When a line is crossed

It seems to me like she is in a life threatening situation where she can't really press charges because he blackmailed her on something somehow so she is not in that too good of a situation also it seems to me that the mother prefers her daughter to smoke weed around her and not with the kids and she is trying to keep tabs on her daughter to keep her daughter alive while she figures out something and she is trying to keep him away from her daughter as much as possible. It may not seem to you like she is trying to be a mother to her daughter but she is and she also is basically stuck in the situation until something better happens for her and her daughter. My prayers go out to them. He knows better !
Yikes.. I'd stay as far away from them as much I can. I wouldn't want my kid to see that kind of lifestyle thinking its okay to be like that. I'd have to say they're crossing over the line. the mother is either blind and stupid or she just doesn't give a crap. (go figure.. unfit mother) As far as the 14 year old.. she was taught the wrong way so its not completely her fault but as she's getting older I think she can and have to change for the better and not follow her mother's footsteps. I feel sorry for the girl but its a shame to the mother. :ugh2:
I am sure her mother prefers that her daughter not be doing drugs but she can't be everywhere at once and her daughter is in alots of pain right now and she wants to keep a close eye on her daughter and have at least some control over her daughter until she is at least able to get out of the situation somehow and get her daughter some help. When I said He knows better ! I am talking about that guy who is with her and the daughter. He does know better and still continues to be cruel to her and does something against her daughter's wishes. This got to stop. I am sure if it was 100 % legal for her to kill that guy and not go to jail for it then she would do it in a heart beat butshe does not want to be in jail so that is understandable. I would go to prison for my wife and my children so that the sick pervert is dead and he can't break out of jail to come after my daughter for telling the truth or if he gets done with prison and his time is up then he comes after my daughter for telling the truth. It is much better that he is 100% dead and I do some prison time and my daughter can be an innocent soul again because she knows that evil guy is 100 % dead, by the way I do not believe parents, grandparents or relatives or her mom should go to jail for protecting her daughter. The courts clearly have a schizophrenic way of looking at justice in this situation. I am not saying anything bad to the justice system but the justice system is in need of a real fix and to restore common sense justice which would reduce crime rates way down to almost zero. My prayers go out to these ladies in that situation. :angel:
I would call cps and maybe that will help the mother to get rid of him. That is why out of the line.
no way i would let my duaghter sleep with my bf in same bed.. NO way! that is uncalled for as my daughter should have her own bed. if he and her sleep together.. i would break it off with him and leave him.. thats wrong!!
What ? They are sharing the bed with the daughter? Un-acceptable !!!!

Call Children Protective Services but don't be so quick to blame the mother because she may not have any control over the situation and is permanently frightened of him and the daughter is frightened of him too much to even be able to talk about it plus this is what they have to come home to that is sick and digusting !!!!!

Make sure CPS knows the woman may be innocent in this whole situation.

There are some women who don't have a very strong will so don't be too quick to blame the mother first but sleeping together in the same bed !!!!!

That guy knew better !!! He really needs to be dead now !!!!!

Call the police and CPS and then they will throw him to the inmates in prison who will kill him.

That's A Sick Guy !!!! :barf:
Heath said:
What ? They are sharing the bed with the daughter? Un-acceptable !!!!

Call Children Protective Services but don't be so quick to blame the mother because she may not have any control over the situation and is permanently frightened of him and the daughter is frightened of him too much to even be able to talk about it plus this is what they have to come home to that is sick and digusting !!!!!

Make sure CPS knows the woman may be innocent in this whole situation.

There are some women who don't have a very strong will so don't be too quick to blame the mother first but sleeping together in the same bed !!!!!

That guy knew better !!! He really needs to be dead now !!!!!

Call the police and CPS and then they will throw him to the inmates in prison who will kill him.

That's A Sick Guy !!!! :barf:

I agree with all you've said, except for one point. If the Mother is aware of the sleeping arrangement, it is her duty as a mother to protect her child and kick the SOB out, or get herself and the child out of there. Being a victim of domestic violence is no excuse. If she is being abused along with the child, she needs to get OUT ASAP. If not for herself, then for the sake of her daughter.
Cheri said:
I have a question that starting to bug me for quite a while because one feels that there is nothing wrong with a young girl who is 14 years old sleeping in the same bed with a mother's boyfriend, and thinks that they are not having any sexual intercourse because they both claim there was no sex involved between the two of them, Unfortunately I don't buy it. But what bugs me the most is that the mother is still with him. :ugh:

Do you agree with the mother of this 14 years old teen or not?

Please bare with me with responds because I am not around as much anymore. I have so much going on with working full-time I mean 15 hours a day and searching for a house. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks! ;)

This is a no-brainer. Not only is it crossing lines, but it's also a deal-breaker. If my significant other is in bed with my fourteen year old, the SOB will get tossed out on his ass, and my child will be placed in counseling faster than anyone can blink!
Oceanbreeze said:
I agree with all you've said, except for one point. If the Mother is aware of the sleeping arrangement, it is her duty as a mother to protect her child and kick the SOB out, or get herself and the child out of there. Being a victim of domestic violence is no excuse. If she is being abused along with the child, she needs to get OUT ASAP. If not for herself, then for the sake of her daughter.

Yeah , She will have to summon the courage somehow to do that. Her father, grandpops , uncles, cousins all can really help her and too bad for that guy.
Oh boy, this is way over the line... and i agreed with everyone else's comments.

I wonder if the mother knows about it?
Reba said:
That mother needs her head examined. I'm getting the creeps just thinking about that situation. Ugh!

Yes, that is crossing waaaayy over the line!

Yep, that's how I felt when I first heard about this last year....
~SG~ said:
I wonder if the mother knows about it?

The mother knows by what others tell her, but she never seen it herself, because sometimes they don't work at the same shows, There are times that her daughter goes on the roads with the mother's boyfriend instead of taking her daughter with her. It just so strange and creepy the same time, I just saw the daughter and him again last week, not the mother. My dad calls him a child raper instead of his name. Ouch!
It sounds to me like an unfit mother if she knows of these things and doesn't do anything to protect and discipline her daughter. There are mothers like this in the world, and I don't understand them. I think calling Children Protective Service is appropriate or this child's going to get into more trouble down the road to which she already is.
Cheri said:
The mother knows by what others tell her, but she never seen it herself, because sometimes they don't work at the same shows, There are times that her daughter goes on the roads with the mother's boyfriend instead of taking her daughter with her. It just so strange and creepy the same time, I just saw the daughter and him again last week, not the mother. My dad calls him a child raper instead of his name. Ouch!

Oh ouch... erm ya could set up hidden video and show the proof to the mother... or just contact CPS anoymous. Since her daughter is underage, and the mother aren't listen to others what they tell her if seeing it with their own eyes.