What is Your Pet Peeve?

exactly. then again, if the anethesia used during cts surgery is local, perhaps it won't cause a severe manic episode. i'll have to talk to my psychiatrist about that.

Good luck, Hear Again. I just hope you can be out of pain.
what happens in cts surgery? do they remove something? will you lose some movement?

yes. i will be unable to use my left hand for several months following surgery and will need physical therapy to learn how to use and strengthen it again.

there are two types of cts surgery: open release and endoscopic.

open release surgery involves cutting the carpal ligament which releases pressure on one of the nerves in the hand (called the median nerve) thereby relieving the symptoms of cts.

endoscopic surgery involves the same procedure as open release surgery except that it is minimally invasive and involves a smaller incision.
<excellent posting> Ageism and ablism need to start getting the visibility that racism and sexism have. I'm making a site on ageism and collecting personal stories. If you're interested, send me a PM. <smile>

Thanks. I'll send you another PM about it now.