What does the Bible say about dinosaurs?

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The Bible speaks of cows, horses, donkeys, pigs, birds, etc... scientists find dinosaurs and other creatures that lived way before the time of the Bible. What's up with that?
Dinosaurs lived since the same time as the cows, horses, donkeys, pigs, birds, etc. They died out. Some other animals have died out also. At the time when Job's book of the Bible was written, people were still familiar with the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs lived during the beginning times that Moses wrote about.

If we were to try and argue that the Bible was true, then it would be more appropriate to say that if we eliminated any reference to God... then the rest of the Bible would be true.
Without God there would be no Bible and no reason for a Bible because there would be no people or universe.

So, our Bible is probably 1% complete. There's probably so much more that we will never know because Christianity is biased against the facts and truth.
"Our" Bible?
It was 2 years old.

ADers and I debated over dinosaurs and the bible. I have to accept both sides when I personally disagree that dinsoaurs were existed during Eve & Adam's creation.

I was raised to beleive that dinsoaurs were existed before Eve & Adam's creation until I learn things from AD Forum. I created few threads about dinosaurs and learn about them but I still agree/disagree part of those websites.

Have to agree with you and Vamp.
We all know that Dinosaurs existed millions years ago before man. The Bible doesn't mention them by name but they would have been included in Genesis 1:24, "And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so." [Genesis 1:24] Yes, God did create them as far as we know, since we have their fossils.

But they don't mentions dinosaurs. Only mentioned like cow, pigs livestocks that it. Not dinosaurs. The oldest known hominid, or humanlike species, has been dated at 4.4 million years old. Another species, which is yet to be confirmed as a hominid, has been dated at 6 million years old. Scientists estimate that the hominid lineage diverged from the ape lineage 5 to 8 million years ago. Homo sapiens, the species to which we belong, has existed for about 100,000 years. So it possible that apeman evolution turn to be human man. But no one knows for sure how long does evolution takes. But today world teachology helps proves that.
We all know that Dinosaurs existed millions years ago before man.
No, "we" don't.

The Bible doesn't mention them by name but they would have been included in Genesis 1:24, "And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so." [Genesis 1:24] Yes, God did create them as far as we know, since we have their fossils.

But they don't mentions dinosaurs. Only mentioned like cow, pigs livestocks that it. Not dinosaurs.
Genesis didn't mention lions, and tigers, and bears, oh, my. Hmm, no racoons, no possums, no civets, no turtles, no Geico lizards, no squirrels, no jellyfish, no squids, etc. I guess they didn't exist?
No, "we" don't.

Genesis didn't mention lions, and tigers, and bears, oh, my. Hmm, no racoons, no possums, no civets, no turtles, no Geico lizards, no squirrels, no jellyfish, no squids, etc. I guess they didn't exist?

Bible didn't mention about world is around, planets, or Sun is center of solar system. What's ur point?
Bible didn't mention about world is around, planets, or Sun is center of solar system. What's ur point?
I was replying to GTM's statement that dinosaurs weren't mentioned in the Genesis so they didn't exist at that time. Lots of critters weren't mentioned by specific name, not just the dinosaurs (which is a modern name anyway). That doesn't mean that they didn't exist.
Dinosaurs lived since the same time as the cows, horses, donkeys, pigs, birds, etc. They died out. Some other animals have died out also. At the time when Job's book of the Bible was written, people were still familiar with the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs lived during the beginning times that Moses wrote about.

Can you please explain why all animals except dinosaurs still are exist at present time?

Of course all animals died out but they still breed more babies then died out then breed more babies..... to present time... Why not Dinosaurs?
Can you please explain why all animals except dinosaurs still are exist at present time?
They aren't. Millions of creatures have become extinct, and are still becoming extinct or close to extinction. Didn't you learn that in school?

Of course all animals died out but they still breed more babies then died out then breed more babies..... to present time... Why not Dinosaurs?
"Died out" means they became extinct. There are no more, zip, zero, nada. There are no babies because they are all dead. The passenger pigeon flies no more.

