Where did AIDS come from?

wow thread here... It´s good education for us... :thumb:

I want post to tell you where HIV come from... but MorriganTait´s post beat me...

Yes, HIV came from chimpanzees in Africa, not AIDS.

Well, the rumor about Mosquitos who carried HIV for years... I receive different lecture about AIDS at parental conference for years.... Yes, the virus is carried by mosquitoes but we are doubt either it´s really HIV or not... Scentists are still researching... I just read the link where Butterflygirl provided. Interesting... Yes, I know that it´s impossible of mosquitoes carry AIDS... but HIV?

AIDS was begin in Africa around 1960 but they didn´t pay attention on that AIDS... until one African carried AIDS without realized that it´s really incurable ill to other countries... that´s how it spread AIDS to the world, that´s how the scentist found out what AIDS really is and warn the world...

No, it´s not homosexual but heterosexual who have unprotection sexual intercourse, sharing needles (drugs), blood transfusions, Oral sex, French kiss, etc. It´s also pass from infected mother to child, too thru blood, pregnancy, childbirth or breast-feeding. One thing is you can´t get AIDS thru social contact etc.

As far as I know that Hepatitis B is spread in the same way as AIDS, but it is more infective.

I heard about AIDS vaccine but I am not sure either it does work or not... :dunno: This thread, I need to have education to learn more...

Keep open mind, Miss *P (The*Empress) ... ;)
Kalista said:
I remember, the story about monkey related to biting human in around 1972's It was occurred in Africa.

My sister's cat has AIDS, the cat got biting from other animal. Her cat is struggled to survive with special medication. :(

I use my 5 pc's to run research for Cancer and HIV/AIDS. I have been reading up on Aid. I found this about Cats and AIDS.

What type of virus is HIV?

HIV is a lentivirus, and like all viruses of this type, it attacks the immune system. Lentiviruses are in turn part of a larger group of viruses known as retroviruses. The name 'lentivirus' literally means 'slow virus' because they take such a long time to produce any adverse effects in the body. They have been found in a number of different animals, including cats, sheep, horses and cattle. However, the most interesting lentivirus in terms of the investigation into the origins of HIV is the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) that affects monkeys.

Here is the link the origin of HIV and the First cases

The article list all the main Theory's on how they think it may have started
The*Empress said:
why blame Africa? I think that is racist. :squint:

That's where AIDS first recovered from, People needs to know the truth. You kept on pointing fingers at the homosexuals, You need to get your fact straight, not twisting the truth because you think that it's gross what homosexuals are doing and point fingers at them for causing AIDS national wide. tsk tsk! ;)
Liebling:-))) said:
Well, the rumor about Mosquitos who carried HIV for years... I receive different lecture about AIDS at parental conference for years.... Yes, the virus is carried by mosquitoes but we are doubt either it´s really HIV or not... Scentists are still researching... I just read the link where Butterflygirl provided. Interesting... Yes, I know that it´s impossible of mosquitoes carry AIDS... but HIV?

HIV is the VIRUS that causes the DISEASE known as AIDS. Something cannot "carry" AIDS becuase AIDS is the name we give to the syndrome once it becomes a disease in the person's body. HIV is the actual viral organism that causes the disease.

There is a disease referred to as "Feline AIDS" (in cats) but is is NOT HIV and it is not transmissible to humans.


Outside of a human host. HIV is an extremely unstable virus, and does not last long. Most individuals who have been infected in any way by HIV admit that they had REPEATED and prolonged exposure to one or more infected individuals. AIDS, as diseases go, is relatively difficult to catch and we know how it is transmitted:

Sharing needles
Unprotected sexual intercourse - vaginal or anal
From other to child in utero or via breastmilk.
At one time it was spread in the blood supply, but this is no longer the case.
Somebody said God sent HIV...

Well, I do think God determines what goes on with nature. BUT--I have to wonder if He had a different wake-up call in mind than all of this ridiculous anti-homosexual garbage.

Don't you think He might've wanted to show us the results of our LACK of compassion? Look at how long we let this thing go--how long we did nothing but blame the victims. If you ask me, THAT is why the disease is so widespread, because of our failure to act. That's the real lesson, and what I think we are supposed to learn from this.
I think SIV [Simian Immunodeficiency Virus ] mutated into hiv, then moved from monkey to man, using the Hunter theory. Cleaning and eating sick monkey's.
Then spread because of sex, drugs, blood transfusions and easy world travel.
Now with the Bird Flu, as the next animal to human disease. We are seeing that the flu has changed to infect people. but it cannot go from person to person yet. If it mutates more then it maybe able to spread person to person.
Rose Immortal said:
Somebody said God sent HIV...

