What's your color hair now?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I am going to have an haircut like sweet home alabama movie and donate my long locks to kids who have cancer. I am going to dye my hair back to my natural dark brown hair.

what about you guys?
WildKaTReSS said:
I am going to have an haircut like sweet home alabama movie and donate my long locks to kids who have cancer. I am going to dye my hair back to my natural dark brown hair.

what about you guys?

I have long brown hair, and always have. I've thought about doing as you're about to do. Cut my hair, and donate the hair to charity. I just have never gotten around to do that, but it's something I would really love to do!

Locks of Love is a really worthy organization!
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Yeah why don't you make the date to do it before the fall comes.. it would be good and you ll feel free. If you want.. we can make the same date together on hair salons then get it done so you wont be alone. :)
nice! I had my haircut a month ago. My hair was fairly long. I forgot to ask the lady to tie my hair and then cut it off so she can donate my hair to cancer people who have no hair. but I forgot to. it was too late anyway. My natural color hair is light brown/dark blonde. Ive been dying my hair since 8th grade to now.. Since... 1996 to now.. I have forgotten what my hair color look like on me. My hair is now light aburn... Ive dyed it blonde, strawberry blonde, reddish hair, aburns, even dyed it blue, purple, blood red, etc etc highlights. Im thinking of dying it back to my natural color hair, or just leave it alone let it grow out, then i'd see what color it is and try dye it back to same color as my natural hair color. God know how much damage I've done to my hair. lol.
Well i had blonde highlights in my hair for awhile but i stopped last winter cuz it was pain in the azz to keep it up and costs toooo much money now..$65 to $75 a pop!..it has gone up so i quit and so now my hair is back to my natural color which is medium brown and my hubby loves it! he told me just leave like it is..natural color..heh!
Oh it is shoulder length too.....
Oceanbreeze said:

Locks of Love is a really worth organization!

YES it is a very worthy organization!!!

my hair right now is brown with some grey here n there and have some natural reddish tints that are visable under the sunlight -- im attempting to grow it back out so i can also donate it to Locks of Love organization as well -- its still short at the neckbase length -- i just hope that i have the patience enough to let it grow out without giving up and having my hair cut short again LOL
Yes, I plan to donate my hair to Locks of Love in 2005. Right now, my hair is about 9 inches. Planning to buzz my hair before donate it to that orgaization. Cannot wait!

My hair is mixing with blond. light brown, dark brown, red (not alot), and gray hair. Haven't dye my hair for years. Not even remmy my last time. opps!
yea i did it last june for lock of love.. smile.. i had dark plum n light blond front ;)
well when i get my hair go to my natural brown and i would dye to blonde and i know i am :crazy: but but at the least i am looking good with blonde pfft anyway check it out on the pic..
that's my natural one

umm i know this is a BAD pic but get a idea of my hair ok?!?! hehe

Anywayz enjoy the pic ;)
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258 - I had my long tresses cut last month -- it's now shoulder length rather than waist length that I had. ;)
I wanted to dye it loud purple, but nahh...I reckon I'm too old for that! :lol: Natural colour's dark black/brown.
:o not gonna reveal my hair color :o but my natural color is brown or light brown heh :D
I was a natural born blonde. But for this winter, I went brunette. Now it is starting to fade showing my blonde locks now. :)

I did dye my hair in purple! Also had fuchsia and blue streaks.
So PurpleRose1971: you're never too old to go purple haired! :lol:
I have high light color camel. I had my hair color brown for years. I become tired of it. I had it dye last week. I look good with color camel on my hair.
I heard that you can't donate your hair to Locks of Love if you dyed your hair. It must be natural hair to donate?
Roam4Life said:
I heard that you can't donate your hair to Locks of Love if you dyed your hair. It must be natural hair to donate?
never hear that.. cuz of i had dyed my hair blonde and cutted my hair long and gave locks of love last june.. still accpet dyed or natural anyway..