Why are you deaf if you know?

I was born deaf as well, definite cause unknown. My mom had the flu when 3 months pregnant with me, so perhaps ... No family history.
I also saw an opthalmologist since birth.

In terms of my development, I was slow to talk and walk (I didn't talk or walk until I was 3) and my language development was also slow making doctors think that I had a learning disability (it was later confirmed that I didn't). Doctors also blamed my total blindness since it was difficult for me to be mobile and explore my environment due to the fact that I couldn't see.

Because of my slow language development and inability to talk or walk until I was 3, my mother placed me in an early intervention program with a psychologist who worked with me on speech and language starting when I was 4 years old.

After that time, I was put into an early childhood program when I was 5 and held back a year.

My mother decided to hold me back so my slow speech and language development wouldn't have a negative impact on my ability to learn thereby making school more difficult for me in the future. In looking back, I think she made the right decision.

At aged 2 i still wasnt able to sit up or walk so i had regular physio
i didnt talk properly till i was in nursery school i think because thats why i started getting proper teaching etc. every child in ma school had speech and language therapy from the deputy head every week or so. after receiving my implant at 10, when i started secondary at 11 i started receiving Speech and Language Therapy from a speech therapist till i was 14 years old which i absolutely hated cos i had to miss Phys Ed swimming lessons. Till i was around 13 years old i didnt kno the full extent of ma hearing loss, i did not know that i was profoundly deaf(my mum and my audiologist notes usually writes im profound which is confusing as some say severe-profound)
At aged 2 i still wasnt able to sit up or walk so i had regular physio
i didnt talk properly till i was in nursery school i think because thats why i started getting proper teaching etc. every child in ma school had speech and language therapy from the deputy head every week or so. after receiving my implant at 10, when i started secondary at 11 i started receiving Speech and Language Therapy from a speech therapist till i was 14 years old which i absolutely hated cos i had to miss Phys Ed swimming lessons. Till i was around 13 years old i didnt kno the full extent of ma hearing loss, i did not know that i was profoundly deaf(my mum and my audiologist notes usually writes im profound which is confusing as some say severe-profound)

Severe-profound is more hearing. At the edge of both. I am severe-profound.
At aged 2 i still wasnt able to sit up or walk so i had regular physio
i didnt talk properly till i was in nursery school i think because thats why i started getting proper teaching etc. every child in ma school had speech and language therapy from the deputy head every week or so. after receiving my implant at 10, when i started secondary at 11 i started receiving Speech and Language Therapy from a speech therapist till i was 14 years old which i absolutely hated cos i had to miss Phys Ed swimming lessons. Till i was around 13 years old i didnt kno the full extent of ma hearing loss, i did not know that i was profoundly deaf(my mum and my audiologist notes usually writes im profound which is confusing as some say severe-profound)

The same thing happened to me as well when I had severe-profound hearing loss. Some of my audis said I was profoundly deaf while others said I had severe to profound hearing loss.
How do i find out which one i am? severe or profound?
How do i find out which one i am? severe or profound?

Take a look at your audiogram. If your hearing loss starts at 80-85 dB in the low frequencies, that means you're severe to profound. If your hearing loss starts at 90 dB, you are considered profoundly deaf.
I dont know as i dont have any recent audiograms
I was only 2lb 1oz just a bit bigger than the other poster

I had severe respiratory syndrome also, many blood transfusions was on a ventilator, had mild ROP, lots of infections, fits at a day old, blood poisioning, my lungs kept collapsing so needed lots of chest drains etc. but im now perfectly healthy and just deaf.

I was born at 28 weeks, my mum went into premature labour with me and my sisters. we were triplets but my sis Emily died at 5 months old.

Wow. I am glad you made it. But, I am sorry your sister did not make it.
Well when i was 15

my right ear was
0.25- 90
so my right ear is profound?
Well when i was 15

my right ear was
0.25- 90
so my right ear is profound?

How long ago was that audiogram taken? How old are you now?

Based on that information, yes, your right ear is profound.

By the way, I've never seen anyone denote frequencies as 0.25, 0.5, 1 or 2 before. (I'm assuming they mean 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 3000 Hz)
I have had hearing tests since then but dont have the results. the last hearing test i went for, i didnt evenget the results.
Mmm... I went deaf when I was about 18 months old, due to meningitis. I was very poorly for 4 weeks before they diagnosed. I was being transferred to 4 different hospitals before they found out what wrong with me.