Well, I do think God determines what goes on with nature. BUT--I have to wonder if He had a different wake-up call in mind than all of this ridiculous anti-homosexual garbage.

Don't you think He might've wanted to show us the results of our LACK of compassion? Look at how long we let this thing go--how long we did nothing but blame the victims. If you ask me, THAT is why the disease is so widespread, because of our failure to act. That's the real lesson, and what I think we are supposed to learn from this.

Without Suffuring, there is no Compassion!
I believe that the HIV/AIDS came from the man-made virus. I don't think it came from the monkeys or " green " monkeys. It has to be from the man who made the virus.
CyberRed said:
I believe that the HIV/AIDS came from the man-made virus. I don't think it came from the monkeys or " green " monkeys. It has to be from the man who made the virus.

Whether it came from Monkeys or not remains debatable, but honestly, man didn't synthesize this virus (nor do we have the ability to). That's just silly.

I suggest you read below about the "man made virus" and "conspiracy" theories. How doe you theories stack up when you find out HIV has been found in blood samples dating back to 1959. YES - 1959! You think we knew how to synthesize viruses in 1959? We don;t even know how to do it now.

It's easy to believe a lot of BS if you don't understand science.
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If there is truly a man made virus, there would be antidote available and I can bet you if this is really happen, somebody is going to try to market the Antidote long time ago! Have anybody done that yet? OFC none! So the chance of this was caused by man made virus is very slim.

When a man invent a virus there is 99.99% for sure that they would create antidote because they KNEW what virus is, and what it can and can't do.

CyberRed said:
I believe that the HIV/AIDS came from the man-made virus. I don't think it came from the monkeys or " green " monkeys. It has to be from the man who made the virus.
smspell said:
Without Suffuring, there is no Compassion!

But when there is no suffering, there will still be empathy. :)

Anyway, I was gonna elaborate a bit on what I was talking about, about how we as a society ignored the victims of HIV because of sexual orientation.

Consider this--in Old Testament society, those who had skin diseases for any reason (or other physical imperfections) were cast out from society. Those who were physically imperfect in ANY serious way could not enter the priesthood. For some it resulted in total exile--and further humiliating treatment because they were like the Untouchables of the Hindu caste system; one had to undergo a purification ritual after physical contact with these people or even anything they had touched.

Given this attitude, there was little incentive for a healer to want to help--why go to all this trouble, and why associate with what society so hated?

So what happened when the Great Physician--Christ--came to Earth? He did not discriminate...frankly, I see no evidence that it mattered to Him what might have contributed to a person's becoming "unclean". He just served compassionately, and healed them. Ritual did not matter--nor did hateful interpretations of the Law (like the Pharisees' attempt to prevent healing on the Sabbath, placing cruel burdens on the people).

That's what we should've done, and did not. We discriminated--everybody felt sorry for Ryan White, who got HIV through a transfusion (and was like someone who accidentally came into contact with the "Untouchable"). But we had no sympathy for other victims--a Pharisaical interpretation of the Law ("So these people broke a law? Let them suffer! Burden them with illness!" is what they said in so many words.). That's why false information was allowed to spread, and probably not enough research effort was expended early on.

While we still might not have a cure today, I put it to you that we'd have fewer people ill with AIDS today had we at least started education and prevention efforts sooner. Even a few years would make a huge difference when you consider that diseases tend to propagate at exponential rates.
Cheri said:
HIV was on monkeys but not AIDS, Humans get HIV and AIDS. When people in Africa handle monkey who is infected with HIV, by killing it to eat goes in their blood system, that's how they got HIV too.

But, they don't get it only by sex, They get it such as blood transfusion from an infected person to a healthy person, sexual intercourse between infected person to a healthy person. ;)
or sharing the needles
One student gave a presentation in class years ago explaining that in theory, AIDS came from when Christopher Colubus discovered America... his soldiers raped the indians. Another student stated that AIDS originated in apes and that humans had sex with the apes... starting the spread of AIDS among humans.

