why it's hard to meet a decent guy online

There are some decent people online. I've met a couple of people online (years ago) that were good guys. I'm one of these type people that don't like to get out and about to meet people. As long as you are safe about doing so it's just like meeting someone at church or a local event. You still have your physcos.

EXACTLY! :smash: this case is adjourned!
Online Dating is a wonderfull tool, much better than going to a bar to find a date. You really have to pick the right dating site like eharmany. That being said, yYou should always be carefull no matter what site you choose because there are bad people out there. Never give anymore information about youself than you have to. If a guy show ask you to show an intimate part of yourself or talk about sex before you know anything about each other they are idots-pull the plug on them. I would never do that, nor would any other self respecting male.
Trust me don't date online. I am married to a guy I met online. It aint going well right now. Met him almost 9 yrs ago. Love him to death. Engaged 2 mos later married 2 yrs later. Still married 7 yrs. Boring life I hafta say.

He is hearing and I am deaf. I have told my friends that I wished I never lost touch with my deaf friends I prolly would have married a deaf man. We can understand eachother.
Here's a famous quote that I read on the refridgerator

I would very concerned about meeting a guy on line after hearing what
Philip Markoff did! He is the Craglist killer!
I met my hubby 10 years ago from online at AOL Deaf chat room! Now We have two beautiful girls! :D Guess We re lucky! He is from California and Me from Massachusetts :D
Trust me don't date online. I am married to a guy I met online. It aint going well right now. Met him almost 9 yrs ago. Love him to death. Engaged 2 mos later married 2 yrs later. Still married 7 yrs. Boring life I hafta say.

He is hearing and I am deaf. I have told my friends that I wished I never lost touch with my deaf friends I prolly would have married a deaf man. We can understand eachother.

I don't think that online dating is to blame here-it can happens no matter where meet.
theres quite alot of nice deaf girls/women id love to date from AD but then again often personality dont match in life. On other hand, certain ways of "confessing" ,or explain one's own way of looking, doing things at home or showing what expectations is kind of more truthful, on the other hand again, i feel when one state an opinion, it doesnt show what sort of person they are, just a political or ideological standpoint. Although all of it can merge and confuse....its hard to know...
but not to mention, like most people said above in this thread, the distance is a problem (and money to move around, whether just holiday or actual moving) compounded by security (of the home , and while abroad raises the cost factor as well as its very off-putting)
The reason why it's hard to find a good guy online is that there's not many of them available online compared to the sour apples. There's a better chance of meeting with good guys out there in the real world cause they have lives and it is known that most of the sour apples like to stay home and vent their misery.

Try going out more often, you won't regret it.
Online and in person didn't meet anyone. I have hard time it appears oh well.. move on
There are lots of good people on line.

What you do you do on a date when the guy starts going too far? You say no right? No, with some kind of statement as to what you think is appropriate and what is not. Same on here. Not a big deal. It is easier here than on a real date.
The only training a lot of guys get on how to treat a woman comes from the women they are trying to meet. So instead of talking about kneeing them in the nuts how about, thinking of it as training? Just like if you are a mother of a little fella. Training is what makes good men and good women. Some are naturally better at it than others but we all have had to learn how to be and how not to be and the learning doesn't stop in childhood.

By the way I have a tongue like a boat propeller.... wanna go boating?? LAMeO!! I have always wanted to say that! ... ouch... smiles.. Just in case I am taking myself too serious.
Like on Facebook and Myspace, I've had messages from guys which were quite disgusting. I just ignored them. I mean, I don't like it how a random guy could go up to me and say, "Wow, you sure are pretty. Can I have your number?" And you know, those people who call you babe or boo when you don't even know the guy. Seriously. Major turn off.

If a guy just sent me a message actually wanting to have a conversation, then I'm all for it.

Like this one guy, I used to go to elem school with him. Well, out of the blue, he messaged me on facebook. It pretty much said: "hey there beautiful. how u doin?" I ignored him.

I hate how guys think they can use sweet-talk to girls and think they're gonna be like, "oooo, they think I'm beautiful." No, they want to get in your pants.

But if a guy messaged me asking how I'm doing and all that stuff, I'd answer. And yeah hahaha.
All I could add to this is...

Keep trying... I've been on match sites (most want you to pay, and a waste of time FOR ME). I've started chatting with people in different forums (most live on the other side of earth :giggle: so I really can't "date" them like it should be). I find myself just walking around and going to as many places as I can (with others or mostly by myself). Don't care where it is.... A & P, Home Depot, corner store... just to be around people and hopes something happens. Nothing yet, but also.... hang with as many friends as you can and be in their activities. You may meet a friend of a friend and something connects.

Well, that's my 2 cents. I wish you the best of luck. Be patient and care...

Quiet 1
Oh, and I forgot to add earlier, there are decent guys out there online. I mean, I've met people online and met up with them in real life. This guy and I did meet up and were close to dating, but decided against it.

So there are some weirdo's out there...but you can actually meet some decent people online :) :) :)
[I met a couple of my friends online, as well. And now we're the best of friends!]
My input..

I'm glad you added that. look, be careful on who u meet. As for me, I have to decide on meeting people online or not. It's still questionable for me, but I wish all others the best.

Quiet 1
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I hate how guys think they can use sweet-talk to girls and think they're gonna be like, "oooo, they think I'm beautiful." No, they want to get in your pants.

Not every guy that tells a girl that she's beautiful wants to get in her pants.

Statements similar to that makes it difficult for alot of good guys because some girls might just think that the guy just wants to get in her pants when it's not true. I do admit that starting a conversation off with "hey beautiful" sucks and they could come up with something way better than that corny line. That statement is also why I don't talk to alot of girls. If I see an attractive girl (one i'm actually willing to talk to), I'll try to get to know her and see what she's about. I'm not the type of guy that goes around trying to see how far I can go with every attractive girl I see.
You'd be surprise how many people are like that out side the internet too.
I think that there are more male perverts than women. And I'd rather be asked how much money I have than asked if I like having my private parts licked.

You think? :shock: You haven't seen my junk email that come in almost daily offering me a blow job, to put it mildly. :roll:

I date ladies, not whores. Women, you need to date gentlemen and watch how they treat their mothers before continuing on with them. Men, the same goes for you: How do the women treat their parents?