What do you carry daily

If I forget to bring my batteries, I will not worry abt that cuz I have extra hearing aid as I still can hear surviving with one ear better than nothing. If it's both dead, then I will stop by store to get batteries right away. I always carry batteries n' pager with me everyday.
I carry two rechargeable DI Capo batteries. If I'm going somewhere overnight, I take a charger, and if I'm staying up past midnight, I pack more than two batteries.
i'm in school and have a "school kit" it has;
the non rechargeable battery in case my rechargeable fail.
Two packs of CI batteries and one pack of HA batteries.
My CI remote
MY CI remote belt clip for PE and Dance
My CI remote chain
My HA case/My CI case
The headphone cable
My reading glasses
A note pad and pen if all else fails
This is all stored in a safe that looks like a book. Want it