I need to finish writing my email to my family/friends that, due to changes with my hearing (both with loss and sensitivity), I've decided that I cannot and will not be using hearing aids, I will no longer be using voice, I've already gotten rid ofmy voice plan for my cell phone, but I will only use text, email, signing on VP when caller can sign, and signing with VRS when the caller speaks (have unlimited texting and a nice data plan for email, VP, VRS). I will encourage them to learn ASL, otherwise they can use text, email, VRS. I will make it absolutely clear, no beating around the bush in any way, like saying "oh, I've been thinking that maybe I will use something like signing through a relay service sometime down the line due to some challenges with hearing on the phone." That would give them an impression that it is not a big deal, I haven't decided to use that, I haven't thought of any specific alternatives I want, my problem isn't bad, and my problem may not be bad until somewhere far down the line (like several decades). Instead I would use something more like "I've decided that, due to my drop in hearing, drop in speech recognition, and severe sensitivity to sounds as simple as conversations sounds, I cannot comprehend what you try to say on the phone and am not comfortable with hearing. While I really love having conversations with you and love to learn what you have to say, due to those complications, I will not be using the phone for voice calls, but I give you the option of texting me, emailing me (I can access email on my phone), or calling my VRS number. The VRS is video relay service where an professional interpreter will sign to me what you say and say to you what I sign. Please understand that while I love hearing your voice and I imagine you love hearing mine, that is not possible with the VRS, but it will help with quick and smooth communication where me listening and speaking on the phone will not. If you like, you can ASL too and then we can both use video calls and rather than hearing my voice and vice versa, we will get the pleasure of seeing each other." You can use some or all of that (whatever applies), or even change it up a bit, if it will help with communicating with your family. Sometimes you have to be clear, blunt, and firm. I hope it gets better for you soon.