What type of torrnet software do you use?

Usually discussions like this get locked on major forums for your personal safety. Because each time you're posting (if you're not using a proxy) your address is getting logged down. I doubt the admin would work with the MPAA/RIAA/FBI etc, but if they issued him a court ordered statement to turn the logs over, you guys in the USA are in trouble. Not likely gonna happen but yeah always a chance.

I suppose that would happen if people are confessing to what they are downloading. The torrent softwares themselves are not illegal. However, if you are using it to download copyrighted materials without authorization, that's when it becomes illegal. It'll be stupid to sue someone if they aren't doing anything illegal to start with though.

I like to download movies that are in the public domains once in a while. You can even watch some on Google Video and YouTube. I believe they have "It's a Wonderful Life" on Google Video and it's closed captioned too.

Public domains. Perfectly legal and free. Just as it is perfectly legal to watch TV shows for free. OTA antennas, you know. :)

Some ISP will throttle your connection and you will get warn via email that ISP sent to you if you are caught for download the copyrighted materials. ISP could suspend your account from using internet if you continue to do.

Some of them do report to RIAA, MPAA, etc.
He does.

( I think hes trying to say he do h ave money to purchase the software, instead of download them illegally.)

Sound like he think torrent is for illegally software only then he buy all software.

The torrent is everything as video, share media files, open source (free software), movie from other country (legal), etc. You get a idea.
What you talk about?

Do you know what torrent is?
Read this post by Lauren.
He does.

( I think hes trying to say he do h ave money to purchase the software, instead of download them illegally.)
Sound like he think torrent is for illegally software only then he buy all software.

The torrent is everything as video, share media files, open source (free software), movie from other country (legal), etc. You get a idea.
:roll: You fail to pick up on hidden meanings about 99.141592653589793238462643383279502% of the times.

I KNOW what torrents are. I just prefer to get my files from direct sources not alternative sources. If I ever wanted to watch a movie, I'll go and rent a DVD and watch it on my plasma screen. If I wanted open source files I will go to the website of the person who made it and download it there. If I wanted to watch movies from other countries I will go there personally.
I do not want to worry about the security issues that are associated with torrent use.

I use my computers to deal with people's websites and their personal information. I refuse to risk that at any costs.
Oh and there was something special about that number i threw in there, but I am sure you will never get it, like always.
Read this post by Lauren.


:roll: You fail to pick up on hidden meanings about 99.141592653589793238462643383279502% of the times.

I KNOW what torrents are. I just prefer to get my files from direct sources not alternative sources. If I ever wanted to watch a movie, I'll go and rent a DVD and watch it on my plasma screen. If I wanted open source files I will go to the website of the person who made it and download it there. If I wanted to watch movies from other countries I will go there personally.
I do not want to worry about the security issues that are associated with torrent use.

I use my computers to deal with people's websites and their personal information. I refuse to risk that at any costs.

that's a smart move.
Read this post by Lauren.


:roll: You fail to pick up on hidden meanings about 99.141592653589793238462643383279502% of the times.

I KNOW what torrents are. I just prefer to get my files from direct sources not alternative sources. If I ever wanted to watch a movie, I'll go and rent a DVD and watch it on my plasma screen. If I wanted open source files I will go to the website of the person who made it and download it there. If I wanted to watch movies from other countries I will go there personally.
I do not want to worry about the security issues that are associated with torrent use.

I use my computers to deal with people's websites and their personal information. I refuse to risk that at any costs.

I KNOW what torrents are.


I'll go and rent a DVD and watch it on my plasma screen.

Again, you can't buy a dvd from some countries since they are not for sale in USA. What do with plasma screen? Oh right, You thought I use torrent to watch video on laptop/computer? Never heard of media center?

If I wanted to watch movies from other countries I will go there personally.
Why waste of flight ticket to other countries for just buy a dvd as personally?

I do not want to worry about the security issues that are associated with torrent use.

