What did you learn today?

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its not sodium its MSF....

MSF = Motorcycle Safety Foundation :lol:

but yea - see souggy's post.
Wirelessly posted

KristinaB, that chicken dish sounds really good. Do share the receipe.

Okay - the soy/ginger/honey marinade/glaze is as follows:

For this glaze/marinade, I took a 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and minced it, put into a bowl with about 1/4 cup of soy sauce and 1/8 cup of honey. Added a little Mrs. Dash Table Blend and black pepper. Mixed well and poured it into the ziplock bag of boneless skinless chick breast tenderloins. It will work with pork and regular chicken pieces on the bone. Marinate for 15-20 minutes, then put into a skillet with a little olive oil. I also added thinly sliced onion.

I like to experiment a lot and almost never measure things out. just a little of this and a little of that, taste and move on.
LOL kristinab you should have posted it here instead of pming me but thanks! ;) I plan to do that next week after the crazy goin on first. :shock:
Wirelessly posted

Thanks KristinaB, I will print this and hope to cook this when school is done :)
I learned that if you have to pay tolls on the road, you need $1 or $5 bills, a $20 doesn't help. I had to push the button for help....

I didn't realize he was talking on the intercom and he wasn't too happy with me. All is well now. I paid my 70 cents and got 19, $1 bills back.

I've been to Intercourse (PA), but today I drove through Virginville (PA) - made me laugh
I learned that if you have to pay tolls on the road, you need $1 or $5 bills, a $20 doesn't help. I had to push the button for help....

I didn't realize he was talking on the intercom and he wasn't too happy with me. All is well now. I paid my 70 cents and got 19, $1 bills back.

I've been to Intercourse (PA), but today I drove through Virginville (PA) - made me laugh
I hate paying tolls with cash - that's why I got myself a electronic tag on my car to save me the hassle to find coins!
Thanks for the reminder paper clipper. Once I paid a $4 toll with quarters and dimes...
I learned how difficult it is to find a swiveling dvd tower rack that sells in Australia.
I learned that my 11 month old nephew will be having tubes put in his lil ears on tuesday at the same exact time I will be getting activated for my cochlear implant. I will be praying for the lil fella..
i learn that im one of the best beer pong gamer in the local.

I learnt that the centre of the body is fingers below the navel button, it is the core of the energy
I learned that if you have to pay tolls on the road, you need $1 or $5 bills, a $20 doesn't help. I had to push the button for help....

I didn't realize he was talking on the intercom and he wasn't too happy with me. All is well now. I paid my 70 cents and got 19, $1 bills back.

I've been to Intercourse (PA), but today I drove through Virginville (PA) - made me laugh

you should get an E-Z pass. it's free to order. sign up at http://www.e-zpassny.com
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

I learned that this summer is one of the wettest here in Iowa. Its probably me that brought rain from WA state. :lol:
I learned that my daughter is beginning to experience more hearing loss and she thought I would be mad. Not at all. Just concerned. Making appointment for a new audiogram to be done.
I learned that my daughter is beginning to experience more hearing loss and she thought I would be mad. Not at all. Just concerned. Making appointment for a new audiogram to be done.

Awww bless her heart that she thought you would be *mad* at her... :( :(
Awww bless her heart that she thought you would be *mad* at her... :( :(

She listens to her MP3 player too loud and thought she did it to herself. I reminded her that she does have sensorineural hearing loss. Both kids and I have that, but I had something else that eventually caused me to lose all my hearing. The kids are slowly losing theirs. They are 15 & 16 and know what it will be like for them, having seen me go through it.
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