Here's a list of some recent ones:

List of extinct animals - Common Era extinctions

List of extinct animals - Europe

* List of extinct animals of Europe

See also:

* List of extinct animals of the British Isles
* List of extinct and endangered animals of Lithuania
* List of extinct animals of the Netherlands

List of extinct animals - North America

43 bird species, 39 mammal species are considered extinct in the USA.

* List of extinct animals of the United States

List of extinct animals - Central and South America

* Caribbean Monk Seal (1952)
* Falkland Island Fox (1876)

See also: List of extinct animals of Martinique and Guadeloupe

List of extinct animals - Africa

* Bluebuck, or Blue Antelope (1799)
* Quagga (1883)
* Cape Lion (1865)
* Atlas Bear (1844)
* Aepyornis
* St. Helena Earwig (1967, St. Helena)

* Broad-billed Parrot (1680)
* Dodo (1693)
* Mascarene Coot (1672)
* Mascarene Swan (1668)
* Mauritian Duck (1696}
* Mauritius Grey Parrot (1764)
* Mauritius Blue Pigeon
* Mauritius Night Heron (1693)
* Red Rail (1700)
* Rodrigues Owl (1726)
* Rodrigues Solitaire (1760s)
* Rodrigues Starling

See also: List of extinct animals of Réunion

List of extinct animals - Asia

* Ezo Wolf (1889)
* Honshu Wolf (1905)
* Schomburgk's Deer (1932)
* Bali Tiger (1945)
* Caspian Tiger (1980)
* Javan Tiger (1988)

List of extinct animals - Oceania

* See Extinct Australian animals

* Laysan Rail
* Moa-nalos
* Hawaii 'O'o, Moho nobilis
* Oahu 'O'o, Moho apicalis
* Molokai 'O'o, Moho bishopi
* Kauai 'O'o, Moho braccatus
* Akialoa, Hemignathus obscurus
* Ula-'ai-hawane, Ciridops anna
* Black Mamo, Drepanis funerea
* Hawaii Mamo, Drepanis pacifica
* Kakawahie, Paroreomyza flammea
* Kona Grosbeak, Psittirostra kona
* Lesser Koa-finch, Rhodacanthus flaviceps
* Greater Koa-finch, Rhodacanthus palmeri
* Greater Amakihi, Viridonia sagittirostris
* Po'o-uli, Melamprosops phaeosoma

Some of the more well known extinct animals are:

* Moa
* Harpagornis (Haast's Eagle)
* Stephens Island Wren
* Huia
* South Island Kokako
List of extinct animals: Encyclopedia II - List of extinct animals - Common Era extinctions
Reba is correct, God did not named each animals in the bible, just "living creatures"

On (Genesis 1:24-1:25)

"And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so."

"And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good"

And GarnetTigerMom- You stated that dinosaurs been around since million of years ago, that's information is according to evolutionists, and also stated no humans were around when dinosaurs lived.

And according to the bible, Dinosaurs first existed around 6,000 years ago., (Am I correct Reba?)

I believe the bible's account on dinosaurs. :)
Reba is correct, God did not named each animals in the bible, just "living creatures"

On (Genesis 1:24-1:25)

"And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so."

"And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good"

And GarnetTigerMom- You stated that dinosaurs been around since million of years ago, that's information is according to evolutionists, and also stated no humans were around when dinosaurs lived.

And according to the bible, Dinosaurs first existed around 6,000 years ago., (Am I correct Reba?)

I believe the bible's account on dinosaurs. :)

Actually I believe dinosaurs existed millions years ago or more, because scienceist discovered their fossoils. So can't deny that fact. But then everybody have their own feelings on this subject. You could be right that GOD did not named dinosaurs. But the bible did stated that when he put Adam here on this earth, he told Adam he can named every living creatures great big and small. So that means "Living creatures" not the dinosaurs. Then GOD gave him Eve so he could be with a female. So both dinosaurs and bibles are two tough subject to compare who is right or wrong. But I will say I believe both.
Actually I believe dinosaurs existed millions years ago or more, because scientist discovered their fossoils.