That's why I won't use torrent on Windows O/S. Why you worry about security if you use Linux?
Again, you can't buy a dvd from some countries since they are not for sale in USA.
nowhere in his post said anything about buying dvd from other country.

What do with plasma screen? Oh right, You thought I use torrent to watch video on laptop/computer?
He thought nothing. He only thinks about himself and himself.

Never heard of media center?
Knowing him... he's not interested in what you heard of.

Why waste of flight ticket to other countries for just buy a dvd as personally?
cuz he can! why? cuz he's PFH! The Most Disgusting Man! :ugh: and... he said he will fly there to watch movie... not buy dvd. why? cuz it's f'ing awesome. I would too. you should try it too :aw:

That's why I won't use torrent on Windows O/S. Why you worry about security if you use Linux?
security...... as in FBI and MPAA/RIAA goonie squads on your arse. Does not matter if you're using Mac OS X or Ubuntu or Kevin Mitnick's computer... you will get caught.
security...... as in FBI and MPAA/RIAA goonie squads on your arse. Does not matter if you're using Mac OS X or Ubuntu or Kevin Mitnick's computer... you will get caught.

I guess you don't know what is FBI and MPAA,RIAA.

In fact, they dont give a fuck if I download from other countries. :roll:

Yes, It's do matter of OS for type of virus. Windows is high risk of famous .exe virus attack. I will get caught as what? Only idiot people who download from USA's distribution movie or illegal movie.
Why do you have a problem with me not using torrents? I don't have a problem with you using torrents.

Again, you can't buy a dvd from some countries since they are not for sale in USA. What do with plasma screen? Oh right, You thought I use torrent to watch video on laptop/computer? Never heard of media center?
Sure, you can buy them. :) Internet's a powerful tool.
BTW: A look into the lifestyle of PFH;
I do not watch movies much at all. I don't even know famous people names, i do not even know what movies are out there as of now.

What I do with my Plasma TV? It collects dust, I rarely use it.

I also have NO Idea what you use torrents for. Nor do I care.
Why waste of flight ticket to other countries for just buy a dvd as personally?
Because of the reasons I listed above: I do not watch movies much at all at home. So practically the only way I will watch movies from other countries is if I go there.

Last time I saw a movie from another country, the pussies and the cock were blurred out. Damn the japs. I'll go there and watch the action. Much better, eh?

And its funny you say "Why waste tickets to other countries instead of buying a DVD".... in the first sentence you said "You can't buy dvds from other countries" Which one is it? ;) :wave:
That's why I won't use torrent on Windows O/S. Why you worry about security if you use Linux?

Because I also use Windows. :)
You see: I buy my shit, so its all legal. I didn't even know how to use a torrent until like 6 months ago - seriously.
And I included "Open Source Programs" Usually you don't need torrents for that shit. All open source is readily available on the internet for download and usually is faster than torrents. If it is not on the internet, i simply type sudo apt-cache search and usually find what I need.

For file sharing I either host it on my servers that I have or put it on yousendit.com.

So, if I don't watch much movies, buy my shit - why do I need torrents? If there is a chance of risk, I am actually better off doing what I am now.
nowhere in his post said anything about buying dvd from other country.
He thought nothing. He only thinks about himself and himself.
Factual. I dont give a damn about what anyone else does.
Knowing him... he's not interested in what you heard of.
Factual. Anyone can do whatever they please. I strongly encourage this because if everyone does whatever to make them happy, we've a better place to live in.
cuz he can! why? cuz he's PFH! The Most Disgusting Man! :ugh: and... he said he will fly there to watch movie... not buy dvd. why? cuz it's f'ing awesome. I would too. you should try it too :aw:
That too. Or it just happens that I can't buy a dang dvd... so what else can i do.. Go there, absorb the experience. You only live once.
security...... as in FBI and MPAA/RIAA goonie squads on your arse. Does not matter if you're using Mac OS X or Ubuntu or Kevin Mitnick's computer... you will get caught.
Yep, it's getting unreal these days. You can thank President Bush for that. Dang Homeland Security. :)