Which would you choose

I would choose

  • the deaf teacher who is not highly qualified

    Votes: 18 51.4%
  • the hearing teacher who is highly qualified

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
Easy solution. Part time for both. Hearing person for the written English part. Deaf teacher for everything else.

I still stress that ALL teachers MUST be qualified for whatever they teach.
Make me wonder, Do spanish speaking kids get a interpreter (which I doubt anyway because they use spoken language unless it is cart in spanish) in school , go to school for spanish people people who don't know English yet, or do teachers just make them deal with English rather they understand it or not?

I'm asking this because I don't understand the closing of deaf schools and why it ok to push deaf kids in mainstreamed when they probably don't do this to spanish speaking kids.

They would be assigned to an ESL class until their English improves. If an ESL class is not available, then foreign language students have, in the past, had terps.
Easy solution. Part time for both. Hearing person for the written English part. Deaf teacher for everything else.

I still stress that ALL teachers MUST be qualified for whatever they teach.

Even those who cant teach a classroom full of deaf kids even if their lives depended on it?

Just because one is a good test taker, it doesnt automatically make that person a great teacher.

That's one of the points of this thread.
I have to say I hate it when people can't write in plain English. That should be a given, irrespective of background. I see some comments on this forum and just give up trying to follow what they are attempting to say. I also think bad class management is awful too though, so in this case I would go with the deaf teacher anyway! lol

When I took it, there was a sub area in which we had to identify where all the commas and (;) go in a passage. That was so hard for me and I did badly in that part.
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They would be assigned to an ESL class until their English improves. If an ESL class is not available, then foreign language students have, in the past, had terps.
But then there's English immersian, getting rid of the "crutch" :roll: of ESL. (sound familiar?)
When I took it, there was a sub area in which we had to identify where all the commas and ( go in a passage.
I remmy taking an Editing class in college. I'm anal about editing, but I don't give a SHIT where the comma goes!
Even those who cant teach a classroom full of deaf kids even if their lives depended on it?

Just because one is a good test taker, it doesnt automatically make that person a great teacher.

That's one of the points of this thread.

Just because one communicates well with kids does not make him a good teacher.

Honestly, because most likely you are talking about little kids, probably before the age of 7, the knowledge of the teacher doesn't matter much. He doesn't have to be a "good test taker". Communication at this stage would definitely be key. So definitely the deaf teacher.

However, when you are in middle/high school, then it makes a big difference.

Do you think your question in the OP still applies for a high school teacher?
Just because one communicates well with kids does not make him a good teacher.

Honestly, because most likely you are talking about little kids, probably before the age of 7, the knowledge of the teacher doesn't matter much. He doesn't have to be a "good test taker". Communication at this stage would definitely be key. So definitely the deaf teacher.

However, when you are in middle/high school, then it makes a big difference.

Do you think your question in the OP still applies for a high school teacher?

Not only how they are communicating, but what is being communicated and how efficiently it is being communicated is the issue.
No one has any comment about the OP being applied for a high school teacher?

Is it still the same?

Perhaps the question really should be:

Should a kindergarten teacher take the same test as a high school teacher in order to show qualification? I really hope they don't have the same test.
When I took it, there was a sub area in which we had to identify where all the commas and (;) go in a passage. That was so hard for me and I did badly in that part.

But if you are teaching kids English, you need to have mastery of the language. Somene has to teach them where the commas go!
I can't answer the poll because neither choice fits.

If the deaf teacher is missing the test by 5 points but her job performance results are very good, then I wouldn't consider her to be "not highly qualified."

If the hearing teacher passes the test but has lousy job performance in the classroom, then I wouldn't consider her to be "highly qualified."

It does seem that someone who has graduated from college should be able to pass the Praxis test. Maybe some tutoring, workshops, and test-taking strategies would help.

Skills in English reading and writing are important for teachers to have so they can pass down those skills to their students.

When I sub for terps in public schools, I cringe (internally) when the hearing teachers make errors in grammar, pronunciation, and facts.
yes, they should know where the commas go.

as far as slangs and idioms, I don't think deaf teachers have to know every slangs and idioms out there. Just the common ones. Or ones based on popular books. They will need basic. Since these kids grew up deaf and ASL (and may not use hearing aids), hearing teacher in upper school need to realize that these students are not going to be familiar with rhythms, slangs, idioms, etc. if they want to teach them from their hearing prospective of English Grammar. They have to know how to teach them visually so these kids can understand. You know how deaf people say deaf people should teach ASL, I think hearing teachers of the deaf should be the one to teach English in middle and high school kids. Or deaf people who is really good at writing (apply to hearing people who is very good at ASL because they understand it well).
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I would not pick both. I would want a best for my deaf child, teacher who know how to teach my deaf child not high qualified. Sorry I had one deaf teacher, wasted my time with him for one year. He was my lazy teacher.

My experiences with my kids' teachers, they were no difference from bad teachers who taught deaf kids. They can not be fired thanks to their tenures. (forgot how to spell).
I would not pick both. I would want a best for my deaf child, teacher who know how to teach my deaf child not high qualified. Sorry I had one deaf teacher, wasted my time with him for one year. He was my lazy teacher.

My experiences with my kids' teachers, they were no difference from bad teachers who taught deaf kids. They can not be fired thanks to their tenures. (forgot how to spell).

What about those people who homeschool their children? They arent highly qualified but they must be doing something right because a majority of home schooled children score significantly higher than their peers in all areas.
Just because one communicates well with kids does not make him a good teacher.

Honestly, because most likely you are talking about little kids, probably before the age of 7, the knowledge of the teacher doesn't matter much. He doesn't have to be a "good test taker". Communication at this stage would definitely be key. So definitely the deaf teacher.

