Why is it???

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Heterosexual people also have bad life issue too.

Everybody got problems, everybody had to go through tough time.

Democrats ain't doing enough for everybody.

I NEED A JOB, why Democrats focus so much on Gay people, that gay marriage ain't important...

UnEmployment issue is important.

I didn't even get a job, when Clinton was President. I got on SSI and foodstamp and my sister who is in navy had to get WIC and welfare...
in order to feed her child. All of that under Clinton, he did nothing.

I am still looking for jobs, the Vocational Rehab is working on me
right now. I go there now, I send my case worker to check it out for me.
At least I am doing something.

How can Mods close this thread, when you guys keep talking to me? :ugh:
oh ok....so if you still on the computer 24/7 and have no job. and you are on SSI then if president bush make the new law that there will be no SSI check for you anymore. so you are on wheelchair and you have tcs and you have no money anymore, you might as well lose ur home and cannot pay ur bills. now is that conversative for you anyway??? and you support bush for sending someone to go to war??? dont you think it costing america billions of dollars out of taxpayer money??? it could take your SSI check away and you might not going to have it anymore. so what u think of that?? I think you followed ravensteven's footstep just for being a mean person. i had enough hearing this. if you dont like liberal or anything then leave AD. it is simple as that!
ravensteve1961 said:
Well i dont like liberals because they say one thing but mean another,Like bill clinton did.
*chuckle* speak like a true hypocrite. I would say the same thing about you people. When you say one thing usually mean another. It is like 100% guarantee.
ravensteve1961 said:
Well i dont like liberals because they say one thing but mean another,Like bill clinton did.

I am learning everything from you, RavenSteven. You are my idol.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
At least I am doing something.

How can Mods close this thread, when you guys keep talking to me? :ugh:

At least doing something???? being on the computer 24/7 is not doing at least doing something!!! damn!!! you dont get it!
miss p u think USA sucks...ok why dont u live there where bin laden lives? I am sure you will not have SSI...you will have to go to work...you will be experiencing alot of oppression over there especially with your disability...good luck miss p
RedWolf said:
At least doing something???? being on the computer 24/7 is not doing at least doing something!!! damn!!! you dont get it!

She never gets it. She loves to watch ADers ventin' off their "pissed off" at her in HER thread. She REALLY enjoys their pissed. That is HER TV show in her thread she loves to watch. So, why keep postin' ?

I would rather to go elsewhere instead of postin' too many in HER thread. It is not worth to eat her shyts.

:bye: Miss P
wisdomlady said:
miss p u think USA sucks...ok why dont u live there where bin laden lives?
Bin laden lives in IRAQ? :shock: I thought hes hiding in the mountains of afgainstain?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
But people won't make faces... and go eww...

I would rather be in the wheelchair than to have this face.

Hey, my mother saw a guy in a supermarket several years ago shopping...ever heard of the "Elephant Man"? The Elephant Man disease is where tumors grow on the person (in this man's case - his head)...well, the top of his head was sticking way out and his eyes were bulging. She said everyone in the supermarket was staring at him....but did he get upset at everyone's treatment? No! It isn't his fault, and it isn't your fault that you have a disfigurement!! You just need to let go, and start thinking positive of the world around you....otherwise, everything will fall flat on your face!
Nobody wants to hear "negitivity" here.....you can talk about anything under the sun, but don't involve people when it is personal to them (Zesty or Tweety's case), or talking about killing yourself. Now, telling people you want to kill yourself makes people think you are crazy!
Please show some respect to people here, and tone down the negitivity, ok? Nobody cares about your TCS...a lot of people have conditions, but most people don't want to talk about them a lot...if you want people to like you, post in a positive manner and post things that doesn't involve people's privacy....and life would be much better for you if you get a job....then you can talk about your job, what you do....makes people want to be more interested in what you do.
I hope everyone got your attention, miss P. You have lost a lot of respect and it is up to you to bring it back -- wanting to be a lesbian out of despiration or wanting to commit suicide is not the answer...it makes you seem silly.
Enough said....I am not posting anymore in this thread. Ok, mods, lock up this thread. Thanks.
CyberRed said:
She never gets it. She loves to watch ADers vent off their "pissed off" at her in HER thread. She REALLY enjoys their pissed. That is HER TV show in her thread she loves to watch. So, why keep postin' ?

I would rather to go elsewhere instead of postin' too many in HER thread. It is not worth to eat her shyts.

:bye: Miss P

That is right. I was going to go use the bathroom and take a nap,
I can't even eat my fried chicken, because this keep me busy...
and ughhhhhhhh this is so interesting....
It is like I am Muhammad Ali. :smash:
ravensteve1961 said:
Bin laden lives in IRAQ? :shock: I thought hes hiding in the mountains of afgainstain?

read my post again...I did not say in iraq...re-read it again
ravensteve1961 said:
Bin laden lives in IRAQ? :shock: I thought hes hiding in the mountains of afgainstain?

Oh no, you quote what they said, I don't wanna read that... ahhh...
they are like bats... get them out, ahhhh.

ravensteve1961 said:
Bin laden lives in IRAQ? :shock: I thought hes hiding in the mountains of afgainstain?

she did not say iraq. re-read her post again.
Nancy said:
Hey, my mother saw a guy in a supermarket several years ago shopping...ever heard of the "Elephant Man"? The Elephant Man disease is where tumors grow on the person (in this man's case - his head)...well, the top of his head was sticking way out and his eyes were bulging. She said everyone in the supermarket was staring at him....but did he get upset at everyone's treatment? No! It isn't his fault, and it isn't your fault that you have a disfigurement!! You just need to let go, and start thinking positive of the world around you....otherwise, everything will fall flat on your face!
Nobody wants to hear "negitivity" here.....you can talk about anything under the sun, but don't involve people when it is personal to them (Zesty or Tweety's case), or talking about killing yourself. Now, telling people you want to kill yourself makes people think you are crazy!
Please show some respect to people here, and tone down the negitivity, ok? Nobody cares about your TCS...a lot of people have conditions, but most people don't want to talk about them a lot...if you want people to like you, post in a positive manner and post things that doesn't involve people's privacy....and life would be much better for you if you get a job....then you can talk about your job, what you do....makes people want to be more interested in what you do.
I hope everyone got your attention, miss P. You have lost a lot of respect and it is up to you to bring it back -- wanting to be a lesbian out of despiration or wanting to commit suicide is not the answer...it makes you seem silly.
Enough said....I am not posting anymore in this thread. Ok, mods, lock up this thread. Thanks.

It is hard to think positive all the time. I just get depressed with California, people live there and won't move elsewhere. What happened if
the Movie Industry and Disney and movie stars move to Mississippi,
will people in California stay there or move to Mississippi? That is all I want to know.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I guess I go and kill myself. :roll:

Uh…Roadrunner, or anybody else in charge who’s listening, red flag here. If the little drama queen here really does go and take an early dirt nap, it could mean litigation for Alex and/or the company that owns alldeaf’s server. I really think you should zip this up and make it go away.
Okay, this topic has become a ravensteve and his 'suicide' topic now.

Mods, please... please :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: this topic.

Good post, Nancy.
I agree with u, Magatsu! This topic needs to be :locked: :locked: since we dont want any problems. We only want to have fun and enjoy not whinning!!

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