what kind of hearing loss you have?


New Member
Sep 25, 2005
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what kind of hearing loss you have?

i have a hearing loss that is i think 45 db loss , i have a mild to moderate hearing loss i think and it is a senseneural hearing loss.

do you have a cochlear implant or hearing aid?
i have a hearing aid just for my left ear and i don't wear ahearing aid for my right ear because i was told that i don't have enough hearing loss to get a hearing aid for my right ear. :gpost: :hug: :deaf: :deaf: :P :ty: :sure: :Owned: :lol:
I have moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears. I don't wear a HA or a CI I'm trying to get funding right now to get a HA. My insurance won't cover them
A slope hearing loss of the sensorineural variety.

From 20 - 1500 Hz, good hearing.
From 2 - 3 kHz, moderate (40 dB) hearing loss.
From 4 - 8 kHz, severe (70 dB) hearing loss.
From 12 - 20 kHz, profound (90 - 100 dB) hearing loss.

Speech generally occurs between 300 and 3000 Hz, for reference.
I have a profound hearing loss and been wearing a CI (Nuclear 24) since 2002.

500 Hz: 90dB
1000 Hz: 110 dB
2000 Hz: 120 dB
Alisteal said:
I have moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears. I don't wear a HA or a CI I'm trying to get funding right now to get a HA. My insurance won't cover them
u can try vochical rehabilation (sp?) they provide free hearing aids..

i dunno my loss :dunno: :P
Before I had gotten my CI (Freedom - March '05), I was declared "legally" deaf with at least 85% loss in both ears. I always had used a HA for my right ear and I never had one for my left ear (no hearing to speak of). Now, I just have a CI for my right ear.
I have 47 db loss in my right ear so it is moderate then..

then 95 db loss in my left ear so it is profound.
deafJar said:
what kind of hearing loss you have?

i have a hearing loss that is i think 45 db loss , i have a mild to moderate hearing loss i think and it is a senseneural hearing loss.

do you have a cochlear implant or hearing aid?
i have a hearing aid just for my left ear and i don't wear ahearing aid for my right ear because i was told that i don't have enough hearing loss to get a hearing aid for my right ear. :gpost: :hug: :deaf: :deaf: :P :ty: :sure: :Owned: :lol:

Before my CI, I had bilateral sensorineural severe-profound hearing loss. My CI has been activated for about 9 months and I now hear at 20 dB across all frequencies.

I've worn BTE hearing aids for the past 20 years.
I wore hearing aids from 18 months old and onwards...with the exception of approximately 7 years when I went without hearing aids. I got implanted with a CI 4.5 years ago in my right ear. I recently finally obtained a hearing aid for my left last week. I couldn't afford new hearing aids in Australia, so hence the 7 years of no hearing aid usage.
Vocational Rehabilitation paid for the hearing aid and Medi-Cal paid for the 3G Sprit BTE (CI). Nice, hey? :)
im in the severe to profound sensorineural loss -- i use HA in my left ear only when i feel like it :lol:
71 dB HL ~ myself
moderate to severe loss

littlest one (3 yrs)
71 dB HL
moderate to severe hearing loss

middlest one (5 years)
70 dB HL
moderate to severe hearing loss

All of us wear hearing aids :applause:
I have mild bilateral hearing loss and wear hearing aids in both ears. I can't hear mobile phone ringtones, and my own HAs whistling (even if they are in my ears), due to the fact that I have 90db loss in the left, 45dB loss in the right for high frequencies. According to the Teacher for the Deaf I go to, HAs whistling is meant to drive people nuts, yet it has no effect on me whatsoever.
I have severe hearing loss in my left ear... 86 DBL
I have profound to severe hearing loss in my right ear... 95 DBL
I've got severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss myself. HA were total useless to me because the sound was all the same to me and it drove me nuts. I could only identify two rhymic sounds out of my left ear with some dog barking and a person clapping by using my common sense ha. CI would be no good if I ever decided to get one because it would be overwhelming for me. I, although, support others who had some hearing and understood sounds to get CI if they wish. I'm just happy as I am today! Woot!