Which country would seize when United States of America collapses?

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if you thinking that i am being paranoid.. Thats fine. Save your judgments since i aint judge nor attack you too personal..

thinking america is going to be destroyed by african-americans, hispanics and terrorists are examples of paranoia. that's not a judgement. it's fact.
Liebling:))) I disagree with you.

I have no problem with you to disagree with me here... It's good education for us... ;)

I am pretty sure that our people would rather to buy any products that made in USA, Australia, and Europe.

It's good if the people prefer to buy any products from their own countries than buy anything from "Made in China" but "Made in china" are everywhere in Wal-Mart supermarket... Example, clothes, 90% toys is made in china...

Unfortunately, the Europe products are more expensive, and we could compromise the prices especially good quality.

US products, items to Europe are also expensive, too.

China's quality products do not last longer because it wants us to buy more items as replacements.

Yes, that's why I don't buy anything from China's quality.

It should be common sense for the Europe companies to lower price and it's same thing for the cost of lower price for the import taxes. If we buy more items instead of China, then China will suffer with its own economy so that it would not able to afford to build new advance weapons.

Example: American business owner sell $20 including shipping, tax per blue jeans to Europe so the European business owner sell US blue jean to their customer for $70. An European business owner made $50 profit but American business owner sell $10 per blue jeans to American customer for $30 in their own country, not other countries. It's expensive to sell products/items to other countries than their own countries. Some Americans saw "made in Germany" products here in Germany and said that it's cheap than buy "made in Germany" in America... It's business owner's decision how to profit themselves with $$$.

We (many countries) don't produce cell phones, computer, video, car parts, etc but China.

I agree with other AD about plastic toxic materials for the items. It is a long overdue.

I never say that I disagree with AD about plastic toxic materials.... I only remind him/her about (Please re-read my response post to her/him)
"Actually except computer, camera, moblie phone, keyboard, mouse, USB, laptops, cellphones, all electricity/manufactory parts etc. etc. etc. The world can't live without them..."

"Not really, it's impossible... because we need China for PC, camera, etc. (see above) except toys, milk products, etc. China still remain survive for around the world, not just for America. It would hurt America's country if China stop to support US debt which mean is rise mortgage rates, interest, weak the economy, etc...and then lead to hurt many countries around the world including EU as well... "

which mean that we still buy PC, camera, moblie phone, etc EXCEPT toys, foods, etc. from China.

China is one of biggest investors in the world... no wonder why it boost China's economy pretty good.

Check the rank... I'm afraid that China is a number one in the world... update 4th December 2008


First time, Apple Company started selling LED monitors that contain arsenic-free glass, brominated flame retardant-free, mercury-free, PVC-free internal cables, and high recyclable aluminum and glass enclosure.

Actually, Apple company makes pretty good products and it is designed in USA but they produce it in China. It does the same with car parts as well...

Yes, China is bad reputation for toxic matierials... We don't buy anything from China except computer, 3-in-one machine and moblie phone... :cool:

You know everyone can't live without PC, moblie phone, etc... Most of them are produce in China.

the wtc bombing occurred in 1993.
Yes you are right, but that was STILL failed.. Goverment, mayor and president told people of nyc, don't worry about it. It won't happen to nyc again. President told usa, have homeland secure and war on terror. But see what happend to 9/11. I know why, because president and leaders keep people of nyc include usa sleep and fail rather than call wake up on and on.. thats hows show us their history repeat itself.. USA refuse to learn from Her mistakes She had made. She will fail to protect it again and again

clinton didn't tell the usa "we have homeland sucurity and war on terror."

first of all, the department of homeland security was begun under the bush administration in 2003 and secondly, the "war on terror" began in 2001.

the usa *hasn't* made any mistakes. we haven't had a terrorist attack since 9/11.

finally, president bush never told us not to worry about terrorism. he said we should be vigilant and continue living our lives as normal as possible.
Yeah of course the USA, she has made many mistakes..

i don't have to .

no wonder you didn't understand what i said. :nono:
Whoa I feel like to attack you real personal.. However i am so cool.. Therefore I honestly don't know what you talking about..

Note: If i don't understand what you said? I won't reply your post in anyway.. So Once again I don't have to re-read yours what you HIGHLY demand, period.

what hell you think whom you talk to?? Don't ever insult my intelligent!

if you thinking that i am being paranoid.. Thats fine. Save your judgments since i aint judge nor attack you too personal..

thinking america is going to be destroyed by african-americans, hispanics and terrorists are examples of paranoia. that's not a judgement. it's fact.
What, What?? Excuse me.. Again what are you talk about?? You included white people are TRULY paranoia about black and hispanic would do to them.. I bet that night you walk on street in alley black guys walk follow you where you lead them in alley where wrong path you can't escape, you will paranoia what they would do to you might be being victim of rape or murder, robbery. dont bs with me.. Like Obama told americans and the world about His mother 's parents really scare and paraiona if they walk to pass by black groups during daytime, their fear that they would harms them..

American Blacks, Terrorists and Hispanics are tired of white's fully craps what they done to my people, Native Americans, hispanics, middle east on and on for over 500 years.. what do you want somethings from american black , others?
British was the most powerful country and USA beat them. Look at history of Roman Empire, They were the most powerful country of all time and they eventually fell.