Yes so? How could they tell it's million of years ago? They guessed the years.
So that means "Living creatures" not the dinosaurs.

Living creatures could mean any animals including dinosaurs as well.

Many people think the bible is just a book about religion or salvation. It is much more than this. The bible is the history book of the Universe and tells us the future destiny of the universe as well. Does scientists tells us about our future destiny of the universe? Nope. If the bible is one big lie, Jesus wouldn't been planned, and Jesus did happened.

I believe the biblical view of history over evolution any day. God is the eyewitness, He sees the world, Scientists don't. :)
Yes so? How could they tell it's million of years ago? They guessed the years.

Living creatures could mean any animals including dinosaurs as well.

Many people think the bible is just a book about religion or salvation. It is much more than this. The bible is the history book of the Universe and tells us the future destiny of the universe as well. Does scientists tells us about our future destiny of the universe? Nope. If the bible is one big lie, Jesus wouldn't been planned, and Jesus did happened.

I believe the biblical view of history over evolution any day. God is the eyewitness, He sees the world, Scientists don't. :)

You forget that sciencesit have techology to find how how long ago their bone fossoils that they can study how long they existed on earth. I don't believe they just "guessed". I have to disagree with that. Since they have so much techologies now days to be more sure. Tsk. :)
You forget that sciencesit have techology to find how how long ago their bone fossoils that they can study how long they existed on earth. I don't believe they just "guessed". I have to disagree with that. Since they have so much techologies now days to be more sure. Tsk. :)

I somehow knew you were gonna say that. :lol: Sometimes scientists make mistakes in their studies that need correction. I cannot just take their word for it.

I've also read that some scientists disagrees with each others based on the years of fossils being recovered, because the bones they found looks fresh and it can't be millions of years old. There are arguments on both sides, so which one would you believe? :dunno:
I somehow knew you were gonna say that. :lol: Sometimes scientists make mistakes in their studies that need correction. I cannot just take their word for it.

I've also read that some scientists disagrees with each others based on the years of fossils being recovered, because the bones they found looks fresh and it can't be millions of years old. There are arguments on both sides, so which one would you believe? :dunno:

Well, anything is possible but one thing for sure that dinosaurs were the first one that roamed the earth for a long time. So I can't deny that fact in history. There are so many more type of dinosaurs bones being founds that are being study now. But that don't means I don't stop believing in GOD. :)
Well, anything is possible but one thing for sure that dinosaurs were the first one that roamed the earth for a long time. So I can't deny that fact in history. There are so many more type of dinosaurs bones being founds that are being study now. But that don't means I don't stop believing in GOD. :)

Actually geological evidence, (ignored by evolutionists) provides evidence that man and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time. Geological evidence also shows that earth is less than 10,000 years old. Carbon dating has been proven to be more and more inaccurate the further back in time they try to go, with the legs of a single mamouth dating at different time periods millions of years apart. Radio Pullonium Halos found in microscopic examinations of granite rock prove it had to be formed instantaneously, not cooled from magma over billions of years. There is much reading out there by scientists who are not Christians who get angry about evolution being presented as "the Truth" because the scientific evidence points away from it. If one is really interested in finding the truth I would suggest you read a book called, "Over 250 Lies In The Textbooks". Lies being perpetuated in the name of Science. I love true Science. Evolution is a State funded religion masquerading as Science. Remember that over 42% of Scientists do not believe in Evolution but in some form of Creation theory. That still leaves the majority believing in Evolution. Just like the majority of doctors at one time in the recent past refused to believe that germs caused illness and wouldn't wash their hands between patients, killing a lot of people with infection.
Can you please explain why all animals except dinosaurs still are exist at present time?

Of course all animals died out but they still breed more babies then died out then breed more babies..... to present time... Why not Dinosaurs?

