What Is the Big Deal With Gay Marriage?

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It's very sad to see our government cave into political pressure rather than stand for what's right. It's more evidence of the direction in which our country is going.

I'd prefer that they didn't "marry" at all.

If they want to make legally binding civil agreements for financial and medical reasons, that's fine. Just don't call it the marriage of a husband and wife.

I respect your religious reason but about that government part - hmmmm.... but doesn't that defeat the purpose of "Separation of Church and State"?
Is that why you got divorced? I'm just trying to figure out what point you are trying to make by bringing slavery and such into a discussion on gay marraige.

Meh, it's not about me.....everyone has a right to their opinion and vote.

You have a vote too and the right to campaign for your belief on this as well

Yes I do. But I am still very unclear as to your reasoning regarding the opposition you have to gay marriage. You have yet to show me any single way it will have a negative impact on you or your life choices at all.
I'd prefer that they didn't "marry" at all.

If they want to make legally binding civil agreements for financial and medical reasons, that's fine. Just don't call it the marriage of a husband and wife.

name ONE impact on YOUR life my gay brother marry his boyfriend have on your life, only one.
Yes I do. But I am still very unclear as to your reasoning regarding the opposition you have to gay marriage. You have yet to show me any single way it will have a negative impact on you or your life choices at all.

I don't believe I have expressed an opposition to gay marriage. I expressed an opposition to government approved marriage.

The verse I posted earlier in this thread was in reference to the new teaching.....not gay marriage itself. Personally I tend to use the Bible's teachings for me and not beat other people with it. And like most people who judge themselves by Biblical standards I recognize my failures and shortcomings. I don't think it is a good thing to twist the teachings to justify behavior and THAT was my point in the previous post.

While you are absolutely right that government should not be ruled by the Bible so to speak.....It is also true that our government is ruled by it's citizens and those citizens have a right to vote with their beliefs.
I don't believe I have expressed an opposition to gay marriage. I expressed an opposition to government approved marriage.

The verse I posted earlier in this thread was in reference to the new teaching.....not gay marriage itself. Personally I tend to use the Bible's teachings for me and not beat other people with it. And like most people who judge themselves by Biblical standards I recognize my failures and shortcomings. I don't think it is a good thing to twist the teachings to justify behavior and THAT was my point in the previous post.

While you are absolutely right that government should not be ruled by the Bible so to speak.....It is also true that our government is ruled by it's citizens and those citizens have a right to vote with their beliefs.

Right. One vote per person. But my point is that gay marriage, as a legal contract just the same way as it is for a heterosexual couple, has no impact on anyone else's ability to make their choices regarding their beliefs. If gay marriage somehow infringed on anyone else's right to practice their personal beliefs, then that would be another thing. But the fact is, it doesn't. So the opposition is nothing more than an attempt to place a moral judgement and sanction on someone with whom you disagree. And it appears to be hidden behind some religious righteousness.
The question is, why don't you want them passed? Is it because of negative legal implications? Or is it just because you think it is your duty to dictate the rights of others based on your religious beliefs?
I believe it's my duty to vote my conscience. It would be hypocritical of me to vote to pass a law that would support a behavior that I believe to be a sin.

Don't you also vote your conscience?

Where do you get the religious justification for denying a population rights just because you don't endorse their choice of partner per your religious beliefs?
This is marriage:

Genesis 2:24
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Matthew 19:4-5
"And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?"

Mark 10:6-8
"But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh."

Ephesians 5:31
"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh."

I just don't get the fundamental judgement in using one's personal beliefs to attempt to dictate to others what their beliefs or their legal rights as a productive citizen in this country should be.
First of all, I don't attempt to dictate anyone's beliefs.

Secondly, I don't attempt to dictate legal rights; I vote just like all American citizens 18 years and older are allowed to do.

Don't you follow your personal beliefs when you vote?

In fact, I believe there was a person named Jesus who cautioned against that very practice.:dunno2:
No, Jesus never accepted the sin of homosexuality. Jesus never told his followers that they shouldn't participate in their country's government processes. He encouraged them to be good citizens.
Right. One vote per person. But my point is that gay marriage, as a legal contract just the same way as it is for a heterosexual couple, has no impact on anyone else's ability to make their choices regarding their beliefs. If gay marriage somehow infringed on anyone else's right to practice their personal beliefs, then that would be another thing. But the fact is, it doesn't. So the opposition is nothing more than an attempt to place a moral judgement and sanction on someone with whom you disagree.

And the great thing about America is people are entitled to either opinion.
And the great thing about America is people are entitled to either opinion.

I'm glad that our laws are created based on logic, not opinions otherwise we'd be stuck in time where slavery exists, no women's rights, etc.
Problem with use Bible justify argument is many will argue Bible written by people long past. No proof Bible word of "God" and not John Doe, so how can use as fact?
And Reba, I really would like know even one way Leaf & James' marriage impact you.
I'm glad that our laws are created based on logic, not opinions otherwise we'd be stuck in time where slavery exists, no women's rights, etc.

Actually those things were done away with by amendments which were voted on by congress who was elected by the people. So....
And Reba, I really would like know even one way Leaf & James' marriage impact you.
I have no idea who Leaf and James are.

This thread is not about naming people. It's about why people are against same-sex marriage.

Making same-sex marriages legitimate impacts me by making yet more sin sanctioned by government and society. That impacts my country and society, and not in a good way. It makes people comfortable with sin. It brings the world closer to the end times.
Leaf my brother. James his fiancé.

That last paragraph...you say this serious...? Or tongue-in-cheek?

With so much hatred, pain, ugliness in world...WHY we want say any love bad? Would not Christian thing be embrace love, any form? Admit not Christian, but I always think this point of having God...for love. No?
Reba, regarding your comment about the world being "closer to its ending times," really?

I'm still not buying any of that BS about the world ending.

Take into account Jehovah's Witnesses, for example.

JWs, according to their history, sent out brochures about the world ending in 1890, then 1945, then 1975, then 1990, then twice this year (May 21st and Oct 21st - o.O) and will be in Dec 2012. You want a source?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp563r9Xy6I]former jehovah's witness - YouTube[/ame]

Guess what? NOTHING HAPPENED! It's exactly why the Bible and religions are being ridculed - for inaccurate predictions.

And btw, I'm all up for gay marriage being legal - take the European Union, for instance. They are literally LIGHT YEARS ahead of the US when it comes to marriage equality that it's not even funny.
Reba, regarding your comment about the world being "closer to its ending times," really?

I'm still not buying any of that BS about the world ending.

Take into account Jehovah's Witnesses, for example.

JWs, according to their history, sent out brochures about the world ending in 1890, then 1945, then 1975, then 1990, then twice this year (May 21st and Oct 21st - o.O) and will be in Dec 2012. You want a source?

former jehovah's witness - YouTube

Guess what? NOTHING HAPPENED! It's exactly why the Bible and religions are being ridculed - for inaccurate predictions.

And btw, I'm all up for gay marriage being legal - take the European Union, for instance. They are literally LIGHT YEARS ahead of the US when it comes to marriage equality that it's not even funny.

You shouldn't just lump all the Christians in one group. Jehovahs witnesses are actually not considered a denomination of the Christian movement/church, they are actually considered operating on some of their own accord and methods. Same goes for the Latter Day Saints.

It's kinda like saying ASL and SEE are the same group of people who share same same signs and cultures but it's actually not the same. Then you have something like cued speech where someone is deciding how this is better, but not everyone agrees with them.
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