I have no doubt that USA will one day fall however it will be a long, long time.

Well, without France's help, USA would not beat British.

Without France's help, there're no America.
Liebling:-))) said:
I have no problem with you to disagree with me here... It's good education for us... ;)

It's good if the people prefer to buy any products from their own countries than buy anything from "Made in China" but "Made in china" are everywhere in Wal-Mart supermarket... Example, clothes, 90% toys is made in china...

US products, items to Europe are also expensive, too.

Yes, that's why I don't buy anything from China's quality.

Example: American business owner sell $20 including shipping, tax per blue jeans to Europe so the European business owner sell US blue jean to their customer for $70. An European business owner made $50 profit but American business owner sell $10 per blue jeans to American customer for $30 in their own country, not other countries. It's expensive to sell products/items to other countries than their own countries. Some Americans saw "made in Germany" products here in Germany and said that it's cheap than buy "made in Germany" in America... It's business owner's decision how to profit themselves with $$$.

We (many countries) don't produce cell phones, computer, video, car parts, etc but China.

I never say that I disagree with AD about plastic toxic materials.... I only remind him/her about (Please re-read my response post to her/him)
"Actually except computer, camera, moblie phone, keyboard, mouse, USB, laptops, cellphones, all electricity/manufactory parts etc. etc. etc. The world can't live without them..."

"Not really, it's impossible... because we need China for PC, camera, etc. (see above) except toys, milk products, etc. China still remain survive for around the world, not just for America. It would hurt America's country if China stop to support US debt which mean is rise mortgage rates, interest, weak the economy, etc...and then lead to hurt many countries around the world including EU as well... "

which mean that we still buy PC, camera, moblie phone, etc EXCEPT toys, foods, etc. from China.

China is one of biggest investors in the world... no wonder why it boost China's economy pretty good.

Check the rank... I'm afraid that China is a number one in the world... update 4th December 2008


Actually, Apple company makes pretty good products and it is designed in USA but they produce it in China. It does the same with car parts as well...

Yes, China is bad reputation for toxic matierials... We don't buy anything from China except computer, 3-in-one machine and moblie phone... :cool:

You know everyone can't live without PC, moblie phone, etc... Most of them are produce in China.

Liebling, I don't think you tell a BIG LIE..your post is make more sense and true about china's tech products. and even China wanted to control the world with her technology and stuffs which the world buy and depend on as you know! you see china's success her mission already.
Yeah of course the USA, she has made many mistakes..

okay. if you say so.

Whoa I feel like to attack you real personal.. However i am so cool.. Therefore I honestly don't know what you talking about..

Note: If i don't understand what you said? I won't reply your post in anyway.. So Once again I don't have to re-read yours what you HIGHLY demand, period.

i'm not demanding anything. i'm making a polite request. there's a difference, you know.

what hell you think whom you talk to?? Don't ever insult my intelligent!

calm down. there's no need to swear. who's insulting your intelligence? not me.

What, What?? Excuse me.. Again what are you talk about?? You included white people are TRULY paranoia about black and hispanic would do to them.. I bet that night you walk on street in alley black guys walk follow you where you lead them in alley where wrong path you can't escape, you will paranoia what they would do to you might be being victim of rape or murder, robbery. dont bs with me.. Like Obama told americans and the world about His mother 's parents really scare and paraiona if they walk to pass by black groups during daytime, their fear that they would harms them..

American Blacks, Terrorists and Hispanics are tired of white's fully craps what they done to my people, Native Americans, hispanics, middle east on and on for over 500 years.. what do you want somethings from american black , others?

i'm not "bs'ing" with you. african-americans aren't the only ones who commit crimes. so do caucasians, hispanics, latinos and native americans. your point?

where do you get the idea that obama's parents were afraid of african-americans? obama's father was african-american and barack is half-black. again, your point?

americans (and caucasians) have done NOTHING to terrorists. terrorists only want to kill because of our freedom in the name of jihad.

if african-americans and hispanics are tired of the treatment they've received from caucasions, perhaps it's time for them to live in africa or mexico for awhile so they can start appreciating the many freedoms they have here in america. sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's the way i feel.

shame on you for making a blanket statement about african-americans (i.e. they commit rape, murder or robbery). nothing like stereotyping your own people.
Liebling, I don't think you tell a BIG LIE..your post is make more sense and true about china's tech products. and even China wanted to control the world with her technology and stuffs which the world buy and depend on as you know! you see china's success her mission already.

:ty: - it's impossible to boycott China... but maybe china might get few profit loss thru toxic toys, milk, etc... not PC, camera, video, TV, etc.
I aware this here who did slaughter native indians and blacks more years than 500 years.. In library, I read the book's record. I knew indian and black can't write book 500 years ago. thank white who did write the book's word is recorded. So the book is my BEST FRIEND!

Very true, Native Indians and Black (during black slave time) can't write and read because they were not allowed to learn... It's lucky is they have good people who spread their history out...
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Mod's Note:

I'm closing this thread because it's been given the run around and also, It has served it's purpose. (It's kind of funny that I have to close my OWN thread! :lol:)

I wanted to say, thank you all for your comments on this thread. It was really interesting to see different perspectives. :)
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