Why did God pick people to be deaf?

VamPyroX said:
God gave you rubella.

Of course. It is so obvious!

Of course. It is so obvious that Bibles brainwashed believers! What a big waste of time. What a shame. There are such no God and Devil. It's up to our mind and emotion. The words, in Bible books, are given emotion and powerful, and that is why the authors were so clever.
I stand by my message for the wonderful hope for all people. Even if we are completely well, we still get old and sick. This is for all people. If somehow my tone was not right, I apologize for my tone. Offending people is the furthest from my mind. But like Jeremiah who had a wonderful hope to share and he was unable to keep quiet due to his excitement, I feel the same. Robbielyn :)
If God created people to be deaf, then why did God pick people to be deaf? There are billions and billions people who are hearing in the world. There is only about 2 millions people who are deaf in the US or world. Just want to hear your feedbacks.....thanks!

Hi I'm completely deaf, and guess what people tell me, God took back something, but see how much more he has given to you!! I think that God took our hearing, but in return he gave us much more strength to shoulder it all and above all, he took it from us because he knows we are special!! Thats what my mommy always tells me, she says: "you are special"- and i think every deaf person needs to know that.

I must make it a point to add here, that religion is what gave me the strength also to accept my deafness!

God bless you all.

Hi I'm completely deaf, and guess what people tell me, God took back something, but see how much more he has given to you!! I think that God took our hearing, but in return he gave us much more strength to shoulder it all and above all, he took it from us because he knows we are special!! Thats what my mommy always tells me, she says: "you are special"- and i think every deaf person needs to know that.

I must make it a point to add here, that religion is what gave me the strength also to accept my deafness!

God bless you all.


Guess what. There is no such a thing about God. You are profound deaf, and you have to learn how to deal with a hearing world. I think that your mother is right that you are special, and even for all deaf people, too. However, the hearing world do not give a damn about special people. In fact, a religious is make up a society.

I recalled a story 60 years ago a small group of poor people came and knock a door. A priest opened the door, and they begged for food. A group of priests saw them, and they didn't want them in the house, and closed the door. He wanted them to have more babies so that he makes money by letting them in his church. He also receives their death donation gift to a church. That makes a priest happy to get the money. That's how it works. That's why it is so blind for them not to know what is really happening in our world. I don't give a damn about Bible telling that it is bad. Just wake up and see the real world. A Bible is just a piece of book, and it brainwashed people. That's why priests were so clever to make their words so powerful. I am sorry that I let you down. But, don't forget that you are still special no matter what. :)
Guess what. There is no such a thing about God. You are profound deaf, and you have to learn how to deal with a hearing world. I think that your mother is right that you are special, and even for all deaf people, too. However, the hearing world do not give a damn about special people. In fact, a religious is make up a society.

I recalled a story 60 years ago a small group of poor people came and knock a door. A priest opened the door, and they begged for food. A group of priests saw them, and they didn't want them in the house, and closed the door. He wanted them to have more babies so that he makes money by letting them in his church. He also receives their death donation gift to a church. That makes a priest happy to get the money. That's how it works. That's why it is so blind for them not to know what is really happening in our world. I don't give a damn about Bible telling that it is bad. Just wake up and see the real world. A Bible is just a piece of book, and it brainwashed people. That's why priests were so clever to make their words so powerful. I am sorry that I let you down. But, don't forget that you are still special no matter what. :)


sigh....I must tell you that God is real and the bible is real. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for everyone to understand what the scriptures really mean. I swear to God that I saw Jesus in my dream. I don't know if you read my dream experience with Jesus.

I'm sorry that you still don't believe in God. Before, I wasn't sure if there was God but now I found God. I hope one day you will find God if you let yourself to discover Him. God is so, very wonderful! By the way, yes God made people deaf for some reasons.

Guess what. There is no such a thing about God. You are profound deaf, and you have to learn how to deal with a hearing world. I think that your mother is right that you are special, and even for all deaf people, too. However, the hearing world do not give a damn about special people. In fact, a religious is make up a society.

I recalled a story 60 years ago a small group of poor people came and knock a door. A priest opened the door, and they begged for food. A group of priests saw them, and they didn't want them in the house, and closed the door. He wanted them to have more babies so that he makes money by letting them in his church. He also receives their death donation gift to a church. That makes a priest happy to get the money. That's how it works. That's why it is so blind for them not to know what is really happening in our world. I don't give a damn about Bible telling that it is bad. Just wake up and see the real world. A Bible is just a piece of book, and it brainwashed people. That's why priests were so clever to make their words so powerful. I am sorry that I let you down. But, don't forget that you are still special no matter what. :)

Well, I believe that religion, while mine at least, has shaped my positive outlook on life, my religion is one that is as old as creation itself, Hinduism is my faith! We don't have one book, but many books.

Yeah, I have already dealt with hearing people, I have had those that appreciate me and those who are just not deaf aware (I actually feel very sorry for those type of people)!

We are special that is why we strive to better ourselves.

Whether the hearing world cares or doesn't care, I am here to make a difference in the world, and I will, so that one day, everyone will say: "Deaf people can do it!"