They don't actually. Many thousands if not hundreds of thousands of species have gone extinct. Our poor planet not only has less plant life, less animal life, but we only have 60% of the oxygen that we used to have. There are two reasons for dinosaur extinction. There was approximately 5,000 years ago a great cataclysmic disruption, (high probability commit from space) That killed massive amounts of these large creatures outright. But there appears also that before this great disruption there was a canopy of water surrounding the entire planet, that protected us from the harmful rays of the sun. When this was destroyed and plant life was destroyed so massively due to a world wide flood caused by this disruption, the oxygen content droped tremendously as well as the atmospheric pressure. With out the atmospheric pressure these huge beasts were used to and the massive amounts of oxygen they could no longer thrive. Add to that the loss of vegetation there is a high probability they were killed for food. (hence dragon slayer stories)
No, "we" don't.

Genesis didn't mention lions, and tigers, and bears, oh, my. Hmm, no racoons, no possums, no civets, no turtles, no Geico lizards, no squirrels, no jellyfish, no squids, etc. I guess they didn't exist?

There is a "Leviathon" mentioned in the Bible.(a deep sea and giant creature)

The following has interesting info on this subject:

In the book of Job we see the word "Behemoth" being used to describe the largest of the animals God made.

The word "Behemoth" means "Giant, kingly beast".

As you will see, the Behemoth is clearly a dinosaur.

But why the funny name?
It is not unusual to see animals referred to with names we don't recognize. If you look in any Bible dictionary under animals, you will see lots of animals and their original Hebrew names. For example who would recognize the word "namer" as being the cheetah? Or "akbar" as being the mouse?

The translation of many animal names from Hebrew was quite easy. Scholars could look at the physical descriptions and apply the appropriate English name.
But when the translators came to the animal called "Behemoth" (described in Job chapter 40), they didn't know what animal it was because no living animal fit that description. So in the English bible, they kept this animal's original Hebrew name.

The word "Behemoth" is not a direct translation it is a transliteration. Which means that the original Hebrew letters were substituted with the equivalent English letters to enable us to pronounce it.

The translators did this because they did not know of any living animal that fit the description to directly translate the name with.

The obvious conclusion is that the Behemoth was either an unknown animal or an animal that had gone extinct. But it did not live millions of years ago, because Job saw one of these animals with his own eyes. God was not showing Job a vision. The behemoth was created "with" man. This enormous creature lived at the same time, and in the same region as Job

Also this description of a dinosaur from the book of JOB

"15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.

17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

19 He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.

20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.

21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.

22 The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.

23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.

24 He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares."
They aren't. Millions of creatures have become extinct, and are still becoming extinct or close to extinction. Didn't you learn that in school?

"Died out" means they became extinct. There are no more, zip, zero, nada. There are no babies because they are all dead. The passenger pigeon flies no more.

Here's a list of some recent ones:

List of extinct animals: Encyclopedia II - List of extinct animals - Common Era extinctions
If we found dinosaur fossils, we should also find horse, cow, pig, and other current animal fossils. Since we don't, then that would be because of evolution... with Earth being millions and millions of years old.
If we found dinosaur fossils, we should also find horse, cow, pig, and other current animal fossils. Since we don't, then that would be because of evolution... with Earth being millions and millions of years old.

That's an exactly what I questioned about...
They aren't. Millions of creatures have become extinct, and are still becoming extinct or close to extinction. Didn't you learn that in school?

Are you saying that I am stupid or what?

"Died out" means they became extinct. There are no more, zip, zero, nada. There are no babies because they are all dead. The passenger pigeon flies no more.

Here's a list of some recent ones:

List of extinct animals: Encyclopedia II - List of extinct animals - Common Era extinctions

Oh I got what "Died out" meaning the same as extinct because we don't use those word "Died out".

Anyway, those link you provided is not that what I want to question about. Vampy answered exactly.

Why ALL dinosaur types only - see those list of dinosaur types Dinosaur Types disappeared for good? Many fossils found everywhere in the world. Why only them?
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