90 108
jackiesolorzano 90
rick48 63
loml 36
vallee 35
flip 24
Kalista 24
Angel 18
LadySekhmet 18
Cheri 11
VamPyroX 10
Drew's Dad 10
Liebling:))) 9
deafdyke 7
neecy 6
FreeThinker 5
Cloggy 5
Raykat 5
deafskeptic 5
Roadrunner 5
skm4441 4
Buffalo 4
Secretblend 3
TechBill 2
Boult 2
GalaxyAngel 1
doubletrouble 1
Aleser 1
SkullChick 1

And with your 48 posts per day, I'm so glad you are not charging us.... :giggle:

Nice attempt to deflect from the fact that the research has been posted, and none of those who demanded such can find a single thing to refute it. But it does nothing but make you appear extremely childish.
And, as I have explained to you prior, loml, unless I refer to a particular study, I am not obligated to provide links. Simply stating that there are studies available does not refer to any particular study. It is a true statement, and one that does not require citation. Perhaps you should purchase an APA manual, and educate yourself regarding when citation is necessary and when it isn't. If you doubt that there are numerous current studies available, then it is incumbent upon you to do the research and supply that information which disproves the statement, "There are numerous current studies available." My proof lies in the fact that one only has to take the time to look at the professional journals to see that there are, indeed, numerous current studies available.

What part of this, exactly, don't you understand? I believe my wording has been quite clear. Your constant attempts to circumvent the issue by attempting to discredit, rather than by offering that which counters in an intelligent manner, is simply additional evidence that you are lacking in any foundation.

jillio - It would appear that you do not understand, I thought my wording was quite clear. Common courtesy would be that you provide links. If you are uncomfortable with people asking for links, then perhpas it would be best not to make statrements such as:

rginally posted by Jillio -
Okay, there are numerous current studies.

Please note the the actual sentence from your post did not include the word available. Odd that you felt the need to change the sentence.
jillio - It would appear that you do not understand, I thought my wording was quite clear. Common courtesy would be that you provide links. If you are uncomfortable with people asking for links, then perhpas it would be best not to make statrements such as:

rginally posted by Jillio -

Please note the the actual sentence from your post did not include the word available. Odd that you felt the need to change the sentence.

And, odd that you continue to try to deflect the issue. If you are so concerned with research, please respond to the research that I have posted. You demanded proof, I have provided such.
Psstttt guys and gals--let's get back to the topic of this thread here.

Getting that data takes 10 seconds... How much of your life do you spend posting?:giggle:

Ah, yes, I spend my time engaged in meaningful interaction and dialogue exchange with the deaf community, and thus gaining knowledge of the ways in which I can better serve that community. You spend yours couting posts. Who is the more productive?

And, speaking of being productive, do you have anything relevent to add to the topic?
Psstttt guys and gals--let's get back to the topic of this thread here.


Yes I agree, come on...the thread was going good with nice and engaging discussions and now it is back to the same old game playing. We all disagree on everything..that's life!
Yes I agree, come on...the thread was going good with nice and engaging discussions and now it is back to the same old game playing. We all disagree on everything..that's life!

Yep, we need to get back to a productive exchange of ideas and simply ignore the childish behavior.

So the issue is framed correctly, here is your exact post in its entirety:

"Without the struggle? And I am baiting no one. Go back and check the posts, and you will see exactly how many times it has been said that speech therapy is not necessary for their child, or for the CI children they teach. Then it has been claimed that it should be part of the academic curriculum. Then it is claimed that the CI allows for natural acquisition of speech. Contradictions, contradictions."

I asked you to cite such a post and since you used one of my posts, I will address mine and leave others to address their own.

Had you printed my entire post, which I have done below, you would have allowed all of us to see that I was clearly responding to the claim that oral ci children are in "therapy 24/7". As my post states, they are not. Interesting, that you chose my post showing that my child was not in "therapy" 24/7" as an example of the "many" posts saying that speech therapy is not necessary for ci children.

Where in that post do I say that speech therapy is not necessary? In fact, I make a specific reference to the fact that our child received therapy.

Well, here is my post, in its entirety:

"So true, so true.

I find the "therapy 24/7" argument interesting. First off, several of us, many, many times have pointed out that our children did not grow up constantly going to formal therapy that as parents we were instructed to take the concepts and ideas stressed in a formal therapy session and incorporate them into our children's daily lives. Yes, we did talk to our daughter more than our friends and neighbors with hearing children and yes, we did read to our daughter more often and did not just plop her down in front of a TV for hours on end but talked to her, explained things to her, engaged her in conversation--oh horrors what terrible parents were we!

This is exactly what we did, we went to therapy once a week as a family, we watch and learned and it became a way of life for us. We talked about everything. Even now, I am talking to myself all day it just became a way of life.

If we chose to imerse her in sign language, how was that going to be accomplished without the same total family commitment and time commitment since neither our child nor us nor anyone in our families knew sign language? We would have taken sign classes (which my wife and mother-in-law did) provided her with extensive sign language therapy (guess it is only work for the deaf child when its oral therapy) and then take the concepts and ideas stressed in a formal sign language therapy session and incorporate them into our children's daily lives. We would have talked to her in sign, explained things to her in sign and engaged her in conversation in sign constantly in order to increase both her and our language skills and development. Just as we did for her orally."

Not only have you done a terrible cut and paste job, but the post does not support your agruments and in fact, supports the very opposite of your position. It also shows how little credibility you have. You are just someone who argues for the sake of arguing.

Rick you are so so right we are accuse of not reading their entire post and of going off topic but it is exactly what they are doing.
My children didn't need to go to formal speech for very long because we took care of their needs in a natural envirnoment. I am not saying that all CI do not need speech I am saying that my children did not need it.

Are you from Albania? Bolivia? Cuba? Denmark?........

We must know where you are from in order to answer your questions!!!!



Loml said she is visiting from Mars, maybe I wrong better go back and read her entire post.
Here we go with the childish attempts to inflame. Please stick to the topics being discussed. This sort of behavior does nothing but indicate that you have nothing relevent to add. You could start by addressing the citaitons to research that were demanded over and over again.

Love the picture I had the picture of a certain somebody in my head. I think you nailed it. And cloggy don't you know that you have nothing meaningful to say because why would you know anything on this topic. Wait let me give you the name of the topic Why Why the medical society constantly pressure on the parents. I think you, Rick, and I should leave this thread because we have no idea what it is like to have children with CIs. Let's go.
Originally Posted by shel90
Read what one person said in your "Respect for all Thread" about dying inside from being raised in the oral-only environment.

The majority of deaf kids dont suceed in the oral-only setting. Even successes like myself, ended up with serious scars and emotional damage. I do not call that a success despite getting good grades and being involved in sports.

Factual basis please.

Why are you asking for factual basis when you are getting the fact straight from the horse's mouth? There are several of us who was raised as oral. I agreed with Shel90 because of my oral education in the elementary school. So Neigh!
Who said they were?

Who said they do not have equal access to education?

That was certainly not our experience.

It was my experience. Us Deaf who had the oral education said that we don't have equal access to education. We missed too many words and we often have to work hard just to catch up with the hearing people.
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