You haven't let me down, no qualms about that! I think we must all respect each others views and react to them in a calm and reflective manner.

Nice to get a cool response.


sigh....I must tell you that God is real and the bible is real. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for everyone to understand what the scriptures really mean. I swear to God that I saw Jesus in my dream. I don't know if you read my dream experience with Jesus.

I'm sorry that you still don't believe in God. Before, I wasn't sure if there was God but now I found God. I hope one day you will find God if you let yourself to discover Him. God is so, very wonderful! By the way, yes God made people deaf for some reasons.


I am glad religion has paved your way for life! And I agree god made us deaf for reasons, because he is fair and just!!

I have had seen Mary on a real tree in my hometown, and some other places. My mother's friend called and asked us to come over. We saw it on the tree. It looked interesting. Some people cannot see it. But, I do not give a damn if it is a true picture. It's our imagination. If I see one on my tree, I don't give a damn it. I don't even want mine on the tree. I am human being.

kashveera - For Hinduism, that is interesting for your own belief. Born in Christian is a horrible... A regular Catholic seems all right as long as they don't bother other people's opinion.

I am embarrassed that some people said that they accept God to take away your hearing. God does not take your hearing or your life. If someone got hurt, God would have gotten there to help them before they get hurt so God is not there - it is silly for me to say that. The result is that the God is made up a word. I would think that 300 years ago they saw an alien from outerspace so they called it a God. A couple of years later, they change it a little because in the old days there were so rare to find a book or even they do not know how to read and write a book. From generation to generation, they always change a little bit story from the begining of 300 years ago. Let's say that a UFO landed our Earth, a powerful priest is worred that the alien would reveal the story so the priest will find a way to destroy the alien before they find out the true story. So, all the years, the clever authors had a right time to write a Bible referring a God in it. Of course, it never mentions about an alien. That's my theory - not the hard fact, but someday it will be. Actually, the scientists discovered a few symbols on the rock that came from cave men which referred the aliens that visited our Earth.

It's fine for everyone to label themselves to which regilious they are because everyone has different understandings of the scriptures. When people don't agree on the scriptures from what they seem to understand, they agrued. So what should they do? They decided to set their own regiliouses so they can agree on the scriptures.

Really, it doesn't matter which regilious you are in because there is only One God. God knows that everyone doesn't agree on many scriptures. It's very difficult for everyone to understand what the scriptures really mean. God knows that people who believe in God with their different opinions from the scriptures but the most important thing is that God is very pleased that people who believe in God.

You don't believe in God completely, right? If yes, try to discover Him and ask Him what you want from Him. If you continue not to believe in God, God may not be able to help you because He wants your faith in Him first.

If you don't believe in God til you die, you'll be sorry because He can't save you. This is what the devil/satan likes you not to believe in God. God hopes you to change your thoughts, attitudes, etc.

This is your free will / choice.

Warm Regards,
I have had seen Mary on a real tree in my hometown, and some other places. My mother's friend called and asked us to come over. We saw it on the tree. It looked interesting. Some people cannot see it. But, I do not give a damn if it is a true picture. It's our imagination. If I see one on my tree, I don't give a damn it. I don't even want mine on the tree. I am human being.

kashveera - For Hinduism, that is interesting for your own belief. Born in Christian is a horrible... A regular Catholic seems all right as long as they don't bother other people's opinion.

I am embarrassed that some people said that they accept God to take away your hearing. God does not take your hearing or your life. If someone got hurt, God would have gotten there to help them before they get hurt so God is not there - it is silly for me to say that. The result is that the God is made up a word. I would think that 300 years ago they saw an alien from outerspace so they called it a God. A couple of years later, they change it a little because in the old days there were so rare to find a book or even they do not know how to read and write a book. From generation to generation, they always change a little bit story from the begining of 300 years ago. Let's say that a UFO landed our Earth, a powerful priest is worred that the alien would reveal the story so the priest will find a way to destroy the alien before they find out the true story. So, all the years, the clever authors had a right time to write a Bible referring a God in it. Of course, it never mentions about an alien. That's my theory - not the hard fact, but someday it will be. Actually, the scientists discovered a few symbols on the rock that came from cave men which referred the aliens that visited our Earth.

I really think you need to find some sort of stimulation that you can turn inwards to...I have seen many catholics turn to buddhism, because of the strict conventions of the catholic church...I don't know, but you seem the sciece buff!!

I haven't seen God as yet, but yet, I know he is with me protecting me in every step of life that I take!!

You Keep well!!