Like I said, it was just theory. It's still interesting though.
MorriganTait said:
Whether it came from Monkeys or not remains debatable, but honestly, man didn't synthesize this virus (nor do we have the ability to). That's just silly.

I suggest you read below about the "man made virus" and "conspiracy" theories. How doe you theories stack up when you find out HIV has been found in blood samples dating back to 1959. YES - 1959! You think we knew how to synthesize viruses in 1959? We don;t even know how to do it now.

It's easy to believe a lot of BS if you don't understand science.

Show me where ?
CyberRed said:
Show me where ?

HERE - http://www.avert.org/origins.htm

MoriganTait said:
The Conspiracy Theory
Some say that HIV is a 'conspiracy theory' or that it is 'man-made'. A recent survey carried out in the US for example, identified a significant number of African Americans who believe HIV was manufactured as part of a biological warfare programme, designed to wipe out large numbers of black and homosexual people. Many say this was done under the auspices of the US federal 'Special Cancer Virus Program' (SCVP), possibly with the help of the CIA. Some even believe that the virus was spread (either deliberately or inadvertently) to thousands of people all over the world through the smallpox inoculation programme, or to gay men through Hepatitis B vaccine trials. While none of these theories can be definitively disproved, the evidence they are based on is tenuous at best, and often ignores the clear link between SIV and HIV, or the fact that the virus has been identified in people as far back as 1959. They also fail to take into consideration the lack of genetic-engineering technology available to 'create' the virus at the time that AIDS first appeared.

During the last few years it has become possible not only to determine whether HIV is present in a blood or plasma sample, but also to determine the particular subtype of the virus. Studying the subtype of virus of some of the earliest known instances of HIV infection can help to provide clues about the time it first appeared in humans and its subsequent evolution.

Three of the earliest known instances of HIV infection are as follows:

A plasma sample taken in 1959 from an adult male living in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
HIV found in tissue samples from an American teenager who died in St. Louis in 1969.
HIV found in tissue samples from a Norwegian sailor who died around 1976.
A 1998 analysis of the plasma sample from 1959 has suggested7 that HIV-1 was introduced into humans around the 1940s or the early 1950s; much earlier than previously thought. Other scientists have dated the sample to an even earlier period - perhaps as far back as the end of the 19th century.

In January 2000 however, the results of a new study presented at the 7th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, suggested that the first case of HIV-1 infection occurred around 1930 in West Africa . The study was carried out by Dr Bette Korber of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The estimate of 1930 (which does have a 15 year margin of error) was based on a complicated computer model of HIV's evolution. If accurate, it means that HIV was in existence before many scenarios (such as the OPV and conspiracy theories) suggest.
There is a very sad and interesting history behind the AIDS epidemic. Scientists now believe that AIDS origionated in a monkey, probably from Africa. The animal strain of AIDS mutated and was transfered to humans. Now...

Go back in time to World War II. the army was searching out and moving homosexuals from the armed forces, and tossing them in San Francisco. After the war, many of these individulas decided to stay and live their lives in San Francisco. And, the gay population there is as vibrant as ever. However...

Fast forward to the 80's. The gay population in San Francisco was thriving. BUT, people during this time (BOTH straight and gay) were not having safe sex ( they were not using condoms, and were having multiple sexual partners). Through unsafe sexual behavior, and little sex education, AIDS was able to spread like wild fire. ALSO, what many people don't realize, is that hospitals also the culprits behind the AIDS epidemic. Many times, hospitals would mix together different blood types from different people WITHOUT checking the blood, then using the same blood for blood transfusions. MANY people in hospitals were infected with the AIDS virus through the hospitals (yes, BOTH straight and gay). Some of these people were married and would go home and have sex without condoms with their spouses and transfer the disease, some of these people were pregnant woman and would transfer AIDS to their unborn children in utero (inside the womb). These are just a few examples.

And, even when the AIDS epidemic hit full speed, and a huge percentage of people (mostly young people) were dying of this disease, the government did VERY little to help there plight.

The NewsWeekly just had a 7-page spread on "The New Faces of AIDS" last month. If you can still find it in bookstores, I really encourage you to read it.
There will be ALWAYS ongoing debate as to WHERE DOES AIDS REALLY COME FROM... Some said it was from Monkey.. some said it was from people... All we can do is to learn some more and i promise u that the new theroy will ALWAYS KEEP coming in..