"What is The Meaning or Reason Behind Your Alldeaf name"

My screen name came from a username that I had used on other forums that I no longer frequent. Dixie is in honor of a Yellow lab I once had.
what the fudge!? :mad2:

Autogyro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:Bensengyrocopter001.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the pic looks just like the one my dad flew all the time, when i get the pic albums out i will post them of us building it together in our basement. the seat was actually the gas tank and he would take off and land on the road in front of our house, I would stand at one end and my mom would stand at the other and we would stop cars till he got off the ground, he was nuts but we all had fun!

and also: my sn is simple my name Steph and our wedding date september 7th of 2000, kinda korny i know...lol. and jiro is still a whirly!
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Autogyro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:Bensengyrocopter001.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the pic looks just like the one my dad flew all the time, when i get the pic albums out i will post them of us building it together in our basement. the seat was actually the gas tank and he would take off and land on the road in front of our house, I would stand at one end and my mom would stand at the other and we would stop cars till he got off the ground, he was nuts but we all had fun!

and also: my sn is simple my name Steph and our wedding date september 7th of 2000, kinda korny i know...lol. and jiro is still a whirly!

lol!! now I understand. :ty: for explanation.
I too, lack imagination. My given name is Jennifer Lynn. I go by Jenne, and added the "e" to Lynne for asthetics.
I am using my initials - mind you - It does not stand for the popular moniker given to idiots, though I can be one if necessary. LOL
Had a lot of names in my life, including pen names (some of which I have forgotten) and two sign names: One when I was a kid and one when I rode my scoot (motorcycle).

My first name is way too common so I'm often called Berry, short for Berryman.

On some forums I have tended to hide who I am and where I am from, but decided not to do that here.
I love this telly show called "Keeping Up Appearances" and Mrs Bucket ["It Mrs.Boouuquuettt"] is a hilarious woman. I feel so sorry for Mr Bucket.

I hope for an episode when Mrs Bucket learns that her dear Sheridan's Tarquin isn't just his friend!! :giggle:
I picked my name because it was who I was when I was an online gamer years ago.

While playing games, I was always causing a lot of bloody carnage and was always using a flamethrower or causing fire everywhere I went.

Someone asked me, "Gee... what are you? A crazy vampire pyromaniac?"

... and my name was born!





That's me! ;)
I use this name everywhere ... XD this or another variant of it ... its either: shygirl1999 or a_shy_girl_1999 XD ...

... erm .. I'm shy and I'm a girl? XD ... numbers .. I have no clue why I picked them anymore (I forgot) ... the numbers are just there now XD ...
Shel is short for Shelly and 90 was the year I graduated from high school and free to take full control of my life. :)
My sn Koala is easy. It's from an aussie animal and I am an aussie too. ;)
My username is Chevy57. That s 1957 Chevrolet. I favor old classic 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air. I had rode my folks' 57 Chevrolet station wagon since I was kid.
My username is Chevy57. That s 1957 Chevrolet. I favor old classic 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air. I had rode my folks' 57 Chevrolet station wagon since I was kid.

now thats a classic! one of my dream cars! a 1957 chevy Bel Air hard top! i used to put models of them together as a kid. did several of them.
my username ncff07 stands for North Carolina Fire Fighter and the 07 is the last 2 numbers of my old department radio number.