In this world there are seen things and unseen things.the unseen things are greater than the seen things.the seen things provide a shallow picture of the unseen things.Being deaf physically implies that there are unseen deafness which is weightier and serious.
Here is the unseen God, He has been speaking from ages to ages yet man not does hear.Some close/stop their ears.They refuse to hear and they say no God! Surely,this is a greater and serious deafness!
Yet this unseen God will not stop there when you refuse to hear His voice.He want to be visible to all. So one way He will do this is to bring about a shallow deafness-stoping you from hearing shallow things.What again? After this you are well position for Him to gain your attention.He desires to be visible in man.Having gain your attention from the shallow deafness,He proceed to manifest Himself in you.So He picks me and you and work Himself into us .He works all His forgiveness, compassion, love, mercy,goodness,faithfulness, Life and His other atributes into us.In this way the invisible God becomes visible in us and we enjoy Him to the fullest! If you see this then you will praise God that even in our stubborness, God doesnt give up on us.He will gain us because we are for him.Surely He created us.
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I have had seen Mary on a real tree in my hometown, and some other places. My mother's friend called and asked us to come over. We saw it on the tree. It looked interesting. Some people cannot see it. But, I do not give a damn if it is a true picture. It's our imagination. If I see one on my tree, I don't give a damn it. I don't even want mine on the tree. I am human being.

kashveera - For Hinduism, that is interesting for your own belief. Born in Christian is a horrible... A regular Catholic seems all right as long as they don't bother other people's opinion.

I am embarrassed that some people said that they accept God to take away your hearing. God does not take your hearing or your life. If someone got hurt, God would have gotten there to help them before they get hurt so God is not there - it is silly for me to say that. The result is that the God is made up a word. I would think that 300 years ago they saw an alien from outerspace so they called it a God. A couple of years later, they change it a little because in the old days there were so rare to find a book or even they do not know how to read and write a book. From generation to generation, they always change a little bit story from the begining of 300 years ago. Let's say that a UFO landed our Earth, a powerful priest is worred that the alien would reveal the story so the priest will find a way to destroy the alien before they find out the true story. So, all the years, the clever authors had a right time to write a Bible referring a God in it. Of course, it never mentions about an alien. That's my theory - not the hard fact, but someday it will be. Actually, the scientists discovered a few symbols on the rock that came from cave men which referred the aliens that visited our Earth.

Before u were born, u designed your own life and deafness is one of them. God gave u a free will to do what u want with your own body and mind. And u wanted to be deaf. That is my theroy. I do not care for aliens or ufo, and they have no control over our lives.
which heaven or hell?

If God created people to be deaf, then why did God pick people to be deaf? There are billions and billions people who are hearing in the world. There is only about 2 millions people who are deaf in the US or world. Just want to hear your feedbacks.....thanks!
which good evil or bad evil? this all people can go to heaven? or home hellfire? but but but god check your first name and last name lord lamb of book say enter life but god anwser go to home in heaven or you go to home in hell oh crap shit it:giggle: but more billion hearing people400billion.... not much deaf people just guess 4 billion deaf people?
I really think you need to find some sort of stimulation that you can turn inwards to...I have seen many catholics turn to buddhism, because of the strict conventions of the catholic church...I don't know, but you seem the sciece buff!!

I haven't seen God as yet, but yet, I know he is with me protecting me in every step of life that I take!!

You Keep well!!


He may be one of those agnostic or atheist. I am and will always be catholic. I studied buddhism and many other religions except for islamic to expand my knowledge that is all. Not interest to convert to other religions cuz I had enough of run in trouble with many religion extremists and agnostics here on Ad and other places.
which good evil or bad evil? this all people can go to heaven? or home hellfire? but but but god check your first name and last name lord lamb of book say enter life but god anwser go to home in heaven or you go to home in hell oh crap shit it:giggle: but more billion hearing people400billion.... not much deaf people just guess 4 billion deaf people?

We all have good and evil inside of us, it is up to us to keep good. We have a choice to make things good or bad. right? It is called free will which God gave it to us.

4 billion deaf? ur being funny here.
In this world there are seen things and unseen things.the unseen things are greater than the seen things.the seen things provide a shallow picture of the unseen things.Being deaf physically implies that there are unseen deafness which is weightier and serious.
Here is the unseen God, He has been speaking from ages to ages yet man not does hear.Some close/stop their ears.They refuse to hear and they say no God! Surely,this is a greater and serious deafness!
Yet this unseen God will not stop there when you refuse to hear His voice.He want to be visible to all. So one way He will do this is to bring about a shallow deafness-stoping you from hearing shallow things.What again? After this you are well position for Him to gain your attention.He desires to be visible in man.Having gain your attention from the shallow deafness,He proceed to manifest Himself in you.So He picks me and you and work Himself into us .He works all His forgiveness, compassion, love, mercy,goodness,faithfulness, Life and His other atributes into us.In this way the invisible God becomes visible in us and we enjoy Him to the fullest! If you see this then you will praise God that even in our stubborness, God doesnt give up on us.He will gain us because we are for him.Surely He created us.
yessssssssssss i did saw holy ghost walk touch my heart that damn it that awesome..... you dont knew about god?pfffffffttttttt
We all have good and evil inside of us, it is up to us to keep good. We have a choice to make things good or bad. right? It is called free will which God gave it to us.

4 billion deaf? ur being funny here.
oh shut up about god love you:giggle: if you are jewish smart asss i knew that you make sense belived god and lord jesus that right you said that :giggle:
oh shut up about god love you:giggle: if you are jewish smart asss i knew that you make sense belived god and lord jesus that right you said that :giggle:

I am at loss what ur trying to tell me here, giggle mean ur joking right? I am no jewish.