However, when you are in middle/high school, then it makes a big difference.

Do you think your question in the OP still applies for a high school teacher?

What if the high school teacher passes all the Praxis II tests relating to the field he/she teaches but cant get the high qualified certification because of the Praxis I test?
But if you are teaching kids English, you need to have mastery of the language. Somene has to teach them where the commas go!

On the Praxis I test, the subpart with the commas was on the college level. Why should I have to pass mastery of where all the commas goes in a reference essay?

I am not knowledgeable about chemistry but in December I will have to teach 5th grade chemistry. What I do, like a good teacher does, I review the curriculm and teach myself the info about chemistry that I am not familiar with.

Do you expect a teacher to know EVERYTHING from the elementary level to the college level in all subject areas?

That is what the Praxis I test on. College level math, algebra, geomentry, physics, poetry, phonics, and etc. It is mind boggling. It is not a fair test.

The Praxis II is a very fair test as it measures our knowledge in the field we teach in.

If teachers are expected to be experts in ALLLLLL fields, then we should make over $100K.
What about those people who homeschool their children? They arent highly qualified but they must be doing something right because a majority of home schooled children score significantly higher than their peers in all areas.
My friend who is homeschool her kids thru church. She has a teacher credition for many years but stopped teaching special education kids. She knows how to teach her kids but she said when her son goes into high school then she will have to do it different way because she can not teach him higher education level so it means her son will learn courses thru computer. I remember I used to deliver mails to my old customer who did the programs for the homeschool kids with computers. He made business and did very well. Also church have those programs where her kids can learn alike science, music and so on... She invited me to attend her asl class for her students and they practiced with me. Anyway I knew one deaf kid who was homeschooled by his parents, both knew sign language (his dad was my kids' teacher). so I have no idea about others except I know so many who homeschool do this by go thru church's programs. I have no idea about others who homeschool their kids without following church's programs. I have not met any parents who homeschool kids are not bright or educated ones. Yes I do knew couple deaf parents who homeschool their hearing kids, but I never met any deaf parents who homeschool their deaf kids. I could not able to teach my kids at home. I perfer them to go to public school where they can learn to socialized other kids and know how to live in tough world. I do not see how those sheltered kids who never get to face those type of experiences that my kids expierence. Just my though from what I went thru with deaf teachers and hearing teachers, both are equally same good and bad teachers. I wish all teachers are good but it does not. How do you teach kids who speak Vietnamese language? My sister went thru once and asked to be transfer since she does not know how to teach them, therefore she may be bad teacher to them but great teacher to other kids.
On the Praxis I test, the subpart with the commas was on the college level. Why should I have to pass mastery of where all the commas goes in a reference essay?

I am not knowledgeable about chemistry but in December I will have to teach 5th grade chemistry. What I do, like a good teacher does, I review the curriculm and teach myself the info about chemistry that I am not familiar with.

Do you expect a teacher to know EVERYTHING from the elementary level to the college level in all subject areas?

That is what the Praxis I test on. College level math, algebra, geomentry, physics, poetry, phonics, and etc. It is mind boggling. It is not a fair test.

The Praxis II is a very fair test as it measures our knowledge in the field we teach in.

If teachers are expected to be experts in ALLLLLL fields, then we should make over $100K.
Even homeschool teachers are not able to do this all also. just alike my friend cant teach her oldest son chemistry or calcus math. He has to learn thru computer, lucky him he has a dad who had a degree in math.
What if the high school teacher passes all the Praxis II tests relating to the field he/she teaches but cant get the high qualified certification because of the Praxis I test?

I don't know too much about the Praxis test, but it sounds like you are questioning the idea that passing the Praxis test makes one qualified (and not passing it makes one unqualified). Not necessarily questioning the OP.

It's very hard to try to please everyone with tests that could affect your career/life.
-Certifications for careers (such as Interpreters)
and so on. If it's too easy, you have too many unqualified people. If it's too hard, you have less unqualified people, but people complain about it being too hard and unfair.

In my opinion, I think tests should be on the "hard side" in order to weed out those who are half assed about it. But not so hard that you can't pass it with a good amount of effort. My mom is a smart lady but when she took her CFA exam, she had to take it THREE TIMES before finally passing it. She studied her little heart out. I think my best friend also took the Praxis exam (I will need to ask her to verify), and she didn't pass it the first time around.

That's just how life is.
K after a long thinking on this. Hearing teachers failed me in elementary school even thou they were high qualifed. So I am voted for deaf teacher with low qualified. Why because thanks to stupid hearing teachers who has no idea how to teach mind of deaf child. Maybe because they were oral teachers with big "i". It goes same with black kids in south, those kids were never get a chance to pass those white tests alike this tests Praxis something. I remember someone made a documentary about big different white and black kids and their schoolings, Tests are worthless for black kids and best for white kids. It applied to some of us deaf kids who got so screwed over. I am for deaf teacher with asl and low qualified.
This testing reminds me a job that my husband tried to apply for. You see, My husband was a tech and consumer support for many years and dealt with many people on the phone (including deaf people like myself) and wanted a change of a job. So he apply to this job... But there was one problem, They had a computerized testing to see if he is qualify for customer service. This test had a headphone and he had to listen. Well He failed it somehow and he wanted to talk to human resource explaining his problem and show them that he is qualified for the job. They told him, "nope, we can't do anything about it unless you pass the test. Come back again in 3 (or is it 5?) years"

he was like forget this! Well guess what, His current job kept promoting him because he is good at what he does and they felt he had the best consumer service and such. They are making him learn programming too. I asked him if he would ever apply to that job again. He said "nope, it's ridiculous what they are doing" That job did not give people a chance to prove themselves